Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 25, 1981, Image 105
BY SALLY BAIR Staff Correspondent NARVON Located on the rolling hills of eastern Lancaster County, the farm home of Jacob and Judy Stoltzfus, Narvon R 2, offers a commanding view of the surrounding countryside. The interior of the home offers a peaceful, refreshing kind of retreat, achieved after two diligent years of remodeling. The Stoltzfus home will be open to visitors as part of the Lancaster County Ladies Day Out this Thursday. The home has been m the Stoltzfus family for about 40 years, having been bought by Jacob’s parents, but Judy and Jacob have lived there just 2M> years. They operate a 56-acre dairy farm and have three children: Waft, 6; Vonda, 4; and Jared, 4% months. Although they are unsure when the ongmal stone part of the home was built, Judy speculates that it must have been around the mid 1880’s. When they were working on an upstairs way and broke through [paster to the original stone wall, they discovered papers dating from 1886, an indication they might have been there when the house was built One of the most interesting features of the house is the win dows which are encased by An interesting feature of the Stoltzfus house is the rounded effect at the windows, part of a treatment commonly used in homes with thick stone walls. gggggggßßßßßh 1 HiPerForm ' 1 The Mueller Model "OH” with HiPerForm I cooling, Mueller-Matic Automatic Washing ' 1 I System, and built-in freezer protection * control is the most advanced bulk milk cooler 'Mm in the world. The nation's most progressive If / dairymen are using it. Shouldn’t you be? 400 gal. 0-4 Girton, like new 500 Gal. 0-2 Girton QUEEN ROAD REFRIGERATION WE ARE ONE OF THE ORIGINAL MUELLER DEALERS House tour features 1 rounded walls on the intenor. The walls are nearly 20 inches thick, allowing deep window wells, with the original wood being retamed for the sills in most places. The rounded windows can be found both upstairs and down. New windows replaced the old as one of the first remodeling steps. Downstairs the windows are six panes over six, and upstairs there are 12-paned windows As a further conservation measure, the Stoltzfuses insulated the attic floor and downstairs extended the walls below the chair rail so that insulation could be added and covered with dry wall. A fireplace in the ongmal home has been covered up before Jacob and Judy moved m, but they took the initiative of adding a stovepipe in that place so they can have the option of adding a stove if they want. Judy believes that originally there was a circular staircase in the home, but it, too, had been removed before they moved in. They moved the stairway from one side of the house to the other, and while they left it open they added a door at the top to conserve energy. Another major change in the house was moving the kitchen from the north side to the south, and adding sliding glass doors USED TANKS 1000 Gal. Girton 600 Gal. Esco 800 Gat. Esco 80x67, Intercourse, PA 17534 f^4HOuITj Phone: Johno.Weaver-717-768-90060r768-7111 I SERVICE / or Answering Service - 717-354-4374 THE MUELLER MODELS OH. MHL, AND MW WITH HIPERFORM MAKE ALL OTHER BULK MILK COOLERS OBSOLETE SEE THE MUELLER NEW MODELS ★ 500 MW * 600 MW The "MW" is one of the Lowest pouring Height Bulk tanks Check with us all the new features on the "MW” bulk tank If you are in the market for a bulk milk cooler and you don't check all the advantages of the Mueller “OH” "MHL”, and "MW” you may be buying an obsolete cooler. Judy stirs some “friendship dough" which spacious counters and cupboards. Wafi, left, was shared by a friend. She enjoys her and Vonda look on with interest. which will eventually open onto a patio and lead to the proposed play area and the garden. With the change in kitchen location, the Stoltzfus family can sit at their table and look out at the surrounding farms. When Judy is working at the sink she has a view of both the barn and the proposed play area for the children. The kitchen, of which Judy is justifiably proud, is well-equipped for ease of working. There is ample counter space and a built-in ap pliance corner The cherry wood cabinets reflect a mellow feeling. A feature much used by the children is a counter, at table level, which allows them to play or do homework while being close to their mother but out of her way as she moves about the kitchen. One feature of the kitchen is an old clock shelf which had been (Turn to Page C22)' THE ALL STAINLESS STEEL MODEL-C FRE-HEATER FOR ALL BUNK TANKS 500 Gal. Milkeeper 400 Gal. Dari-Kool 400 Gal. “MHL’’ Mueller r-old farm house The Stoltzfus family made up for the total lack of closets in this old farm house by adding generous ones in each of the four bedrooms on the second floor. Two Great Alfalfas m Yields, winter-hardiness J and Bacterial Wilt tolerance are excellent Vl High tolerance to anthracnose. Very fast recovery after harvest Ask your P 7 Pioneer salesman V about the alfalfa i ./3S\ vanety that s nght for p|Q|y|EER your farm. /gg\PIONEER. " BRAND-ALFALFA SEED PIONEER HI-BREO INTERNATIONAL, INC , 1 EASTERN DIVISION, TIPTON, INDIANA 46072 The Limitation of Warranty and remedy appearing on the label is part of the terms of sale. Pioneer is a brand name; numbers identify varieties. trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Des Moines, lowa. U.S.A. Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 25,1981—C21 Si Mm “ * ■f'SH s**4 %*• r *-» *> ** j.% */>'*> «f i r >2^l* 1 t I