A6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Hay Markets Regional Hay Monday, April 20 Report supplied by PDA (All hay No 2 and better, prices paid by the dealers at the farm and per ton.) Hay and Straw slow, unevenly steady Alfalfa 90 00-110, few 135 00, Mixed hay 55.00-85.00; Timothy hay 50.00-80.00; Straw 40.0045 00, Mulch 30.00-35.00. Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Pa. Friday, April 17 Report supplied by PDA 53 Loads Hay and 14 Loads Straw. Alfalfa 96 00-161, individual 175.00; Mixed hay 71.00-125, few 164, individual 185.00; Timothy hay 64.00-96.00; Brome Grass, in dividual 78.00; Straw 52.00-57.00; Ear Corn, 5 loads 127.00-132.00; Oats, ir'ii rtdual 2 95 per bushel. Good’s Hay Leola, Pa. Wednesday, April 22 Report supplied by auction 127 loads. Mixed 90.00-166.00, one at 175.00; Alfalfa 105.00-176.00, one at 200.00; Timothy 99.00-115.00; Straw 70.00- 83.00; Com 135.00-144.00; one Clover 163.00; one Cora Fodder 52.00. New Holland Hay New Holland Sales Stables Monday, April 20 Report supplied by auction 138 loads. Alfalfa 100.00-186.00; Timothy 80.00-102.00; Mixed 44.00-152 00; Straw 50.00-70 00; Com 125 00- 132.00. Vintage Hay Vintage Sales Stables Thursday, April 23 Report supplied by auction 30 loads. Alfalfa 135.00-160.00; Mixed 95 00-150.00; Timothy 80 00-110.00; Straw 58.00-62.00; Ear Com 130.00- 131.00 Vintage Cattle Vintage Sales Stables Friday, April 17 Report supplied by auction LAST WEEK 523 head THIS WEEK 174 head, due to holiday Choice & Prime 2&3 1200-1450 lbs 64.50-67.50, Choice 2&4 61 DO -64 00, Cows 42.00-48 50 East Coast Carlot Wednesday, April 22 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s close Prime special fed veal steady to 500 higher than last week Good and Choice boning veal steady. VEAL CARCASS HIDE ON 410 head 180-240 lbs. 175.00-185.00, steady to 5 00 higher than late last week BONING TYPE HIDE ON Good and Choice Northeastern Suppliers. 65-75 lbs. 88.00-91.00, all steady to 1 00 higher; 55-64 lbs. 86.00-89.00; 45-54 lbs. 84.00-87.00; 3544 lbs. 82.00- 85.00; 34 lbs down 80.00-83.00. BONBLESSBEEF ILoad (U.S. and Canadian Origin) 85 pet chem lean, fresh 115.00 CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS 7 Loads Semi-Boneless Hams: 14-17 lbs. 99.00 firm. Boneless Hams: 13-17 lbs. 119.00 steady Picnics: 5-7 lbs. 65.00. No. 1 Sliced Bacon Vacuum Pack 1 lb. pkg. 104.00-107.00 firm. Franks, 70 Beef, 30 Pork 1 lb. pkg 84.00-85.50 firm. Frederick Co. Hay Bucfceystown, Md. Thursday, April 23 Report supplied by auction 26 loads Alfalfa 121.00-160.00; two Timothy 78.00 & 118 00; two Or chardgrass 72.50 & 81.00; one Timothy & Clover 125,00; Straw 50.00-60.00; Mixed 66.00-132.00; Mulch 25 00-61.00; two Ear Com 130 00 & 132 00. Livestock market and auction news Pa. Grain Tuesday, April 20 Report supplied by PDA Compared with last Monday’s market for Southeastern, Central and South Central Pa. Corn, Wheat, and Ear Corn mostly steady. Barley and Oats uneven, mostly steady to weak. Prices paid delivered to dealers dock - (All prices per bushel, ex cept Ear Corn per ton.) Southeastern Pa. Corn No. 2-y range 3.70-3.95, average 3.84; Wheat