Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 25, 1981, Image 101
UNIVERSITY PARK - “Complete and systematic record keepmg is vital to profitable far ming,” says Frederick A. Hughes, professor of farm management Extension. Records adequate to file income tax reports and make social security deductions aren’t enough, he said.. Hughes, author of Penn State’s Course gives lawn tips UNIVERSITY PARK - Homeowners dream about a dense green carpet of grass. That dream may come true if you follow Penn State’s correspondence course on Home Lawns. This Id-lesson reference course details how to establish, fertilize, and maintain turn on home lawns. The author discusses initial planning, provision for drainage and irrigation, and the charac teristics of the commonly used lawn grasses. Steps in soil preparation are outlined and rates and methods of seeding used for various grasses and mixtures are given. To order a copy of the course, NEW 4" CORRUGATED DIN Price includes Basic Din, All Hardware, Roof Ladder, Hold Downs, Caulking, Sidewall Ladder and Platform shown are optional and not included in these fantastic prices. RTE. 1 MOUNTAIN RD. DILLSBURG, PA 170 G.S.I. 2.66" Corrugated Dins are also available at spectacular prices. Account book available Farmer’s Account Book, explains facts needed to make intelligent decisions regarding the management of a farm business. The book, available as a correspondence course, mcludes plans for expanding or cutting back enterprises, loan applications in emergencies, and gives answers to the question of continuing m business. send a check for $5.50, plus 75 cents handling, to Lawns, Box 5000, University Park, Pa. 16802. Make check payable to Penn State. HARRISBURG - The Upper Dauphin 4-H dairy club held their meeting on April 13 at 8 p.m. at Farm Credit. The clowning club will start April 16 at 7 p.m. Blue forms are due May 22. As part of the international 4-H exchange, Dutch people • are Walk Thru Door, and a One Manhole Roof Panel. lam Upper Dauphin club plans events GRAIN SYSTEMS Although approximately 70 percent of all taxpayers require help today in completing their tax forms, a good set of records assures you of a proper return and a savings for tax consultant’s services. The Farmer’s Account Book covers a full year’s business on a farm, including the cash account, expense records, closing inventory, farm business sum mary, filing an income tax return, and analyzing the farm business. To secure a copy of this course, send $5.25, plus $l.OO handling, to Account Book, Box 5000, University Park, PA. 16802. Make check payable to Penn State. coming from the Netherlands to hosting families in the U S. Needed are families to host the guests. If interested, contact the extension office for more details. The program consisted of a cow quiz. The next meeting will be on May 11 at 8 p,m. at Dunpseys. Show box will be the topic for the meeting. WSL 18-5 4,239 BUSHELS LIST PRICE 52564.00 YOUR COST $ 1 9 1 1 35 WSL 24-5 7,727 DUSHELS LIST PRICE $3702.00 YOURCOST *2759 M WSL 30-5 i 2,072 DUSHELS LIST PRICE $5199.00 YOURCOST *3875 64 WSL 36-5 18,247 DUSHELS LIST PRICE $7301.00 YOUR COST *5442 M Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981—C17 Western Berks club meets LITITZ The Western Berks 4- H dairy club met on April 10. Members were measured for 4-H T-shirts. Some members will be helping to wrap and tag trees at the ag center Beef and lamb club NORTHAMPTON - The Nor thampton 4-H beef and lamb club held their April meeting recently. The Spring beef club will be held on May 23. Members should have their animals at the 4-H center at 10 a.m. Gwen Hower, secretary, will be putting on a demonstration for the first year 4-H projects. It will in clude clipping and blocking Seeing eye puppy bowl held DOYLESTOWN - The Bucks County 4-H Seeing Eye Puppy Bowl team placed fourth m the annual 4-H Puppy Bowl Com petition held April 4 at Rutgers on May 21 and 22 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held at 8 p.m, May 7 at the home of Jimmy Blatt. Older members will show the younger ones the proper way to lead a calf. combined with showmanship. That will take place on May 3 at the 4-H center at Ip.m. Topic of discussion for the evening was feeding animals by Lee Wagner. He spoke on feed ration concentration and nutrition values. The next meeting will be held on May 20 at the Lower Nazareth Municipal building. University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Competing against fourteen other teams in the question-answer event based on the “College Bowl” TV senes, Essex County, New Jersey won the top spot. Lehigh County, Pennsylvania was second, and Moms County, New Jersey, third. Four-H members on the Bucks County team were: Tom and Dave Dickson, Richboro, Karen Lunova, Churchville, and Wendy Whitelam, Richboro. Team alternates were: Kathy Lunova, Churchville and Lucy Miller Dickson, Richboro. Mrs. Jan Whitelam served as the coach of the Bucks County 4-H Puppy Bowl team. At the com petition, Mrs. Chris Dickson worked as a judge, and Mrs. Paul Lunova was the scorekeeper. The Bucks County 4-H Seeing Eye Puppy Club raises puppies for one year before they are trained to be Seeing Eye Dogs for the Seeing Eye, Inc., Morristown, N.J. The club meets the first Monday of the month at Neshaminy Manor Center Auditorium, Doylestown. If you would like more information call Debra Gregory at Neshaminy Manor Center, Doylestown, Pa., 18901,343-2800, Ext. 240. Daily club meets QUARRYVILLE - The April meeting for the Ayrshire Jersey- Brown Swiss Dairy Club was held April 13, at the home of Debbie Weaver, R 7, Landisville. An Easter egg hunt was held. The schedule for the up coming meetings are as follows; May, judging and feet clipping; June, showing and fitting; July, dairy bowl; August, swimming party; September, haynde; Oc tober, Halloween Party; November; Slides of New Zealand; December, Christmas Party. Let Us Know Your Service Problems HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE PH 717 656 6133 2998 West Newport Rd Ronks PA 175/2