i t'C * tp'2 /r '' !y ' K, i Mc& ' ; 'W.- & ** - \ & % < • I<- ' S 4&S > - * \ Ql ~:£' r £ * S ' V. - - ✓ Yield plus standability. Tough XL-25a stood up to the drought—and came out with big early yields. XL-25a is a winning combination of yield power, disease resistance, high test weight grain and standability that’s second to none. XL-55a Yield plus fast drydown. Even in stress-filled 1980, XL-55a came through with top-notch yields. And Pennsylvania farmers like the way fast drying XL-55a helps beat the bad fall weather and the high cost of drying grain. Medium maturity. ITT-TII New for 0 V full season yield power. Exceptionally long ears packed with big, deep kernels make XL-70 a winning hybrid for hefty full season yields. Really fills up the bin or silo fast. And XL-70 is bred to stay healthy and productive all season long. See your dealer and order today. '■'t s 11 was hot and dry in Pennsylvania, DEKALB hybrids came through. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 21 Even when it DEKALB cjb>. DEKALB” is a registered brand Numbers designate hybrids Asa condition of sale please note statement of limited warranty and remedy on DEKALB orders and lags r! , i * ; K * ' sf r