No. 2 range 4.254.50, few reported down to 4.00, average 4.36; Barley No. 3 range 2 50-2.85, average 2.77; Oats 2.55- 2.85, average 2.68; Soybeans No. 1 7.25-7.50, average 7.37; Gram Sorghum No. 2 2.90; Ear Corn 105.00-120.00, average 111.26. Central Pa. Corn No. 2-y range 3.70-3.90, average 3.83; Wheat No. 2 range 4.004.50, average 4.26; Barley No. 3 range 2.40-2.90, average 2.63; Oats No. 2 range 2.40-2.70, average 2 53; Grain Sorghum No. 2 range 3.90, average 3.90; Ear Corn 100.00- 110.00, average 105.00. South Central Pa. Com No. 2-y range 3.65-3.75, average 3.69; Wheat No. 2 range 3.804.00, average 3.92; Barley No 3 range 2.70-3.15, average 2.88; Oats No. 2 range 2.40-2.70, few reported 2.95, average 2.59; Ear Com range 104.00-110.00, few 120.00, average 107.87. Western Pa. Com No. 2-y range 3.45-3.50, few reported 3.75, average 3.51; Wheat No. 2 range 3.954.00, average 3.97; Barley No. 3 few reported range 2.20-2.40, average 2.30; Oats No. 2 few reported range 2.25-2.45, average 2.34; Ear Com range few reported 85.00-88.60, average 86.80. Southeastern, Central & South Central Summary Com No. 2-y range 3.70-3.92, average 3.81; Wheat No. 2 range 4.00-4.50, average 4.24; Barley No. 3 range 2.50-2.90, average 2.75; Oats No. 2 range 2.40-2.85, average 2.53; Ear Com range 103.00-120.00, average 108.79. Central U.S. Carlot Wednesday, April 22 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:30 report: Steer beef steady to 1.00 higher, advance on Choice 3. Heifer beef mostly steady, both r FOR SALE FEEDER MGS I 1 state Graded - Vet Inspected JJ NvIUAT, mfll 13 ♦ " Excellent Quality and Delivery Service | ♦ | JOHN H. THOMAS, JR. if 2 Millersville, Pa. 17551 Ph. 717-872-5646 * » I Complete Line of Feeds I J £ Management Program J J classes recovering early dechne of 100-2.00. Demand and trading moderate late on a packer to packer basis and chain stores. Processors maintain their bearish attitude as movement of boxed beef items very sluggish. The boxed beef carcass cutout value declined $.73 to an estimated $lO4 81 per cwt. Sales reported on 99 loads of steers and heifer beef STEER BEEF 84% Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3 600-900 lbs. 97.00-100.00, late 99.00-100.00, steady to 100.00 higher late. Choice 4: 600-900 lbs. 90.00, half Id 91.00, mostly 1.00 lower. Choice 2-3 - 600-900 lbs. 94.00-97.00 (Hols. Type). Good 2-3 - 600-900 lbs 96.00-97.00, late 97.00, steady late. Good 2-3 : 600-900 lbs 92.00 (Hols Type) FOB Amarillo Basis Choice 2-3 : 600-790 lbs YG 3 102.00-105.50; YG 2104.00-107.00. HEIFER BEEF 14% Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3: 500-700 lbs. 96.00-98.00, late 98.00, steady late. Choice 4: 500-800 lbs. 90.00, half Id 91.00, mostly 1.00 lower. ' Good 2-3 : 500-700 lbs. 95.00, Id 96.00, mostly steady. Cow beef steady-2.00 higher, mostly 1.00-2.00 higher. COW BEEF 9% Loads FOB Omaha Basis BRKG UTLTY: 450&up lbs. 78.50-79.50, 1.00-2.00 higher, (West). BNG UTLTY; 400&up lbs. 82.50 (West), steady 2-3. CANNER & CUTTER: 350&up lbs. 87.50 (West) 1.00 higher 1-2. FOB Amarillo Basis BRKG UTLTY; 450&up lbs. 80.50 (West) 2.00 higher 34. UTILITY: 400&up lbs. 83.50 (West), 1.00 higher 2-3. BULLBEEF ILoad Bull 1: 500/uplbs. 