Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 02, 1981, Image 6
A6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 Hay Markets Vintage Hay Vintage Sales Stables Thursday, April 30 Report supplied by auction 32 loads. Timothy 95.00-101.00; Mixed 69.00-115.00; Alfalfa 82.00-130.00; Straw 56.00-58.00. Regional Hay Friday, April 24 Report supplied by PDA (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by the dealers at the farm and per ton.) Hay & Straw slow and steady. Alfalfa 90.00-110.00, few 135.00; Mixed hay 55.00-85.00; Timothy hay 50.00-80.00; Straw 40.00-45.00; Mulch 30.00-35.00. Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Pa. Friday, April 24 Report supplied by PDA 93 loads hay and 26 loads straw. Alfalfa 125.00-175.00, few down to 90.00; Mixed hay 66.00-138.00, few to 187.00; Timothy hay 62.00-128.00, mostly 78.00-111.00; Clover, few 81.0006.00; Straw 52.0080.00; Ear Com, 5 loads 130.00-145.00. Keister’s Hay Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, April 21 Report supplied by PDA 31 loads hay and 3 loads straw. Alfalfa, few 117.00-129.00, one at 150.00; Timothy 74.0089.00, one at 60.00; Mixed hay 79.00-99.00, one at 121.00; Straw 58.00-64.00; Ear Com, couple 118.00 and 127.00. v Keister’s Hay Middleburg, Pa. Wednesday, April 29 Report supplied by auction 23 loads hay: Timothy 71.00 95.00; Mixed 88.00-115.00; Alfalfa 119.00-150.00. 5 loads straw 46.00-57.00. 2 loads ear corn 127.00-130.00. Good’s Hay Leola, Pa. Wednesday, April 29 Report supplied by auction 100 loads. Alfalfa 106.00-152.00; Timothy 68.00-141.00; Mixed 69.00-167.00; Straw 50.00-75.00; Com 124.00- 143.00. New Holland Hay New Holland Sales Stables Monday, April 27 Report supplied by auction 170 loads. Alfalfa 94.00-181.00; Timothy 75.00-160.00; Mixed 52.00-154.00; Straw 56.00-79.00; Com 129.00- 133.00. Frederick Co. Hay Buckeystown,Md. Thursday, April 30 Report supplied by auction Market: slow. 23 load. Alfalfa 112.50-142.00; Mixed 55.00-90.00; Tunoth & Alfalfa 87.50- 100.00; two of Straw 51.00 & 52.00; two of Corn 121.00 & 127.00. Feeder Cattle Sale Culpepper, Va. Thursday, April 23 Report supplied by VDA Sale was graded by Represen tatives of the VDACS’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on USDA standards and sold by the hundredweight. 1951 head sold. STEERS: 500800 lbs. Medium 1 77.0080.00; Large 1 70.50-79.00; Small 163.00-71.00; Med. & Large 2 62.00. 600-700 lbs. Medium 1 64.00- 71.00; Large 1 63.5089.50; Small 1 63.25-65.50; Med. & Large 2 60.25. 700800 lbs. Medium 1 62.5086.00; Large 1 63.2584.00; Small 1 59.00- 63.75; Med. & Large 2 60.50.800-900 lbs. Medium 1 61.50-64.75; Large 1 62.0084.75; Small 1 62.5083.00; Med. & Large 2 56.00. 900-1000 lbs. Medium 1 63.2584.50; Large 1 59.5083.00. Short steers 500800 lbs. 62.25. HEIFERS: 500-000 lbs. Medium 1 58.0003.50; Large 1 60.0062.00; Small 152.00-56.25; Med. & Large 2 52.00. 600700 lbs. Medium 1 55.00 59.50; Large 1 55.5059.00; Small 1 50.50-55.50; Med. & Large 2 51.50. 