Order 4 base decreases ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Middle Atlantic Order Market Ad ministrator Joseph D. Shine last Friday announced a March 1981 base milk price of $14.06 per hundredweight and excess milk price of $12.51. The weighted average March price was $14.02 and the butterfat differential for the month was 16.9 cents "NOW" MANURE-SPREADERS THAT WILL HANDLE ANY TYPE PIT MANURE EASILY - AND PRICED REASONABLY - BUILT TOUGH MANURE PIT ELEVATORS AND PROPER PIT DESIGN PLANS FOR MAXIMUM BEDDING COMPACT ROTO BEATERS COMBINATION-MOWER AND CRIMPER UNITS COMPLETELY - REBUILT ALLIS-CHALMERS AND WISC. POWER UNITS IN STOCK SMUCKER WELDING & MANUFACTURING 2110 RocKvale Road. Lane ,PA 17602 PH (717)687-9198 YOU NEED MORE THAN FERTILIZER ... YOU NEED A PLANNED PROGRAM Soil “fertility balance” is becoming more important to local farmers every day. Your fertilizer must be tailored to meet the needs of your soil and cropping program in order to return maximum profits per acre. Improper fertilization can actually lower your yields and profits. • ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. has the Agronomic Service you need to complete your program. We have three full time staff agronomists and well trained field men. We also have the plant flexibility to give you what you need. TRY US - We Have Hie Product and The Knowledge ( BULK BLENDS ] ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. '' rANHmTswlllSn 2313 Norman Rd. Lancaster, Pa. * 1 ' PH: 717-397-5152 Hours: Monday thru Friday 7 to 5, Saturday 7 to 12 because of record production The weighted average price declined five cents from February, marking the first monthly decrease in almost one year. The March base milk pnee dropped 12 cents from the February level. The advertising withholding rate, which is deducted from the base and excess milk price and not the weighted average price, was 13 cents a hundredweight and the amount withheld totaled over $672 thousand. The gross value of producer milk during March was $72.4 million, compared to $61.2 million a year ago. Shine said producer receipts totaled 517.0 million pounds during March hnd were at a record high level, exceeding the previous high by over 11 million pounds. Milk production was up over 42 million pounds or nine percent from last March. Production in creased seasonally by almost two percent from February, on a daily basis. Class I producer milk totaled 253.1 million pounds and accounted for 48.96 percent of total producer milk receipts during the month, down from 49.93 percent in February and 51.64 percent last March. Base milk accounted for 88.98 percent of total producer milk receipts in March compared to 85.35 in February and 90.14 percent a year ago. There were 7371 producers supplying 65 Order 4 pool handlers during the month. The number of Order 4 producers was up by 211 f “ ( 1 THIN | Bill! f READ LANCASTER FARMING'S | i ADVERTISING TO FIND ALL I I YOUR NEEDS! j fertilizer tanks to a Calumet liQuid manure spreader with soil injector. Livestock manure is valuable. So it makes sense to keep as much of that value in the ground as possible. A Calumet 2 or 4-shank soil injector does just that Teamed with a Calumet liquid manure spreader, the injector puts manure as deep as 12 inches. This can help retain four times the nitrogen that’s lost with surface application, as well as reduce odors and runoff. See the full line of Calumet spreaders from 1625 to 4500 gallons, and Calumet 2 and 4-shank soil injectors at USED EQUIPMENT i - Clay V 2250 1 - Better-Bilt 12 Ft. Auger Pit Pump 1 -10 Ft. Badger Pump 1 - 53250 Calumet Spreader w/Auger CALUMET & NESSETH DISTRIBUTOR F. ERNEST SNOOK RD 3 - Box 84, Mifflinburg, Pa. 17844 Phone: 717-966-2736 incaster Fannins, Saturday, April 18,1981—-C27 from last March. The average daily debvery per producer of 2263 pounds was 124 pounds or 5.8 percent above a year ago. The average butterfat test of producer milk was 3.75 percent for the month, compared to 3.80 percent m February and 3.74 percent one year earlier. Middle Atlantic Order pool handlers reported Class I m-area milk sales of 214.7 million pounds during March, a drop of 0.9 percent from last March, after adjustment to eliminate variation due to calendar composition Switch