Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 25, 1981, Image 115
Perry Co. DHIA (Continued from Page C3O) Deltnar Brofee & Sons Jam H John O'TooleS Sons Mart H Agrophilos, Inc #lBB H Perry M Kretzmg #lOB H David H Weller Claudia Mane Richard Knebel Honey Cookie Harry R Book, Jr H 8-8 305 21,726 H 4-6 305 20,767 H 5-4 305 17,453 H 5-4 305 17,453 H 5-4 305 18,075 Cnss Earl E Krone Annette #25 #l7 H 7 7 305 19,662 H 4 6 305 19,214 H 6 1 305 17,948 “Why Commonwealth National cares as much about promoting YOUR business as we do our own.” “At Commonwealth National we know that good business for farmers means good business for us. That’s why our Agri-Loan Department must see you through the rough times as well as the smooth. It takes people like us to do that—people who understand farmers. Three of our four lending of ficers, in fact, grew up on farms. We know that farming is a big business as well as a difficult business which often requires big investments. Pennsylvania’s largest agri-lender. “Today, Commonwealth Na tional has more funds committed to agricultural business development than any other bank in Pennsylvania. In just 10 years our agricultural loan portfolio has grown from $ll million to almost $63 million. So it makes good sense for us to do everything we can to insure that the agricultural economy of Cen tral Pennsylvania is strong. . .andthat you stay in business. “Our concern for your success, as you can see, goes far beyond providing you with operating funds. We offer guidance and counsel on everything from more efficient means of ordering agrichemicals to new markets for your products. We may even be able to give you advice on holding off on a major capital expenditure until the time is right. If you’re looking for our help on the financial side of farming, just give us a call. We’ll be happy to drive out and talk things over. Gi “'.w'" Member FIMt 7 6 305 20,039 16,002 305 100 19,942 305 15,858 302 John B Sauder, Jr Kami H Dean McMillen Grace Vicki NoahW Sauder 854 789 #34 H Duane L Hertzler 769 Snoball H Ed & Wilma McMillen Que H Bonanza H JohnL King 658 924 356 Mane Edwin L Sheibley Joyce H Eugene M Nolt #24 #lOB 704 704 40 40 650 751 805 675 38 42 38 Bob Bucher V P Agri-Loan Department Product promotions throughout the year. “Meanwhile, we’ll help insure you’ll have a successful farm business by continuing to develop strong mar kets for your products. One of the ways we plan to do this is to celebrate May as ‘Egg Month’ by sponsoring ‘Brunch at the Bank’. It will feature a giant five-foot omelet that the public will be invited to eat outside our offices at 28 Penn Square starting at noon, Friday, May 1. Omelet cookbooks will help produce more interest in the tastier uses of eggs. And later on in the month, omelet-making demonstrations will be held at four of our offices. “Commonwealth National plans to continue with different farm prod uct promotions such as this throughout the years. “But above all, remember, you can call us at 717-291-3036 and ask for Agri-Loan information anytime.” A Commonwealth National Bank The bank business builds on 28 Penn Square, Lancaster 20,867 305 4-10 19,499 17,603 H 8 5 305 H 3 0 305 17,227 305 274 19,114 18,545 16,935 305 305 H ' 19,984 0 0 305 16,883 275 25,119 17,924 H 2-6 305 H 2 5 305 Commonwealth National Rank J W & C L Achenbach 667 Cary H Wayne L Stephens Sara H James L Palm 666 682 Cindy H Norma H *MW Smith Farms 674 673 Cheryl 731 650 674 672 819 766 PUT YOUR FARM BUILDING PLANS INTO OUR HANDS! Specializing In All Types Off Farm and Commercial Buildings! ★ DAIRY BARNS ★ HORSE BARNS * GENERAL ★ GRAIN STORAGE STORAGE ★ MACHINERY STORAGE ★ DO-IT-YOURSELFERS... We Can Furnish You With A Complete Building Materials Package And Blueprints. Erect it Yourself and Save Labor Costs 1 IKED iOU BUILDING SYSTEMS - Ready To Serve You Throughout Penna Maryland Delaware And New Jersey' If you need any type of farm or commercial building, call collect or send the coupon for more information Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 —C3l 10-5 85 6 10 LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS PO 80x366 Manheim, Pa. I Please contact me with intonnttton on the lolUwnm - LF I ■ I FARM BUILDINGS □ COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS _ " rj DO-IT-YOURSELF BUILDING PACKAGES ■ ■ Fill Out And Mail To: Bad Rom Building Systems. | | PO Box 3M, Manhalm, Pw. 17945 _ 9 Name B | AMran or RD I | Town State Zip | |pham|lnclirfa«rHcerf«) I Mmmmmmnmmmmmmm 20,842 305 17,448 305 19,499 15,605 305 305 16,075 305 READ Call Collect 717-665-7150 702 744 727 735 659