A24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 4,1981 Brief answers to short questions Sheila's Shorts By Sheila Miller Equal tune A letter which was printed in my last week’s column generated a number of comments concerning the Leesport Auction. I received this signed letter from Irvin W. Shirk, R 1 Mertztown: He writes. 1 am writing in response to the anonymous letter printed in your column on March 28. For one thing, the writer claims the auction ring wasn’t cleaned for several weeks. That is incorrect, as my brother can verify because he cleans it out every week. (He is an employee!. What the writer probably saw was fresh saw dust watered down to eliminate dust. As for the fact that farmers buy heifer calves to take home, the calves are the first animals through the ring each Wednesday, followed by sheep and goats after which come feeder pigs. So, there are no “cripple or 90 percent dead” animals sold before calves or pigs being taken home. Further more, a steer with his rectum hanging out or hogs with ruptures are probably no more carriers of viral diseases than are TRIGON MILKING PARLOR Newest Concept In Milking Parlors • Fast, efficient, economical 1 or 2 man milking parlor • 1 man can milk up to 95 cows per hour (16 stall, with full automation) • Choice of 12 stall or 16 stall parlor • Comparing capacity, 12-stall Tngon equal to 16-stall double-8 herring bone You save cost of 4 stalls, less building space means lower costs • Increase herd size easily without in creasing parlor size We Service & Install with years of experience everything we sell. FREE DEMONSTRATION ON YOUR FARM We have vacuum pumps & automated equipment to fit competitive makes of milking systems. Authorized Dealer for Dauphin, Lebanon & Berks Counties CLYDE C. LUTZ Ephrata, PA 17522 717-738-1718 or 733-1224 healthy looking animals. 1 am sure most any farmer realizes there is a risk in buying animals from auctions to some extent and will isolate such animals for a period of tune. My own opinion of Leesport Market and Auction is it is one of the finest auction barns around. And Leroy Weist, one of the owners and manager of the Leesport Auction stated “We’ve run this auction barn tor the past 33 years. If we didn’t run it right, we wouldn't be here." Weist went on to explain the auction voluntarily employs a private veterinarian to inspect the animals going through the barn He added, “There is some scrap livestock, but they are tagged and put in an isolation pen." Dr Charles Baker, veterinarian tor the Lansdale office of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture s Bureau of Anunal Industry, confirmed theie is a licensed disease conti ol technician inspecting the Wednesday auction "As at any other auction, all sick animals that are brought in are sold for slaughter under permit DHIA APPROVAL THE TRUE TEST METER HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY APPROVED FOR USE WITH THE BODMIN MILKER AMERICAS BODMIN HO-PULSE SYSTEM For Parlors, Pipelines and Pail Milkers Americas Nu-Pulse Milker Can Help You Reduce Operating Costs and In crease Your Milk Output they wear red tags and are nut sold through the ring. Ail quarantined animals that are brought into the auction are branded and sold strictly tor slaughter,"he said Baker also pointed out theie ai e tew calves sold tor breeding purposes at Leesporl Auction, except dui mg private sales bo, he said no inspectoi checks health papers at the Wednesday auction since the calves are mostly week old bull calt vealers. And, he concluded, the dauy cows that entei the Wednesday sale ring aie on then way to be cutters and cannei s HW LANCASTER FARMING Sf® FOR COMPLETE IW*® AND UP-TO-DATE JKo. market reports ATTENTION FARMERS FARM EQUIPMENT HAVE DIESEL FUEL INJECTION PROBLEMS? DON'T WAIT Make your repairs now. Get your money's worth and know what you are getting when you buy fuel in jection service. MILLER DIESEL INC. 6030 Jonestown Rd. Harrisburg, Pa. 17112 717-545-5931 ASSOCIATION OP DIESEL SPECIALISTS ACCREDITED DEPENDABLE SERVICE WITH 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE O HURST TIRE SERVICE PHONE (717)354 4931 1 Mile West of Slue Ball On Rt 322 - imcui MSHCm SUTM Farm Women learn MILESBUKG - Nellie Crawtord, President ot Penn sylvania Fanners Associations State Women s Committee welcomed farm women from all over Pennsylvania to a two da> seminar in Milesburg, to learn about public relations The women shared ideas, learned about each others farming endeavors and their part in far ming public relations Packaging a Better You was presented by Pat Batts ot the Farm Bureau Federation He told the 80 State and County Committee Call: speaking tips SANDBLASTING REPOtNTING WATERPROOFING From repairing drafty, leaking walls to complete stucco removal and repointing, exterior restoration or farmhouses is my specialty! REASONABLE RATES JAMES H. DOSTER 507 South Spruce Street Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543 For information or a free estimate, return coupon below Name Address City State Zip Phone: Area. Directions to your home; ATTENTION FARMERS... Now Is The Time To Think About Getting Rid Of Those Pesty Flies. GREUTZBIIRG, INC. Livestock Supplies On The Farm Service-PH: 717-768-7181 Open Daily - 8 to 5: Saturday 8 to 3 ♦ PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE BY MAIL SUPPLIES FOR ALL YOUR FARMING NEEDS ■ ECI Dairy Supplies ■ WIC Barn Equipment Send For CREUTZBURG, INC. FREE CATALOG Lincoln Highway East Box 7 Paradise PA 17562 NAME STREET CITY STATE Chairmen trom J 5 counties that public relations is problem solving through communications. He presented a RACE toi mula which stands tor Research, Action, Communications, Evaluation He told how using these tour steps could enable each ot us to tell ag s story better He outlined six important points to remember in Packaging a Better You’ , 1 Have a positive menial al titude, 2 Be prepared tbe informed and know your tacts), 6 All ot you communicate i remember that not just your eyes and voice communicate, but all ot you Present a good image >, 4 Be concise, keep it short and to the point, 5 Be interesting, 5 Bern control BEEF & DAIRY SPRAY ■ Anchor Animal Health Products ■ Ear Tags & Leg Bands ZIP PYRENONE DAIRY AEROSOL