91.50. PRIMAL BEEF CUTS 2 Loads FOB Omaha Basis HINDS (S): 145-190 lbs. 116.00. HINDS (H): 120-170 lbs. 116.00. ARM CHUCKS; 75-120 lbs. 83.00 BONELESS PROCESSING BEEF/BEEF TRIMMINGS ILoad FOB Omaha Basis 75% chem lean fresh 93.00. Compared to Tuesday’s 230 report: Fresh pork loins 14-17 lbs 50 lower, 17-20 lbs. steady. Boston butts 4-8 lbs. .25-2.50 lower Fresh hams 17-20 lbs. 1.50 lower, 20-26 lbs steady Sdls bellies not fully established. Trading and demand moderate. Sales reported on 54 loads and 15 loads of trimmings and variety meats. LOINS 14/dn lbs 85 50; 14-17 lbs. 84 50, load 84.00, .50 lower; 17- 20 lbs. 80.25-82.00 clear channel; 17- 20 lbs & 17-22 lbs. 79.00-80 00, steady BOSTON BUTTS; 4-8 lbs 66 75 late Tuesday; 4-8 lbs. 66.50 SPARERIBS: 3/nd lbs. 105 00- 106.00 frozen, 3-slbs. 92.00 frozen SKINNED HAMS: 17-20 lbs 67.00-69.50, late 67 00, 1 50 lower late; 20-26 lbs. 66.00, steady. BELLIES, SDLS: 16-18 lbs 49.50. BNLS CT BUTT: 1%-3 lbs. 110.00. LIVERS, EXPORT. 60 lb. box 14 00. SKINNED JOWLS; 29.00 fresh KIDNEYS; 60 lb. box 12.50. MELTS: 8.50. PORK TRIMMINGS/ BONELESS PROCESSING PORK (Chemical Lean) 42% lean, trimmings fresh 36.00. 42% lean trimmings frzn 38.00, load late Tues. 37.50. 72% lean trimmings fresh 67.00. 72% lean trimmings frzn 68.00. 72% bnls picnics frzn 73.50. Special Feeder Pig Sale Harrisonburg, Va. Tuesday, April 14 Report supplied by VDA There were 2036 head sold. All pigs were graded by Represen tatives of the VDACS’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on USDA standards and sold by the hundredweight. US I&2: 30-39 lbs. $90.00; 4049 lbs. $79.66; 50-59 lbs. $72.50; 60-69 lbs. $63.58; 70-84 lbs. $61.50; 85-99 lbs. $53.00; 100-130 lbs. $53.00. US 3’s: 30-39 lbs. $78.57; 4049 lbs. $74.00; 50-59 lbs. $66.76; 60-69 lbs. $57.00; 70-84 lbs. $56.50; 85-99 lbs. $50.00; 100-130 lbs. $47.50. UTILITY; 30-39 lbs. $43.00; 4049 lbs. $42.50; 5059 lbs. $42.50; 60-69 lbs. $40.00; 7084 lbs. $40.00. US 4; 30-39 lbs. $40.50; 4049 lbs $55.50; 50-59 lbs. $55.50; 85-99 lbs. $46.00. May 15 will be our last sale for now We are changing over to Hybrid stock Re presenting the popular cross of mostly York & bred for less trouble over farrowing Watch for our sale ad later in the year BRED GILT SALE Sale to start promptly at 1 :00 ♦ Every 4 weeks ♦ Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, PA, 6 * miles south of Quarryville, take Rt 272 to Little ♦ Bntian, turn north, follow Little Bntian Rd to ♦ Jackson Rd. 2nd faim, OR Take Rt 222 out of J Quarryville to Cedar Hill Rd to Little Bntian ♦ Rd. to Jackson Rd Watch for sale arrows. I 50 to 60 Head ♦ more or less * 2 & 3 Way Crossbred Gilts X York & Hampshire & Duroc ♦ Due to farrow 3 days to 4 weeks after sale X date Now everything vaccinated for both ♦ Lepto & Erysipelas, wormed and sprayed for * lice X Local trucker available No hogs sold on commission CHRIST A. BEILER RD 2, Quarryville, PA JOHN B. STOLTZFUS Abe Diffenbach J Auctioneer ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦<* VARIETY MEATS
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