Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 25, 1981, Image 15
Livestock market and auction news Indiana Auction Thursday, April 23 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE: 163. Compared with last week’s market: SI. cows .SO LDO higher, instances 1.50 higher. SI. steers: few Choice 59.50-63.75; few Good 55.50-59.00; few Standard 51.50-54.50; few Utility 47.00-48.75; Si. heifers: couple Chioce 63.00 and 63.75; few Standard 47.25-50.00. SI. cows: Utility & Commercial 45.50- 49.00; few 49.50-53.00; Cutters 43.00-46.50; Canner & L. Cutter 39.75-44.50; Shells down to 30.00. SI. bullocks: two Good at 60.00; one Standard at 52.00. SI. bulls: Yield Grade No. 1, 1060-1932 lbs. 52.00- 58.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers, Medium & Large Frame No. 1,300- 450 lbs. 53.00-65.00, with one at 78.00. Heifers few Medium & Large Frame No. 1, 300-450 lbs. 63.00- 64.00; Medium & Large Frame No. 2.500-700 lbs. 47.00-51.50; few Bulls Medium & Large Frame No. 1,400- 500 lbs. 53.00-59.00; Medium 2, 500- 750 lbs. 45.0048.00. CALVES: 85. Couple Prime 114.00 and 118.00; few Choice 93.00- 105.00; few Good 78.00-93.00; few Standard & Good 90-120 lbs. 65.00- 73 00; few 70-90 lbs. 50.00-60.00; few Utility 55-135 lbs. 45.00-61.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 85- 120 lbs. 70.00-99.00; Hoi. Heifers 75- 115 lbs. 85.00-109.00; Beef Cross Bulls & Heifers 75-125 lbs. 75.00- 106.00. HOGS; 120. Barrows and gilts .50 higher. US No. 1-2 two lots 200-230 lbs. at 41.50; No. 1-3 200-255 lbs. the strongest, most reliable and multiple wheels are ~ and reverse thrust You well known throughout the farm industry can purchase either type (or dualmg then DMIIO Bolt Axle Mount Duals have an unlimited horsepower when you are ready to triple all you need to do is buy the rating because of the pressed fit between opposite type 10-Bolt Axle Mount set must axle and hub which provides the holding be mounted as duals and Sup r-lok II power to eliminate hub-rocking The Sup r-lok II set as triples fas shown in the cutaway) to achieve Duals feature a non-slip band that wedges into the greatest possible strength Can you the second bead of the tractor wheel rim afford not to keep on the-go with DMI? when all the bolts are secured some will See your DMI dealer today for angle to the left and some to the right to provide more details on multiple wheel systems Please Contact Tour Local Dealer Or: HAMILTON EQUIPMENT, INC. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS 567 South Reading Road, Ephrata, Pennsylvania 17522 Phone (717) 733-7951 Exit 54 on Interstate 81, Raphme, Virginia 24472 Phone (804) 377-2628 39.00- tew No. 2-3 270-300 lbs. 37.00- one lot No. 1-3 170 lbs. at 35.00; US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs 32.25-36.75. Boars 26.75-28.50. FEEDER PIGS 32. US No. 1-3 40- 50 lbs. 17.00-24.50 per head. SHEEP. 3. SI. ewes. 17.00-18.50. Chambersburg Auction Thursday, April 23 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE: 424. Compared with last week’s market: SI. cows .50- LOO higher. SI. steers, few Choice No. 2-4, 985-1300 lbs. 62.50-65.00; Good 56.00-60.50, Standard 50.50- 56.50. SI. heifers: few Choice 60.50- 63.00; few Good 53.00-58.25. SI. cows: Utility & Commercial 44.25- 49.00, few 51.10; Cutters 43.75- 47.75; Canner & L. Cutter 41.00- 44.50; Shells down to 40.00. SI. bulls: Yield Grade No. 1, 1000-1950 lbs. 50.75-58.85. FEEDER CATTLE. Steers, few Large Frame No. 1, 550-600 lbs. 62.00-65.00; Large Frame No. 2, 275-600 lbs. 50.0060.00. Feeder Bulls, Large Frame No. 2, 400-850 lbs. 45.50-53.50. CALVES: 421. Vealers grading Good & Choice 3.00-5.00 lower. Few Prime 100.00-101.00; Choice 88.00- 101.00, Good 70.0067.00; Standard & Good 70-90 lbs. 62.00-70.00; Utility 5065 lbs. 40.00-55.00. FARM CALVES; 5.00-15.00 higher. Hoi. Bulls 85-130 lbs. 69.00- 105.00, mostly 85.00-100.00; Hoi. Heifers 85-160 lbs 105.00-195.00, mostly 145.00-180.00. HOGS. 141. Barrows and gilts .75 DMI higher. No. 1-3 195-235 lbs. 40.25- 40.75 with couple to 41.10; one lot No. 2-3 259 lbs. at 39.00; one lot No 1-3 186 lbs. at 38.35, US No. 1-3 275- 500 lbs. 33.50-37.00. Few Boars oq nn oi nft FEEDER PIGS 21. Few US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. 