livestock market and auction news Central U.S. Carlot Wednesday, April 29 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:30 report: Choice 3 steer beef mostly steady. Heifer beef. Choice 4 and Good steer steady to 2.00 lower. Demand and trading light to moderate, supplies moderate. Bulk sales on a processor and chain store basis. The boxed beef carcass cutout value advanced $.15 to an estimated $109.80 per cwt. Sales reported on 80 loads of steer and heifer beef. STEER BEEF 62*6 Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3: 600-900 lbs. 106.00- 109.00, mostly steady, mstly 108- 109, some for wkend ship. Choice Upside Down 3: 600425 lbs. 103.00. Choice 4: 600-900 lbs. 96.00-98.00,. steady-2.00 lower. ChoiceS: 600-900 lbs. 93.00. Choice 2-3: 500-900 lbs. 99.00- 102.00, (Hols. type). Good 2-3: 600400 lbs. 103.00,1.00- 2.00 lower. Good 2-3:500-900 lbs. 95.00 (Hols, type). FOB Amarillo Basis Choice 2-3: 600-700 lbs. YG 3 107.50-108.50; YG 2109.00-110.00. HEIFER BEEF 17% Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3; 500-700 lbs. 103.00- 104.00, steady-2.00 lower. Choice 4: 500-800 lbs. 96.00-98.00, steady-2.00 lower. Choice 5:500-800 lbs. 93.00. Good 24: 500-700 lbs. 101.00- 102.00 r 1.00-2.00 lower. Cow beef 1.00 lower to West Coast. Demand and supplies light to moderate. COW BEEF 6 Loads FOB Omaha Basis UTLTY BRKG: 450/up lbs. 78.50 (West) 3-4. UTLTY BNG: 400/up lbs. 81.50 (West) 2-3. FOB Amarillo Basis UTLTY BRKG: 450/up lbs. 79.50 (West) 3-4. UTLTY BNG: 400/up lbs. 82.50 (West) 2-3. Attention Cage layer Operators MELHORN TRUCKING IS NOW EQUIPPED TO ★ LOAD ★ TRUCK * UNLOAD PULLETS WITH OUR NEW DOLLIE EQUIPMENT. 40 Donegal Springs Rd. Bulll: 500/up lbs. 95.50 (West). PRIMAL BEEF CUTS 6 Loads FOB Omaha Basis FORES: 130-210 lbs. 91.00. ARM CHUCKS ; 74-120 lbs. 87.00. ROUNDS (S): 65-93 lbs. 118.00. ROUNDS (H): 60-85 lbs. 118.00. SHORT PLATES: 55.00. ROUNDS (S): 130-170 lbs. 120.00 DIAMOND CUT. BONELESS PROCESSING BEEF/BEEF TRIMMINGS 54Ms Loads 75% chem lean fresh 93.00 early. 50% chem lean fresh 58.50-61.00. 92% chem lean fresh bull 130.00. FOB Amanllo Basis 50% chem lean fresh 58.50. 90% chem lean frozen 123.00. 75% chem lean frozen 94.00. Compared to Tuesday’s 2:30 report: Fresh pork loins 14-17 lbs. steady to 1.00 higher, 17-20 lbs. steady to 4.00 higher. Picnics 4-8 lbs. 1.00 higher. Boston butts .50- 2.00 higher. Spareribs firm. Fresh hams 17-20 lbs. uneven, mostly 1.00 lower; 26-30 lbs. Sdls bellies 12-16 lbs. 1.50 lower. Trading and demand moderate. Sales reported on 44 loads and 12% loads of trimmings and variety meat. LOINS: 14-17 lbs. 88.00 steady; 14-17 lbs. 88.50-89.00 next wk ship, .50-1.00 higher; 17-20 lbs. 84.75 clear channel, steady; 17-20 lbs. 85.00, 4.00 .higher; 20/up lbs. 76.25- 77.25 clear channel. PICNICS: 4-8 lbs. 48.00, 1.00 higher. BOSTON BUTTS: 4-8 lbs. 68.00, 1.00- higher; 8/up lbs. 69.50, .50 higher. SPARERIBS: 3-5 lbs. 93.25-96.50 frozen, firm. SKINNED HAMS: 17-20 lbs. 68.00- bulk 68.00, unevenly, mstly 1.00 lower; 26-30 lbs. 64.00, firm. BELLIES, SDLS; 12-14 lbs. 46.50, 1.50 lower; 14-16 lbs. 46.50, 1.50 lower; 20-25 lbs. 41.5<K SKINNED JOWLS: 34.00 frozen. CHITTERLINGS: 10 lb. box 33.00, transfer in storage. CHEEK MEAT: 84.00, frozen. FOR MINIMUM STRESS & TOP EFFICIENCY Let Us Be Of Service To You! For More Information Phone: 717-653-1102 or 717-653-2787 BULL BEEF ILoad FOB Omaha Basis VARIETY MEATS Monday - Friday 8 A.M.-4 P.M. Ask For Lynn BACKRIBS: 1-%-dn lbs. 175.00, frozen. TAILS: 16.00. PORK TRIMMINGS/ BONELESS PROCESSING PORK (Chemical Lean) 72% lean trimmings frzn 71.00. 72% bids picnics fre 74.00. Middleburg Auction Middleburg,Pa. Tuesday, April 28 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 352. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers steady to strong. Slaughter cows steady to 75 cents lower. Choice 2-4, 975-1375 lbs. slaughter steers 62.75-66.25, couple to 67.25, Good 57.50-61.50, few 62.50, Stan dard 51.00-56, few 58.25, Utility 49.00- Few Good to Low Choice slaughter heifers 57.50- 60.25. Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 42.00-46, few 47.85, Cutters 41.50-44.50, Canner and Low Cutters 37.50-41.50. Few Good slaughter bullocks 55.60-60.10, few Standard 51.00-52.35. Yield Grade #l, 1100-1600 lbs. slaughter bulls 48.00- one 62.35. Large Frame Hl&2, 450-700 lbs. feeder steers 60.00- CALVES 145. Vealers steady to $3 higher. Choice vealers 87.00-103, few Good 75.00-85, Standard and Good 60.00-71. Farm Calves: Were $5-$lO higher. Hoi. Bulls 85-125 lbs. 70.00-103, couple 115.00; Hoi. Heifers 85-150 lbs. 100.00. HOGS 759. Barrows and gilts about steady. US No. 1-2 210-235 lbs. barrows and gilts 41.00-42, No. 1-3190-250 lbs. 40.00-41, No. 2-3 190- 270 lbs. 37.00-40.00. US No. 1-3 400- 600 lbs. sows 36.50-37.75, No. 2-3 365- 600 lbs. 32.00-36.50. Boars 30.00- 32.25. TUBS. 4-28-81. HOGS 60. One Lot US No. 1-2 220 lbs. barrows and gilts at 41, few lots No. 1-3 2-230 lbs. 40.60-40.75. FEEDER PIGS 281. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 17.50-27 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 27.00-31 per head, few lots No. 1-3 100-140 lbs. 32.25-35.25 per hundredweight. SHEEP 2. Not enough to establish a market test. New Wilmington Livestock New Wilmington, Pa. Monday, April 27 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 322. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows steady to strong. One Choice slaughter steer at 62.50, Good 56.50- 61.50, Standard 52.00-56.50. Choice slaughter heifers 58.0081.50, few Good 54.00-58.00, Standard 48.00- 53.50. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 45.50-48.00, one 49.25, Commercial No. 4-5 42.00- 46.00, Cutters 43.5047.00, Canner & Low Cutter 36.0043.50, Shells down to 30.00. One Good slaughter bullock at 59.00, few Standard 48.00- Yield Grade #1 1140- 1850 lbs. slaughter bulls 54.00-57.75, one at 61.25. Medium & Large Frame #1360-540 lbs. feeder steers 63.00- one at 83.00; Medium & Large Frame 330-650 lbs. feeder heifers 51.0089.00, Medium Frame #2 360-655 lbs. 45.00-55.50; Medium & Large Frame #1 325-675 lbs. feeder bulls 52.0060.00. CALVES 270. Vealers $5 to $lO higher. Few Prune vealers 114.00- 116.00, Choice 99.00-115.00, Good 80.00-100.00, Standard & Good 90- 120 lbs. 67.50-80.00, 65-85 lbs. 65.00- 71.00, one lot Utility 56 lbs. at 63.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 95-130 lbs. 80.00-90.00; holstein heifers 75- 140 lbs. 100.00-150.00. HOGS 728. Barrows & gilts 25 cents to 50 cents higher. US No. 1-2 210-245 lbs. barrows & gilts 41.70- 42.60, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 40.50- 41.70, No. 2-3 200-265 lbs. 37.25- 40.60, few lots 33.50-35.25, No. 2-3 260-290 lbs. 35.00-37.25, No. 1-3 160- 195 lbs. 33.00-39.25. Sows steady. US No. 1-3 300-570 lbs. sows 30.00- 36.00. few No. 2-3 270-590 lbs. 27.25- 30.00. Boars 20.00-35.00. FEEDER PIGS 62. US No. 1-3 30- 40 lbs. feeder pigs 25.00-34.00 per head, few Utility 70-100 lbs. 27.00- 31.00 per head. SHEEP 35. Choice 65-95 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 77.00-81.00, one 85.00. Slaughter ewes 11.00- 26.00. Mt. Joy, PA 17552 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981—A7 Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, April 25 Report supplied by auction STOCKER, FEEDER, AND SLAUGHTER CATTLE: Good Light Steer Calves 79.00-84.00; Medium 74.00-78.75; Plain 73.50 and down; Good Heavy Steers 65.00-70.00; Medium 60.00-64.75; Plain 59.50 and down; Holstein Steers 53.35 and down; Good Slaughter Steers 61.00 and down; Good Light Heifer Calves 58.00- 61.50; Medium 53.00-57.75; Plain 52.50 and down; Good Heavy Heifers 53.0057.00; Medium 48.00- 52.75; Plain 47.50 and down; Slaughter Cows 45.00-49.25; Utilities 40.00-44.75; Canners & Cutters 36.00 and down; Milk & Stock Cows 587.50 and down; Stock Bulls 60.00 and down; Slaughter Bulls 56.50 and down. CALVES: Veal Calves 90.00 and down; Baby Calves 130.00 and down. SHEEP & LAMBS: Choice Blue O 71.00; Good Red O 65.50; Feeder Lambs 64.50-70.00; Slaughter Ewes 18.50 and down; Stock Ewes 115.00 and down. HOGS: Top 39.00; Heavy 38.50; Medium 38.50; Light 32.00; Sows 38.75 and down; Boars 30.00 and down. Special Horse Sale New Holland Sales Stables Friday, April 24 Report supplied by auction 165 head. Load of Ky. driving 775.00- 1800.00. Load of Tn. driving 775.00- 1550.00. Load of Ky. driving 750.00- 1350.00. Load of N.Y. driving 600.00- 900.00. Load of N.J. driving 485.00- 925.00. Load of N.Y. driving 500.00- 975.00. Local driving 525.00-1350.00. Local work pairs 2050.00-4600.00, singles 700.00-1500.00. I JtoMEt MU NATIONWIDE Ray R. 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