700600 lbs. Medium 1 54.50-57.50; Large 155.75-57.00; Small 154.50. Livestock market and auction news Pa. Grain Tuesday, April 27 Report supplied by PDA Compared with last Monday’s market for Southeastern, Central and South Central Pa. Com & Oats steady to 5 cents higher. Wheat unevenly steady. Barley uneven, mostly steady to strong. Ear Com steady to |3 higher. Prices paid delivered to dealers dock - (All prices per bushel, ex cept Ear Com per ton.) Southeastern Pa. Com No. 2-y range 3.75-3.95, average 3.86; Wheat No. 2 range 4.15-4.50, few reported down to 4.00, average 4.33; Barley No. 3 range 2.50-3.00, average 2.81; Oats No. 2 2.60-2.90, average 2.75; Soybeans No. 17.35-7.60, average 7.48; Grain Sorghum No. 2 2.90, average 2.90; Ear Com 105.00-120.00, average 111.66. Central Pa. Corn No. 2-y range 3.65-3.95, average 3.83; Wheat No. 2 range 4.00-4.50, average 4.27; Barley No. 3 range 2.40-2.95, average 2.68; Oats No. 2 range 2.40-2.60, average 2.51; Grain Sorghum No. 2 range 3.90, average 3.90; Ear Com 103.00- 110.00, average 106.11. South Central Pa. Com No. 2-y range 3.65-3.75, average 3.69; Wheat No. 2 range 3.80-4.00, average 3.91; Barley No. 3 range 2.70-3.15, average 2.88; Oats No. 2 range 2.40-2.70, few reported 2.95, average 2.59; Ear Com range 104.00-120.00, average 108.00. Western Pa. Com No. 2-y range 3.45-3.55, few reported 3.75, average 3.53; Wheat No. 2 range 3.95-4.00, average 3.97; Barley No. 3 few reported range 2.30-2.45, average 2.38; Oats No. 2 range 2.25-2.45, average 2.55; Ear Com range 85.00-88.60, average 86.80. Southeastern, Central & South Central Summary Com No. 2-y range 3.65-3.95, average 3.82; Wheat No. 2 range 4.00-4.50, average 4.23; Barley No. I FOR SALE FEEDER PIGS HI I State Graded - Vet Inspected Z * Excellent Quality and Delivery Service I I JOHN H. THOMAS, JR. i | Millersville, Pa. 17551 Ph. 717-872-5646 J | Complete Line of Feeds jj Management Program J ♦ ♦ FRIDAY, MAY 15 May 15 willbe our last sale for now. We are changing over to Hybrid stock. Re presenting the popular cross of mostly York & bred for less trouble over farrowing. Watch for our sale ad later in the vear BRED GILT SALE ♦ - ♦ Sale to start promptly at 1:00 ♦ X Every 4 weeks X ♦ Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, PA, 6 X ♦ miles south of QuarryviUe, take Rt. 272 to Little ♦ X Britian, turn north, follow Little Bntian Rd. to X ♦ Jackson Rd. 2nd farm, OR Take Rt. 222 out of X X QuarryviUe to Cedar HUI Rd. to Little Britian ♦ ♦ Rd. to Jackson Rd. Watch for sale arrows. X X 50 to 60 Head X ♦ more or less ♦ | 2 & 3 Way Crossbred Gilts $ X York & Hampshire & Duroc X ♦ Due to farrow 3 days to 4 weeks after sale X I date. Now everything vaccinated for both ♦ X Lepto & Erysipelas, wormed and sprayed for * ♦ lice. ♦ Local trucker available. ♦ No hogs sold on commission. £ CHRIST A. BEILER * RD 2, Quarryvilie, PA $ . JOHNS.STfIITZfUS j ♦ Abe Diffenbach X ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ X Auctioneer £ 3 range 2.50-3.00, average 2.79; Oats No. 2 range 2.40-2.90, average 2.61; Ear Com range 104.00-120.00, average 108.93. Lebanon Valley Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. Tuesday, April 28 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 262. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter cows $1 to $1.25 higher. Few Choice No. 2-4 1025-1275 lbs. slaughter steers 63.85-65.75, Good 61,00-63,00, one at 64.00, Good &' Choice holstems 58.0061.10, one at 62.00, Standard 54.00-58.25, few Utility & Low Standard 48.25-51.50. Pew Choice No. 2-4 slaughter heifers 58.75-60.50, few No. 4-5 51.00-55.25, one at 46.75, Good 55.25-60.00, few Standard 50.25-54.50, few Utility 46.50-50.00. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 45.00-47.75, few to 49.00, Cutters 43.00-45.75, few to 47.74, Canner & Low Cutter 40.00- 43.10, few Shells down to 33.50. Few Good slaughter bullocks 54,25- 58.50, few Standard 53.25-56.00. Few Yield Grade #1 1360-1760 lbs. slaughter bulls 53.75-57.75; one yield grade #2 1325 lbs. at 54.00. Few Large Frame #2 400-600 lbs. feeder steers & bulls 49.0-55.50; few Medium Frame #1 380-620 lbs. feeder heifers 51.25-59.50, few Large Frame #2 500-785 lbs. 45.25- 55.50. CALVES 146. Bulk of supply returned to the farm. Couple Prime vealers 102.00 and 103.00, few Choice 91.00-99.00, Good 86.00- 90.00, Standard & Good 65-110 lbs. 65.00-71.00, few down to 55.