I Ladies I Have You i Heard? By Doris Thomas >/ Lancaster Extension ;> Home Economist 'ir x; -.a t '^ CHANGES NEEDED IN CHILDREN’S SNACK HABITS Toddlers and preschoolers have appetites to match their sizes and most of them do best if they have between meal snacks to be sure they get the nutrients they need. In fact, morning and afternoon snacks are an institution in most homes with young children. But a recent study showed that most of the snacks they eat provide little nutrition and lots of sugar which is a major cause of dental cavities. The study found that soft drinks (usually uncarbonated) were the most frequent morning snack for this age group, closely followed by cookies and other bakery products. The most frequent afternoon snack was carbonated beverages (a reversal from the morning) again followed by cookies and baked goods. Soft drinks are high in sugar, as are baked goods, and the baked ROHRER'S ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR BANVEL For post-emergence weed control on com... Donvelherbicide... ...alone or tank-mixed with 2,4-D (depending on your weed problem): ...to control tough, late germinating broodleof weeds. ...to cover misses of pre-emergence herbicide application, ...to get control where weather or other factors make earlier application impossible. P. L. fiOHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN, PA O goods stick to the teeth, further mcreasuig the nsk of cavities. Equally important, the children get filled up on foods that have little to offer but calories and often have, little appetite for the foods that have the nutrients they need. What’s the answer? Fruit juices or milk could replace die soft drinks at snack tune. If plain milk isn’t an acceptable snack tune treat, try adding a little chocolate syrup or other flavoring. You can offer easy to handle carrot or celery sticks or cubes of mild cheese. Fruit is a good choice too, as are small apples, oranges or other fruit. They are a better size for little hands and plenty big enough for little appetites. Children need well-balanced diets for healthy growth and development and nutritious snacks should be part of those diets. CANADA THISTLE ...to moke sure that lote weeds cannot mature to become the nursery for next year's weed crop. PH: 717-299-2571 HOW TO BUY AND CARE FOR SILK Silk and silk blended fabrics and garments appear m all price ranges today. Low-priced ($19525) silk blouses are now available to the general public through several major mail-order retailers and many of the new spring fabrics contain between 5 and 35% silk fibers. Small percentages of silk in a fiber blend enhance color, create surface interest and improve the fabrics’ hand. Here are some guidelines to consider when purchasing and caring for silk or silk blend fabrics. A nubby surface effect (slubs) in silk is to be expected and is usually desireable. Slubs are not con sidered flaws in silk fabric. Check ihe stability of the fabric. Threads should resist slipping and twisting. If the fabric feels too stiff, it could have too much sizing and might lose its’ hand during cleaning. AU silks can be dry cleaned but hand-washing washable silks in warm water has certain ad vantages. (A “dry-clean only” garment cannot be handwashed.) The fabric has a natural sizing (a gift from the silk worm) and ac tually has a better hand after washing. Generally, only light, solid colored silks are recom mended for handwashing because colors will run. Do not 'wash irndescents, silk chiffons, satins or crepes. Ask us for application details about Danvel herbicide... from Velsicol. Note: Before using any pesticide, read the label. cook-off contest HARRISBURG - Pull out those fantastic beef recipes conjured up over the winter months, because it’s beef cook-off tunel The sixth annual Pennsylvania Beef Cook-Off Contest will be held at Trinity High School >n Shiremanstown on June 26, re cording to State Agriculture Secretary Penrose Hallowed. Competition is open to all residents of Pennsylvania, 18 years or older, who do not have professional cooking status. “This is an excellent opportunity for Pennsylvanians to show off their original recipes and be rewarded for their creativity,” Hallowed said. Entries must be submitted by May 15,1981. Finalists, selected by a panel of judges, wid compete on June 26. Contestants for the final competition wid be selected on the bases of originality, 20 points; Wash washable silk like you wash your hair. Don’t bleach or use detergents - mild soap or shampoo is best. Use lukewarm water, not hot, and dnp dry until slightly damp, out of direct sunlight. Do not wring the fabric or garment. Press on the wrong side with a dry iron set on or below the synthetic range. Water spots and surface shine can be removed by drycleaning. Perspiration and deodorant stains are a problem with silk because they are not removeable. Small shields, purchased or made, can help prevent damage. Boom Insulation “THERMAL INSULATION SPEI 30% LIQUID NITROGEN BY THE TRAILER LOAD OR BY THE TON • Sprayers & spraying service • Poly N liquid corn starter 10-34-0 • Premium corn starters • Bulk blends to your specifications • Urea & Amonium Sulfate • Spreaders & spreading service • Limestone • SALT - Water softener & animal salt F.H. KREIDER 2400 Dairy Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 717-898-0129 Uncaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981—€ Join the beef ial • Agricultural • Comma N - BLOWN IN - FOAM tapper Dam Road tville. PA 17538 taste, 40 points; ease of preparation and practicality, 20 points; and appearance, 20 points. Six finalists will be selected to prepare their entries from the recipes submitted. First prize is $125, second prize, $6O, third and fourth prizes, $3O each. The state winner will be eligible to compete m the national cook-off contest to be held in September in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Each contestant may submit one original beef recipe using beef chuck, round, rump, fresh brisket cut in any form or ground beef. The dish must contain a minimum of two and not more than five pounds of beef. The meat must be ex clusively beef and can only be from the above cuts. Total cooking tunes may not exceed four hours, not including preliminary preparations, such as marinating. Recipes must be specific, but brand names and commercial tenderizers are not allowed. The number of servings and preparation time should be included in recipe entries. If you are interested in entering the Pennsylvania Beef Cook-Off Contest, send your beef recipe, typed in triplicate with your name, address, phone number and brief biography to: Mrs. Mary Wilson, Chairman, Pennsylvania Beef Cook-off, 862 Webster Drive, State College, PA 16801; phone, 814-238-5888. Entries must be submitted by May 15. 95