Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 16, 1981, Image 100
Cl2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Way 16,1981 si- x ' » - ■■■ v m # From colt * ave to mare ••• Turn colt into mare by changing only one letter at a time COLT to shed hair, feathers, shell, etc. periodically a congenital spot on the body opposite of male a fully-grown female horse »jeui atom Whu This week we have a, gooey, Melt caramels and 1/3 cup yummy, chocolatey recipe for you evaporated milk in double boiler, to try. Try it for supper tonight. Mix cake mix, butter, 1/3 cup milk - and nuts together. Put 1/2 of CARAMEL LAYER CHOCOLATE mixture 111 greased and floured SQUARES glass sheet pan. Reserve half for 1 bag of Kraft Caramels top. Bake at 375 degrees for 6 2/3 c. evaporated milk minutes. Remove from oven and 1 box of German chocolate cake spnnkle chocolate chips and miT caramel mixture on top of chips. 3/4 cup melted butter Crumble remaining dough on top. 1 cup chopped nuts Return to oven for 8 minutes. When 16 ounce bag of chocolate chips cool, cut into squares and serve. ' the litu rdplm ■) T PtKIK «. ORAMSE \ \VSN\3~ 2. REP 7- GREEK) /V \\ \/ 1STH)) 1 4 J. YfettOW 8. LTBRDWKI / / NA\ JVv '>{<•[ 1 4. PEACH 9. IT BUIE T 7 » Z?*—<SY Ji 1 J 5. SHOWN! 10. U.6R6EH J i _ f £OSE SfiHE ONE OF OUR » / . . Jj _ \ /OJCyv 'Lv L~X *—^fv FLOWER SHOPS HAVE Roses. A\ S \ A 7 \ THEYCAH BE RAISED STALL . )['&<&?A\ K7 V 7 V.T . I OF US IH OUR & ARDENS AND AV ) \ \ \ YARDS, THERE ARB MANY V \ \‘* 1 - 'J 3 I KIHDS PHD COLORS OF POSES * \ \ \KA J SORE CLIMB UP TRELLISES, - NNCr— —V JT X OVER PEHCES PHD WALLS. NL/ 7 /T*) ALL ROSES BELOH&7OTHE V\L?fZP' ' S rX~yi A FAMILY OF PLANTS CALLED _ IVf V * ST CV\ ■>. \) THE ROSE FAMILY. APPLES. 7\ f PEARS AND PEACHES BUMS Zr,Av; V 7 TOTHE FAMILY. / \VU"Uv^ Ride 'em cowboy Berks 4-H plans events The Berks 4-H Beef Club met recently at Carol and Michael Strause’s home in Hamburg. At the meeting, plans for the Spring Show were finalized. It will be held Saturday, May 23 at 10 a.m. at the Reading Fairgrounds Cattle Bam. After the show, all steers will be \ ( HOW DIO \ / \fW/ KHOW?) wormed and freeze-branded, implanted. The club president, Darlene Dietrich, told members about 4-H Leadership Congress to be held at Penn State University on June 22- June 25. She encouraged all members over 13 years of age to attend. Have you hugged Visitors at the Windemere (arm in Spring because a fully-grown horse is a pet you just Mills hugged this little colt as it slept. They don't thrpw your arms around, seem to agree that you better hug them now. After the meeting, there was a dipping demonstration by Michael Strause, and Kemanne Ranclc. The next regular meeting will be held on June 24. . " t'y ' * <■*%V your horse today? BALTIMORE, Md. - Thirty years ago a young man, fresh out of the University of Maryland with a degree in Agricultural Ex tension, joined the crew in the Extension Department of Baltimore County, Maryland as an Assistant County Agent for 4-H and youth. Now W. Max Bucket will round out his position as an Extension agent the end of June as he retires from the capacity of advising people of all ages in a county of nearly a million people. To honor Max and his wife. Bee, a retirement dinner will be given on Friday, June 26, in the new Exhibition Hall on the Maryland State Fairgrounds, Timonium, Maryland at 7 p.m. A donation of $l2 per person will cover the meal and the presentation of a gift. Friends and co-workers in Maryland and in neighboring states are invited to be a part of the termination of the career of the friend and advisor of many. William Max Bucket was bom in Bittinger, Garrett County, Maryland, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Buckel, one of eleven children. His introduction to 4-H began about 1936 at the age of 11 with projects in dairy and poultry. At the youthful age of 16, Max was graduated from High School. Following graduation he worked at a steel mill in Baltimore for three years until he was old enough to join the Navy where he served three years. In 1951 he graduated from the University of Maryland and that same year became an Assistant County Agent with the Baltimore County 4-H program. After a sabbatical at Michigan State University in 1958, he 0 3 iV. V 1/ '- 'iwx 'm $ ' Baltimore agent County retires resumed his duties in Baltimore County as Associate County Agent in Agriculture with a newly acquired masters degree in Agriculture Extension. That same July, he was named County Agent upon the retirement of Horace B. Derrick. Buckel was named Extension Supervisor for Western and Central Maryland Districts and was transferred to offices in College Park in 1964. He was welcomed back to Baltimore County with open arms in 1970 and assumed the position he had vacated in 1964. In 1974 he was named County Chairman of the Extension Service in the county, a position he holds to this day. Max and his wife, the former Bee Jones, are the parents of three daughters: Kendra (Mrs. John H. Wells), is an Extension Agent 4-H & Youth in Montgomery County; Kerry (Mrs. Brooke Greer) and Kristin, a student at the University of Maryland, College Park.