Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 21, 1981, Image 158

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    D3o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 21,1981
NEWARK, Del. The incidence
of scours and diarrhea in newborn
pigs vanes dramatically among
swine operations. Some producers
expect to see an outbreak within
three to five days after a litter is
farrowed. Others claim the
problem seldom occurs.
Prevention of this baby pig killer
is largely a matter of
management, says University of
Delaware extension livestock
specialist Richard Fowler.
Baby pig scours, E. coll scours,
or colibacillosis are some of the
names used to descnbe an in
testinal disorder in newborn pigs
characterized by liquid feces.
There are several possible causes,
including viruses and bacteria.
Transmissable gastroenteritis
(TGE) is typical of a severe virus
borne disease that is one cause of
the condition. Tests should be run
to be sure what the organism is,
says Fowler. Treatment can be
effective once you know specific
facts about the organism and its
susceptibility to certain drugs
The cause of cohtorm
scours is the bacteria E. cob, a
normal inhabitant of the large
intestine. The incidence of E coli
scours is influenced by herd
management and the facilities
provided for the newborn pig
Given the right conditions,
certain strains of E. coli multiply
Game Commission to meet
HARRISBURG - The regular .
Spring meeting of the Penn- limits and regulations
sylvama Game Commission, open f v f rnln g huntui i for the 1980-81
to the pubhc, will be held Friday, license year will be con-
Apnl3, at 8:30 am at the agency’s Sl rf re ,
headquarters, 8000 Derry Street, Final action on , proposals wiU not
Harrisburg. 1)6 taken until the meeting of the
Proposed hunting season dates, Commission in Harrisburg in June.
are: the practice does not confer only young gilts were susceptible
100 percent good, active immunity to the virus.
and, over a period of 12 months, the At present however, the only
active immunity may wear off, way to prevent SMEDI is to
hence older cows may once again practice the recommended 30-day
become susceptible to parvovirus. waiting period after selection of
This waxing and waning may breeding stock and allowing the
require a boostermg of exposure, most feasible exposure to the fecal
and calls for a reconsideration of material of the mature breeding
the old school of though which felt herd.
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How to beat baby pig scours
m the small intestine. These
organisms produce a toxin that
causes large loss of body fluids.
These are lost through the gut m
such quantities that pigs become
dehydrated, develop acidosis, and
may die.
Large numbers of E. coli are
present in the newborn pig’s en
vironment whenever it is dirty and
wet, the ventilation is poor, and
humidity high.
An important source of infection
is other pigs with the disease.
These can shed up to one billion E.
coli per cc of manure.
The most important factor in
fluencing whether or not a pig gets
the disease is environmental
temperature. It’s the easiest to
control. Young pigs are very
sensitive to chilling. If they
become chilled, they have lower
resistance to infections.
There are no antibodies in the
newborn pig at birth Sows have
antibodies to many organisms in
their first milk. The baby pig must
get this antibody-containing
colustrum if it is to have protec
Mastitis or other diseases that
interfere with lactation often
prevent it from getting this much
needed protection during its first
24 hours.
Once a pig gets diarrhea from E
coli it must be treated promptly
(Continued from Page D2B)
with antibacterials effective especially on the underline,
against the particular strain of the Other types of farrowing facility
organism But don’t use drugs must be dry, well-bedded and have
indiscriminately. Organisms build adequate ventilation to keep them
resistance to them, says Fowler. dry.
Prevention is the key to success Help the young pig maintain
against colibacillosis, he says, resistance by keeping stress to a
There’s no substitute for minimum. Prompt, continued
cleanliness. Central farrowing regular nursing and an en
houses must be cleaned so that all vironment that’s warm and draft
organic matter is removed. Then free are essential in reducing
they should be disinfected and stress. Chilling is a severe stress,
allowed to dry before putting pigs Pigs should be warm enough to
in them. sleep stretched out, not piled or
The sow should also be cleaned huddled, or continuously moving to
Gov. Dick Thornburgh proclaimed March 19 James Fink FFA; Charles Wismer, PA State
as Agriculture Day in Pennsylvania. Joining in Grange; Donald Parke, Penn Ag Industries;
the ceremonies are, front, Gail McPherson, Rocco Pugiiese, Food Processors Association;
Penn's Agri-Women and State Agriculture and Richard Newpher, Pennsylvania Farmers
Secretary Penrose Hailowell; rear, left to right, Association.
PHONE (717 i 354-4931
1 Mile West ol Slue Bali On Rt 3 22 -
a warm spot in the pile.
Vaccination with custom
cultures developed from the
problem herd is another way of
treating scours. This is done in
consultation with a veterinarian.
Many drugs are advertised for
use in treating E. coli diarrhea of
newborn pigs, but these may be
ineffective because of resistance
that has been built up to them.
Prevention is the best protection,
dean, dry, warm facilities reduce
stress and help maintain the young
pig’s natural resistance.
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