Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 16, 1981, Image 107
Elizabethtown FFA holds annual banquet ELIZABETHTOWN - Chapter members, parents and guests were told that they need to become good managers of their resources to participate in farming at the an nual awards banquet of the Elizabethtown FFA m the Middle School Cafeteria on Thursday, May 7. “Anything that you can use to become a success is a resource,” Dean Steinhart, assistant superintendent of the Elizabethtown School District, said. The school administrator, who is moving to the superintendent’s post in Northern Lebanon, pointed to the numerous rewards that had been given to the various chapter members at the banquet. “Always be concerned with rewards,” he said. “They can make the difference in the person who uses available resources to become a success.” The educator speculated that if the farm doesn’t lead the way, there is little hope for the nation’s economy. “Everything starts on the land,” he said. “Look at the resources available to you in the land, use them well and it will mean growth for the country. “Fanning is a very satisfying occupation. It’s one of the few left where you can see results. Nothing is better than being able to harvest ♦ t NORTHAMPTON FARM BUREAU CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION TATAMY, PA ♦ ★ : ♦ FEED, SEED CHEMICALS X X * X x LIME AND FERTILIZER ♦ ♦ CUSTOM APPLICATION ♦ ♦ ★ : X TEXACO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS X I x SIMPLICITY X LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT ♦ ♦ 1,»11, ,™/S! t | WIC MOTORIZED SILAGE WAGON WITH HYDROSTATIC SPEED CONTROL ★ Regular Feed Discharge or 40” High Feed Discharge ★ Electric or Gas Operated No Competitor Con Beat The Wic Choppers For Performance And Cost PAUL HORNING R.D. 1, Stevens, PA 17578 215-267-7208 the results of something you have grown.” In the awards portion of the program, Nelson Dohner was named Star Greenhand and Jay Garber was honored as Star Chapter Farmer. Other proficiency award winners were Randy Greenly, public speaking; Mike Shope, agricultural mechanics; Darrel Lehman, placement in agricultural production; and John Dohner, crop production. Greenhand Degrees were presented to Nelson Dohner, Tim Albright, Garry Hertz, Frank Miller, Ken Ruhl and Mike Shope. Chapter Degrees went to Art Reismger, Greg Querry; Steve Strickland; Joel Brandt; Dave Kauffman; Randy Greenly; John Dohner, Allen Geyer, Cyndie Retherford; Kevin Noll, Tracey Stowe and Ken Greenly. Honored as Red Rose Degree recipients were Darrel Lehman and Andy Brandt. Keystone Degree recipients Mel Hoffer and Steve Kauffman also were recognized. Other award recipients: Chapter Meat Contest - Cyndie Retherford, Jay Garber, Dave Kauffman, Tracey Stowe, Greg Querry, Mike Shope, Ken Greenly, Steve Strickland and Glenn Ellis. Scholarship Pins - Jay Garber, Randy Greenly, Kim Enkson, Don Garber and Steve Heisey. INSULATION t43P«nnmßtf Manhem.fA ' (717)665-4132 The NEW Hydra-static speed control gives you a choice of speeds from slow to fast. With a touch of the pedal the wagon moves forward or backward; release the pedal and it automatically brakes. You also have a regular feed discharge or a 40-inch high discharge from one or two sides. The WIC Silage Wagon is operated by gas or electric and available in 30-, 45- or 52-bushel sizes. With the 16-mch wheels it goes wherever you want to take it. ELECTRIC BEDDING CHOPPER Wic also makes an electric 200 volt a c chopper or a 24 volt d c battery operated chopper including an automatic charger These two models are equipped in the factory with a manual starter panel and are protected by fuses to diminish risk of * accidents Very quiet these bedding choppers are mostly used on small or medium sized farm As well as being mobile the 220 volt a c model can be installed stationary Motor 220 volt a c 3 h p 24 volt d c 21/2 h p Among the top award winners at the annual Farmer. Numerous x awai - were banquet of the Elizabethtown FFA Chapter presented to chapter members for their held Thursday, May 7, in the Middle School proficiency in specific areas of agriculture and cafeteria were Nelson Oohner, left, Star their outstanding activities during the past Greenhand; and Jay Garber, Star Chapter year. Chapter Public Speaking - Randy Greenly, John Dohner, Allen Geyer, Dave Kauffman and Ken Greenly. DeKalb Achievement AWard - Jay Garber. Chapter Poultry Contest - Frank Miller, Dave Kauffman, Jay Garber, John Amsbaugh, Ken Greenly, Nelson Dohner, Randy Greenly, Darrel Lehman, Kevin Noll and Andy Brandt. Chapter Agronomy Contest - Tracey Stowe, Randy Greenly, Jay Garber, Kevin Noll, Ken Greenly, Darrel Lehman. Mike Shope, John LONG JOHN BALMER Insulation For Lile Of Structure • Fully Insured • Free Estimates We Can Do The Job Non* A GREAT IMPROVEMENT ON EFFICIENCY DISTRIBUTORS- Dohner, John Amsbaugh and Andy Brandt. Chapter Dairy Products Contest - Randy Greenly, Tracey Stowe, Cyndie Retherford, Ken Greenly, Kevin Noll, Dave Kauffman, John Dohner, Tun .Albnght, Nelson Dohner and Ken Ruhl. Receiving the Lancaster County Bankers Association award as outstanding senior was Jay Garber. Md. Shorthorn unit elects FREDERICK, Md. Henry L. Dodrer Jr., of Littlestown, Pa., was elected president of the Maryland Shorthorn Association, Inc. at the group’s annual spring dinner meeting. Vice-president is Duane Harper, of Gaithersburg, Md. and secretary-treasurer is Wayne C. Neely, of Frederick, Md. Directors elected to three-year terms include Susan Eyler, of Mt. Airy, Md. and Edwin A. Hevner, of Union Bridge, Md., who was renamed. Directors of the Shorthorn Association continuing in office are Raymond D. Ediger, of Frederick, Md.; George W. Bowman, of West Friendship, Md.; Thomas E. GAS BEDDING CHOPPED The gas powered bedding chopper is the most popular on the market Its operation is simple and it handles easily Equipped with a Honda 4 stroke gas engine the Wic bedding chopper insures maximum out put while in use Motor 5 7 or 10 h p 4 stroke Honda Starter 5 tip manual and 7 and 10 h p manual or electric start JOHN R. NTSTRAND, JR. R.D. 2, Sugar Run, PA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 16,1M1—C19 The chapter presented cer tificates of appreciation to Tim Markovits, of Pioneer Seeds; George Carl, of Agway; and Dan Klemfelter, of IGA. Certificates expressing ap preciation for outstanding service to the chapter also were presented to Dean Stemhart and Clarence Heistand, who recently retired from the Elizabethtown School District. Smith, of Frederick; Harper and T. Courtnay Jenkins Jr., of Owings Mills, Md., the immediate past president. Officers elected by the Maryland Junior Shorthorn Association include Dennis Warfield, of Woodbine, Md.; Kristina Harper, of Gaithersburg, Md.; Stephen Dodrer, secretary-treasurer; and Susan Dodrer, public relations, both of Littlestown, Pa. Directors are David Bowman, and George Bowman, both of West Friendship, Md.; and David Dell, of Fmksburg, Md. Junior director on the Maryland Shorthorn Assn., Inc. Board is Warfield. Wic has perfected a three point hitch PTO chopper activated by the power of your tractor Easy to in stall, it is ideal for free-stalls, or in strawberry fields for mulching purposes POWER TAKE OFF ■COOING CHOPPER 717-746-1951