ROHRER’S Your first choice to beat “wet foot” • High Resistance to Phytophthora root rot —“wet foot disease” • Very high yield potential • Excellent winterhardiness • Rapid recovery after cutting • Greater resistance to anthracnose, pea aphids and teafhoppcrs than most other alfalfas • Available with GroZonc'" Seed Coating Consistently high-yielding smooth • Extra leafy, quality forage • Ideal grass for use with legumes • Broad disease resistance • Excellent winlerhardiness • Good drought resistance RP Dealers in Pennsylvania: ■ouvau Union MAI Soil Service Phone (717)935-2770 KHUN RobertD Poor Phone (>I4) 2*7 51»7 KftWICX John Feeler Phone (717) 752 SOM inn MarshaftEquiprnent Phone(4l2) 7*34333 Wayne Feed* Phone (717)263-4121 COUWmtIMSMWS Lontnocker Feed Store Ph0ne(717)297-3*64 DonESTOM Schmalzlrottien Phone (215) 794-7259 GETTYSaam John J Hmi Phone (717) 33*4553 imuaw William Kepplcr Phone (717) 364-5151 HUIMM Jim Lend* Phone (215) S6Z 5347 HUUTSVUE Abram G Metz Phone (215) 2(7 7SU PL. ROHRER & BRO- INC. SMOKETOWN, PA PH: 717-299-2571 Dealership inquiries invited LANCASTER OSTERWK Farmer's Supply Co ADenlckei Phone (717) 394*7127 Phone (514)275-3422 MAXATAWNT WCWIEL9 Kellers Lime Syreadln* Samuel E K nouse Phone (215) 6*3 5074 Phone (717) 4*3-28*5 MeVETTOMM SHIPPER S««* Wiltiao-S Kenepp Cumberland Valley Co. Phone (717) 8994354 Phone (717) 532-2191 MEYERUAIE Twin SpnnceFerm Phone (314)5*2-2252 WOOUTOMM JohnAMnc HerbGehr Phone (717) 9444270 Phone (215-257-6*22 wukau snmtamt ■> Webb'i Super fine Products Carlton Seed Co Phone (717) 7243157 Phene (717)225-3730 Momunotim tumqua Ira fhaatey. tat Richard Koch Phone (215) 2*5432* Phone (717) 5*43*45 REWHjQOmEU TMaOTVUE John Adame John Hershey Phone (717) 5*2-234* Phone (717) 549-5596 NEWWM WAMMSMAM Bay* Morrow Dolan* Chcmicai Co Phone (717)423-5502 Phone (*14)532-5177 wwauK musnuE Curtis Myers OeoaUKnaub Phone (717) 423-6444 Phone (717) 432-4509 WCSTnEU AmosGebhart Phone (*14)5242554 Edward Werner Phone <215)262-6552 Distributors for RP forages from NAPB • Full season performer that comes on early in the spring • Available with GroZone™ Seed Coatine Early maturing—ideal for use in alfalfa mixtures or straight grass seedings High yield potential Rapid growth and recovery ability Fine-stemmed and extra leafy Good leaf disease resistance Moyer t Sons Phone (215)723-MOl Persistence plus top yield Top quality forage even after typical two-year red clover rotation Excellent winterhardiness Resistance to southern anthracnose Tolerance to powdery mildew and northern anthracnose New timothy that stands up to legumes. AGRIPRO™ AP-250 Bred to outyield Amsoy 71, Beeson and Woodworth. AP 250 is ideal for the Amsoy 71-Beeson- Woodworth maturity zone And in five years of yield trials it has consistently outyielded these popular varieties But in addition to big yields, AP-250 gives you good emergence, tolerance to tested races of Phytophthdra root rot and good resistance to lodging gH AGRIPRO™ AP-350 Tests prove it outyields Williams and Mitchell. AP 350 is a welcome addition to Group IV maturity It combines overall yield performance stiperiorify with an excellent chlorosis rating plus resistance to race I Phytophthora root rot and tolerance to other tested races Plus good emergence too Look at the yield data on this bean For its maturity, it would be difficult to find a better bean Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981—A; (North American Plant Breeders) Ahead in yields and anthracnose • Fights “summer decline” caused by anthracnose • Proven yield leader •’ Early maturity, fast regrowth • Good bacterial wilt resistance • Fine stemmed, leafy forage o Available with GroZone™ Seed Coating Ideal orchardgrass to plant with early- r • Ideal maturity for easier haymaking • Outstanding drought resistance • Fast recovery, high yield potential • Excellent winterhardiness • Good resistance to leaf blights THINKJW AGRIPRO AGRIPRO 25 • Early Group 111 purelme variety with top yield potential • Good emergence Excellent standabihty • Resistance to Race 1, extreme tolerance to Phytophthora 1
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