16.00-24.60 per head. SHEEP: 14. Wooled si. lambs one lot Choice 118 lbs. at 55.50, Few SI. ewes: 18.00-21 00. St. Louis Cattle Thursday, April 23 Report supplied by USDA Receipts This Week • 6,500 Week Ago: 6,400 Year Ago: 7,600 Compared to the previous week’s close, slaughter steers fully 1.00- 1.50 higher, except holstem steers firm to 1.00 higher. Slaughter heifers through midweek 2.00-2.50 higher. Cows mostly 2.00 higher. Bulls mostly 1.00 higher. Slaughter supply mainly Choice and Choice and Prime 2-41050-1200 lbs. steers, around 35% heifers and 10% cows SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 1050-1275 lbs. 65 0066.50, closing 65.00-65.50; 3-4 1075-1250 lbs. 64.0065.50, closing 64 0065.00. Choice 2-4 950-1275 lbs. 63 5066.00, closing 63.5065.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-4 900-1200 lbs. 63.0065 00 Good 2-3 900-1175 lbs. 61.0063.50. Standard to mostly Good 2-3 1050-11425 lbs. holstems 52.0069.00, few closing sales 52.00- 55.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Through mid-week Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 875-1050 lbs. 63.60- 64.5 ft, mid-week sales mostly 63.50- 04.00. Choice 2-4 800-1050 lbs. 62.00- 64.00, mid-week sales 62.0063.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 700-1000 lbs. 60.0062.50. Good 2-3 700-975 lbs. 58.0060.50. COWS: Closing week sales Utility and Commercial 2-4 42.00- 44.00. Boning Utility 1 2 45.00-46 00. Cutter 1-2 41.00-44 00. Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 38.00-41 00, BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1050- 1950 lbs. 51.0065.00. Few Yield Grade 11500-1900 lbs. 56.0067.00. Weekly (Continued from Page A 2) CATTLE • Slaughter steers closed mostly steady after many sales at midweek .50-1.00 lower; slaughter heifers steady; cows 1.00-2.00 higher; bullocks fully steady; bulls closed 100-3.00 higher. Supply included 45 per cent slaughter steers, 12 per cent cows, 6 per cent bulls, 3 per cent heifers with the balance feeder steers. Many sales held for Friday’s auction. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prune 341175-1475 lbs. 64.0067.10, few 67.1067.75; Choice Grade 21050-1450 lbs. 64.0067.75,10 head 68.10-70.25; Choice 24 975- 1425 lbs. d 2.0067.75, few 65.00- 66.10; load Choice, few Prime 2-3 1135-1210 lbs. 65.7567.75; load of mostly Choice 3 1440-1670 lbs. 64.25- 66.00; high Good and Low Choice 2- 3 1000-1325 lbs. 58.5063.50, Good 2-3 56.0061.00; Good and Choice 1100- 1650 lb. holstems 55.50-59.00, few Choice 59.0060.50, Standard 1-2 52.5066.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS SMUCKER’S SALES SERVICE, INC. NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 We Have SR2I2 h.p. Lister Diesels, as is or rebuilt • Good used diesel • New Sputnik wheels engines and parts We mount diesels on balers, crimpers, cornpickers, etc. Install a blower fan for better diesel & refrigeration cooling. Longer life on diesel. DEALER FOR QUINCY AIR COMPRESSORS DEALER FOR LISTER DIESELS Contact Tim’s Diesel Service Star Rt. 2 Petersburg, PA FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL 717-354-4158 OR IF NO ANSWER CALL 717-354-4374 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981—A15 Choice 2-3 900-1000 lbs. 59.00-63.00; few Choice Grade 2 1100-1465 lbs 63.00-64.35, couple 65.50-68.25; Choice 2-3 800-925 lbs. 55.75-58.50; Good 2-3 800-1050 lbs. 55.00-59.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 45 5048 50, several 49.00-50 10, with 6 head 50.50-52 50, Com mercial 3-4 41.50-44.75, Cutter 1-2 43.75-47.50, few 47.50-48.60; Canner and low Cutter 40.00-42.75. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000-1350 lbs. 56.75-60.25, few 61.00-64.25; Good 1000-1300 lbs. 52.50-57 00, serveral 850-1050 lb. returned to farm at 49.75-51.75. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1275-2000 lbs. 56.00-61.00, around 35 head 63.00-66.50; Yield Grade 21000-1450 lbs. 52.50-57.00, few 50.00-52.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers uneven. Choice and Prime special fed 260-350 lbs. 5.00-10.00 lower; Choice 150-250 lb. fully steady: high Good and low choice steady to 5.00 higher, instances 10.00 higher on 60-120 lb. weights. Demand good for holstem bulls and heifers returned to farm. VEALERS: Prime 280-360 lb. 95.00- one lot early part of week 117.00; Choice 260-350 lbs. 80.00- 160-250 lbs. 105.00- 114.00, few 115.00-123.00; high Good and low Choice 190-290 lbs. 75.00- 90.00, 120-170 lbs. 75.00-100.00, 80- 120 lbs. 60.00-80.00, few 50-85 lbs rvuui no RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 80-120 lb. holstem heifers 110.00- 160.00, around 100 head 168.00- 194.00; bulk 80-120 lb. holstem bulls 78.00- several 105.00-114.00. RD #2, BOX 21 SALES & SERVICE FOR: LISTER, PERKINS & DEUTZ DIESELS Jister) DIESEL POWER -Mj 2 Cyl F2L-912 For lower cost per hour power, rely on