AlB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Game Commission proposes season changes HARRISBURG - A closed season on bobwhite quad, new turkev management units and increased allocations of antlerless deer licenses highlight the Game Commission’s proposals for 1981-82 hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits A previously-advanced proposal which would have required drawings to be held for all an tlerless deer licenses has been eliminated. Under season proposals, the archery deer season would begin on October 3 and end on October 30. The early small game season would open on October 17, and the regular small game season would start on October 31. The fall small game seasons would end on November 28. A one-day bear season has been proposed for November 23. The regular two-week antlered deer season would open November 30 and end on December 12, while a two-day antlerless deer season has been proposed for December 14 and 15. The late archery and flintlock deer season is proposed to open December 26 and close on January 2, while the winter small game season would open December 26 and close on January 9. Proposed trapping seasons and bag limits are pretty much in line with those of recent years. The closing of the quail season, if adopted, would be the first since 1953. Southern Pennsylvania is the northern fringe of the quail’s natural range, and recent hard winters and farming practices have reduced the bobwhite population in the Keystone State to a level that a hunting harvest is not warranted this year. Closure of the quail season may allow the bird to increase m numbers where habitat is adequate. This could allow the launching of a trap and transfer program to establish additional populations. NEW SERIES 102 ROLLFEEDMOBILE ANNOUNCED Greater productive capacity coupled with The 102 cubic foot capacity mixer m greatly increased operating efficiency and eludes micro control for more accurate decreased fuel consumption are in- proportioning of feed ingredients. A new corporated in the 1981 version of the well- feature that further improved ingredients known'mobile feed processing machine, proportioning is an optional, automatic the Series 102 FEEDMOBILE. scale This mobile feed mill that processes animal and poultry feeds on the farm where they are used from farm produced grains and roughages has been completely re-engineered to reduce weight by more than 20% to reduce operating fuel con sumption by more than 33% At the same time productive capacity and speed has been increased A completely re-designed drive tram has fewer bearings, chain and belt drives and gear boxes with the result that friction has been materially reduced to lower power demand Productive capacity has been increased to 1,000 pounds per minute by enlarging the mouth of the patented underfed ham mermill The hammermill will handle whole bales or roughage at lower rpm’s OPERATOR AND SALESMAN WANTED In addition, closure of the quail be unrestricted, hunting season would provide Increased productivity and additional protection for recently survival, praticularly in central stocked Hungarian partridges. and southeastern Pennsylvania, Formation of three new turkey have led to the proposed allocation management units will provide the 0 f 451,250 antlerless deer licenses Game Commission with an op- for 1981. In 1980, the Game Com port unity to better control har- mission authorized the allocation vests of the state’s largest game of 410,600 antlerless licenses, bwd. Several changes are being Included in the primary turkey proposed in deer seasons in management unit will be most of southeastern and southwest northcentral Pennsylvania where Pennsylvania, turkey hunters have traditionally jjj the Special Regulations Area enjoyed longer seasons. m the southeast, and m Allegheny The second turkey unit will be County in the southwest, an any roughly Y-shaped, including jeer season (for those who hold southcentral Pennsylvania, the antlerless deer licenses) is being northeastern part of the state and a proposed from November 30 fair-sized section of west-central through December 15. Pennsylvania. The final turkey For those who do not have an area will consist of two parts: the tierless deer licenses, only an southeastem and western parts of tiered deer could be taken m the the state. two special regulations areas in In the northcentral area, the the southeast-and the southwest, proposed fall turkey season would An antlerless deer license is valid open on October 31 and close on only in the county in which it is November 21. In the other two issued. turkey management areas, the proposed season would open on October 31 and close on November 14 The Game Commission plans to reserve the right to extend the turkey season m any section or sections if summer brood counts indicate sufficient numbers of birds to permit longer seasons. To protect wild turkey populations which have been trapped and transferred recently, and to study the effects of hunting presures, the Game Commission is proposing that most of Erie County and that part of Mercer County west of Interstate Route 79 be closed to fall turkey hunting, while all of Crawford County will be open to turkey hunters this fall. The Game Commission this year is proposing that the bear hunting season be restricted to 32 counties Unless a bear hunting license is created by legislation prior to June 1, the number of persons hunting bears in Pennsylvania in 1981 will * ** f. The new design also facilitates maintenance by reducing the number of belt and chain adjustments and replacements needed to keep the 1981 FEEDMOBILE in continuous, productive operation. The 1981, Series 102 FEEDMOBILE is available equipped with the new hammer mill, with an improved, high-pressure roller or a combination of these two systems for processing farm grown materials to make highly productive animal and poultry feeds with much lower fossil fuel consumption, less labor and at lower operating costs FEEDMOBILE, INC. The six-day antlerless deer area in southeastern Pennsylvania will be eliminated this year. The proposal previously put forth by the Game Commission that would have required drawings to be held to select recipients of antlerless deer licenses was set aside after it was determined for proposal could have seriously jeopardized the state’s deer management program. It is the feeling now that it would be in the best mterest of the deer resource to continue to permit county treasurers to either hold drawings or to issue the licenses on a first-come-first-served basis. Field officers will be directed to closely monitor antlerless license distribution in each county so the process is in accordance with Game Commission rules and regulations. An attempt will also be made to develop a system whereby certain landowners who keep their lands open to antlerless deer hunting will *-v 727 Furnace Hills Pike Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-2680 be assured of receiving antlerless deer licenses, hopefully by 1982. The Game Commission this year is also proposmg that a November How do you judge We value of a silage additive... wild, undocumented claims, or proven university research? ...SiloGuard oe en pr„ en « decrease silage fermentation losses, resulting in more feed available and conservation of extra feeding value nutrients for greater weight gam or milk production for each ton stored • Beef gam averaged 8+ lbs more per ton stored of Silo Guard treated silage. 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Contact your nearest SILO GUARD Representative Lester Burkholder (717)552-4203 Shippensburg, pa RoyCoover (717)766-1053 Carlisle, PA Richard Houser (717)272-0638 Lebanon, PA Paul Kensmger (814)795-3807 Martmsburg, pa Leroy Kling (717) 568-3192 west Milton, PA Charles McDaniel (814)789-2743 Guy Mills, PA Clarence Saylor (814)926-3158 Rockwood, PA Andrew vedmak (717)842-8607 Moscow, PA Guard An Aid to Fermentation. 4 - January 21 hunting season be established on most furbearers to provide better management of these important wildlife resources. Kansas state tr/versity INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CORP Waverly NY
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