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 80-125 lbs. 70.00-91.00; holstein heifers 80-' 125 lbs. 102.00-178.00, mostly 140.00- 168.00; few beef cross bulls & heifers 95-120 lbs. 71.00-86.00. HOGS 209. Barrows & gilts SO cents to 81 higher. US No. 1-2 205- 240 lbs. barrows & gilts 41.85-42.35, few 42.50-43.00, No. 1-3 210 255 lbs. 41.00-41.85, few No. 2-3 235-260 lbs. 40.85-41.10, few 295-350 lbs. 36.25- 39.00, few No. 1-3 175-185 lbs. 37.25- 40.10. Sows $1 to $2 higher. US No. 1-3 340-525 lbs. sows 35.00-36.75, few to 37.25, No. 2-3 320-560 lbs. 33.50- 36.00, few down to 30.75. Few Boars 31.00-32.25. FEEDER PIGS 22. US No. 1-320- 35 lbs. feeder pigs 49.5055.00 cwt., lot No. 1-318 lbs. 61.50 cwt. SHEEP 8. Few Slaughter sheep 17.00-31.00, one at 37.00. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, April 24 Report supplied by USDA Today 1502 Last Friday No Sale Last Year 364 TREND: Trend not comparable because of insufficient supplies m recent weeks. A large selection of buyers provided outlets for all weights of feeder cattle, with best action on the 950-1070 lbs. weights. Supply included about 1100 in graded sale, sold in lots of 10 or more. FEEDER STEERS: Medium Framel: One lot 465 lbs. 73.75; 545- 600 lbs. 64.50-66.85; 600-700 lbs. 63.75-64.50; 700800 lbs. 62.0064.85; couple lots 855-865 lbs. 63.5063.75; couple lots 933-960 lbs. 65.6065.25. Large Frame 1: One lot 620 lbs. exotic crossbred 71.25; couple lots 645-720 lbs. 63.5064.75; 835-865 lbs. 61.1064.10; one lot 930 lbs. 65.10; and one lot 1010 lbs. 60.00. Medium and Large Frame 1: One lot 780 lbs. 62.50; one lot 902 lbs. 63.50; around 70 head 1005-1065 lbs. 64.85- 65.85. Small and Medium Frame 1: Three 10t5,570690 lbs. 63.25-63.85. Medium Frame 1-2: One lot thin 365 lbs. 79.00; couple lots 665-690 lbs. 62.35-65.50; couple lots 715-745 lbs. 59.00-61.10. Large Frame 1-2: One lot 760 lbs. 63.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium Frame 1: One lot 520 lbs. 55.50. Large Frame 1: Few lots 690-735 lbs. 53.85-55.85. Medium and Large Frame 1: One lot 530 lbs. 59.00 and one lot 760 lbs. 53.25. Medium Frame 1-2; One lot 365 lbs. 57.50. Large Frame 1-2: One lot thin 495 lbs. 60.75; one lot 610 lbs. 55.00. Large Frame 2: One lot 865 lbs. 51.00. Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS WHIRLHILL KINGPIN, bom 6/14/80. Dam 88 pt. Gent 7-2,352,21,948,880,4.0; 2nd Dam Ex 92- 4E GM Kingpin 4-4, 365, 23,212, 852, 3.6; next Dam 87 pt. Pride Admiral. ROUND OAK RAG APPLE ELEVATION, bom 8/6/80. Dam 83 pt. Kingpin 3-7,398,23,826, 900,3.7. WAPA ARLINDA CONDUCTOR, bora 5/12/80. Dam 83 pt. Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation 2-2, 322,14,569,568,3.9. HILLTOP APOLLO IVANHOE, bom 1/23/80. Dam Royal Star 2-1,293,16,072,548,3.4. ENG-AMER IVANHOE JERRY, bom 5/4/80. Dam 82 pt. Elevation. 2nd Dam 86 pt. Kingpin. SHARDALE ARLINDA CHIEF JEMINI, bom 4/16/80. Dam 86 pt. Astronaut at 6-0,332,17,748, 777,4.4. LAWCREST MARVEX-TWIN, bom 12/1/79. Dam Ivanhoe Star at 4-3,297,23,561,760,3.2. Also High Quality Grade Cows and Heifers. Transportation and financing available. STEVE KELLER 808 KELLER 717-653-2284 717-653-1523 Office: 717-653-4851 b«V,