Alo—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Lancaster Farming says... There are a fistful of measures floating around Washington, D.C these days, all proposing to become the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 The Reagan Administration has its version and several senators and representatives are working on their own bills, or at least amendments to the Administration’s program. The legislative drafting session on the farm bill is scheduled to begin in the Senate on Monday, April 27. Sources on the Hill say they want to have a farm bill to report out of the Ag Committee by the middle of May. Farmers, and their lobbying organizations, being basically con servative, can be expected to go along with the broad brush of the Administration’s ideas It’s in the specifics that the sparks are flying There are three strong areas of resistance the southern agricultural WHEN THEY SAW HIM April 26,1981 Background Scripture: Matthew 17:1-9; 28:11-20. Devotional Reading: 1 Peter 1:13-25. The Easter story does not end with “And they all lived I NOW IS I THE TIME *1 By Jay Irwin Lancaster County Agricultural Agent Phone 717-394-6851 To be careful with fertilizer placement Most of the crops we plant will require additional plant food in the form of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash to obtain maximum yields. However, we must realize the potential danger of burning seeds or roots when they come in direct contact with either the nitrogen or potash fertilizer. Either of these elements will stunt or prevent germination Fertilizer should be placed to the side or deeper than the plant roots or seed. Most mechanical planters are now designed to keep the seeds and fertilizer at least two inches apart. In the case of plants, the fertilizer should be either worked into the topsoil in advance of planting or side-dressed along the row after the plants have been transplanted. Proper fertilizer placement will return greater benefits from the plant food. No exceptions to the rules lobby will raise the roof about peanut supports; gram farmers will be displeased with the loan programs; and dairy producers are gathering forces to increase the minimum of 70 percent of parity set for dairy prices The only reason Reagan’s economists won’t hear from cattle or hog producers is because there is no set cattle or hog program. Farm policy is similar to so much in the total Reagan economic package the economic pains in th' farm program will be accepted by farmers as long as they hurt somebody else Like welfare recipients, like labor unions, like big business, each farm lobby has reasons why its pet programs should stay while all others get the axe The National Peanut Growers say their support price is 30 percent ..under cost of production They moan happily forever.” It is not just a “happy ending” story but an open-ended story. The last words that the resurrection Christ speaks to his disciples, according to Matthew, begin with a “therefore.” The resurrection is not an event that is now over, but something that is to con tinue. “Go therefore,” says the Risen Christ, “and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” But Some Doubted Matthew’s account of the Resurrection of Christ helps To manage poultry house equipment General management of poultry house equipment is important in maintaining a comfortable en vironment for chickens and turkeys. Defective equipment should be repaired or replaced promptly, especially if it is in volved with the delivery of feed or water to the birds. Rusty cages will allow some birds to escape and may trap or injure other birds. All sharp edges in the poultry house must be removed to avoid injuries. Rusty and decaying feed bins allow moisture to get to the feed, resulting in mold growth and sick birds. Respect soils and weather Nice spring-like conditions beckon us to the out-of-doors and mto our gardens and fields, to till the sod and to seed our crops and us to realize that the ex perience of the resurrected Lord was not an irresistable one. Heeding the in structions of the two Marys fresh from the tomb, the disciples went to Galilee as the angel instructed them and there, on a mountain familiar to them (probably the Mount of Tran sfiguration), they en countered the Risen Lord. “And when they saw him,” Matthew tells us, “they worshipped him; but some doubted.” Although they all had pretty much the same ex perience, some believed it was the Risen Lord and some did not. Whatever they vegetables. Many of us enjoy getting our crops and vegetables in early to enjoy that early harvest and to get the plants well established prior to the onset of dry weather. However, Glenn Shirk, reminds us that seeds need warm, moist, fertile soils for rapid ger mination. Our aim ought to be for seeds to germinate rapidly, before they are damaged by insects and disease organisms in the soil, and for the young seedling to emerge before a hard crust forms on the soil surface. Study long range forecasts carefully, and plant at the beginning of a prolonged warm spell. Stay off soils when they are wet. To increase the tilth and absorbancy of the soil, incorporate organic materials such as manures, compost, cover crops, etc. Starter fertilizers, high in phosphorus, used sparingly and placed in close proximity to the seed, but not in contact with it, will aid germination and emergence, especially if soils are cool and of low fertility. If soils are dry at planting time, it will also help to press the soil into close contact with the seed. Don’t seed too deep, a good rule of thumb is seed to a depth that is about four tunes the diameter of the seed. To think of neighbors when spreading manure Livestock fanners who work with animals everyday may not be (Turn to Page Al 2) that the government has given them only an 8.3 percent support increase on peanuts since 1977 to cope with an increase in production costs of over 40 percent m the same period Corn loan rates may go to $2.40 a bushel for the 1981 crop. But, cash gram operators note, the higher loan rate will have little impact on corn m reserve as the call level already has been reached. For 1981 target prices, USDA still isn’t sure whether to stick with the 1980 rate or go along with increases proposed under the previous Ad ministration. Reagan opposes the target price concept, partly because the government may end up paying lots of cash in deficiency payments Dairy producers, hardly satisfied with USDA's denying the CNI milk petition without even giving the consumer group a hearing, are off on another crusade saw or heard or felt, it did not evoke the same response in them. God may do his best to persuade us, but he does not compel us to believe. He gives us evidence for commitment, but not proof, for proof is something that comes only from within us. The final “proof” is nothing more than faith. I’m glad that Matthew tells us that “some doub ted”, for that helps me in dealing with the resurrec tion. Whatever it is, I know that it will require more from me than sheer ac ceptance of accumulated facts. I will go as far as I can with my logical, questioning mind, but then 1 mil come to a place in the road where I HAV HAWS "TTI □C X, Don't look now, Mike, but I think we may have a problem. Some of the seed corn bags got mixed up and I think you just planted about 10 acres of feed pellets. BY CURT HARLER, EDITOR cannot step across and won’t turn back. It is then I must make a leap of faith. Go, Therefore... The resurrection gave birth to a commission to “make disciples of all nations.” But lots of Christians never get beyond the Easter celebration. They go home on Easter Sunday with a comfortable feeling in their hearts; “Christ is risen 1 God overcomes the sms of the world! What they miss is the challenge to “Go therefore and make disciples...” Why is it that Christians today are so low key about the Good News of the Risen Christ I used to think that it was probably indifference. tochtroa They want to see the minimum support level on dairy prices in creased from the Administration proposed 70 percent to 75 percent Dairy producers may have to settle for a version of the recently defeated measure to limit casein imports. Each case from peanut sup ports to post office grants, from patrons of the arts to parity for dairy producers is worthyof support But each represents a special interest. Near and dear to the hearts of its small constituency, each adds a few more flames of funding to the fires which fuel inflation One of the keystones of our nation is that we sink or swim together, as a union. In the current program to whip inflation, there is no room for a privileged few to thrive while other farmers tighten belts To be fair, it should be all or none preoccupation, cowardice, or laziness. But I have come to wonder whether the reason is that we ourselves have not experienced him Our Easter experience is not a direct experience, but something handed down from someone else. We are not proclaiming him, because we don’t really know him. And if we don’t know him, it’s not because he does not come to us, but that we have not climbed some inner mountain to find him. For if we seek him, we will know the Easter experience. And when we have known the Easter experience, we will fulfill our Easter Com mission.
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