' A3B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 14,1981 Legislative roundup (Continued from Page Al) the existing Ag Lands Con- supported by 17 co-sponsors and demnation Approval Board as the Farmers Union referee in condemnation cases. The measure would change Participation in an ag area current procedure on voting for would be available voluntarily to commodity checkoffs, promotions, landowners within the jurisdiction and similar programs in several of any governing body. significant ways: “Addition or deletion of land in First, it would eliminate block tiie agricultural area shall only voting by cooperatives; occur after seven years or Second, it would require a two whenever the agricultural area is thirds majority by number, rather subject to review by the local than a simple majority, for governing body,” the bill now passage of a checkoff; reads. Prior versions provided an eight year review. Landowners who wish to with draw their land from an ag area “shall notify the local governing unit of their intent at least 120 days before the end of the seventh year,” H 8143 specifies. The bill now requires individual written notice be given to all municipalities in an ag area, the proposed condemnor, and the owners of the land proposed to be condemned, should an agency wish to take land located in an ag district. The bill has the support of the State Grange, Pennsylvania Farmers’ Association, and Far mers Union On Monday, Rep. David R Wnght, Clarion, mtroduced an amendment to the Ag Com modities Marketing Act which is Farm Calendar Ladies Day Out, 9am, Springs Valley Inn, Avondale Inter-State District 5 annual meeting, noon, Willow Valley Restaurant Solaneo FFA banquet, 7 p.m., high school cafeteria Lehigh Farmers annual meeting, Host Farm, Lancaster. Northern Lebanon FFA banquet, 7 p.m , high school cafeteria Cambna-Somerset Forage Day, 9:30 a.m-3 p.m , Solomon Run Fire Hall, near Johnstown Eastern members special meeting, 1 p.m , Blue Ball Fire Hall. Cumberland County Holstein tour to Maryland Eastern Shore, 7 45a.m Friday, March 20 Pa State Guernsey Assn annual MR. FARMER CALL US TODAY - 717-273-9324 ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ Please Clip 4 Mail Coupon to ■ ■ ■ ■ M f PENN DUTCH FARM SYSTEMS. INC. , p 3/u ■ | 1730 Highway 72 North Lebanon Pa 17042 L ° - I am interested m * ■ Hi|h Moisture Corn I Storase | i Liquid Manure Storafe _ 1 Please add my name ■ to your mailing list i NAME ADDRESS STATE | CITY I TELEPHONE (include area code) ■ NO OF BEEF DAIRY HOGS Also, it would reduce the review period for such programs from five to three years Checkoff programs in Penn sylvania date back to the Apple Marketing Act of 1961 (Act 179), amended in 1968 to include all commodities Act 63, passed in March 1970, changed the majority vote requirement to a two-thirds vote. The next year Act 102 rolled voting back to a simple majority, allowed block voting, and established a five year lifetime for orders. While Farmers Union is strongly behind the measure, the Grange and some co-ops especially dairy co-ops can be expected to oppose Wnght’s bill Also in the works is specific language for a multiflora rose bill Lawmakers expect to have that completed by April 1. (Continued from Page Al 2) meeting, Host Farm Resort, concludes tomorrow. Eastern Lancaster County FFA banquet, 6:45 pm, Blue Ball Fire Hall Corn-agronomy production meeting, 10.30 am-3 pm, Wysex Presbyterian Church Manheim Young Farmers Banquet, 7pm, Mastersonville Fire Hall Saturday, March 21 Pa State Ayrshire Club meeting, Carlisle Third Blue Halter Guernsey Calf Sale, followed by 50th An niversary Sale, 12 30 pm, Guernsey Sales Pavilion Bucks County Unit of NFO annual dinner, Plumsteadville Fire House, 7 pm. THIS IS A YEAR TO SPEND YOUR MONEY WHERE IT CAN DO THE MOST GOOD. Make Your Farm More Profitable and your Work Much Easier. CONSIDER BUYING A SEALSTOR FOR • HAYLAGE • HIGH MOISTURE CORN • LIQUID MANURE SEALSTOR • GLASS FUSED TO STEEL • OXYGEN LIMITING STRUCTURE • LOW MAINTENANCE COST BOTTOM UNLOADER • BEST PRODUCT AVAILABLE AT A COST YOU CAN AFFORD Haylagc or CornSiUge Storage Replacing my old or broken bottom unloMer with the Laidig ■ PENN DUTCH ■ FARM SYSTEMS, Inc. . 1730 Highway 72 North _ Lebanon, PA 17042 NOW AVAILABLE LAIDIG UnLoader conversions For High Moisture Grain and Haylage Silos. WE CAN GUARANTEE ERECTION FOR SPRING RYE Current thinking is to establish a noxious weed review board, along the lines of the one defeated last year But the new bill would include language to declare both multiflora rose and autumn olive noxious weeds immediately, says Grange Master Charles Wismer Still sidelined is SB 151, Clarence F Manbeck’s Family Farm Security Bill At present, lawmakers are looking for a way around asking $lO million from the general fund A bond float to support the Fredericksburg senator’s program seems to have the upper hand right now \ ORDER SEED FOR / \ 1981 X \ NOW / CALL WHEAT. us BARLEY. FOR SEED seed F0R1982 OATS, EARLY AND CONTRACT SOYBEANS ft PRICES PHONE \ CONSIDER /COLLECT OR SEE \ SOON / OUR DEALER FOR \ / ORDERS OR \ / FOR PRICES \ / 717-546-5981 \ / MUNCY CHIEF HYBRIDS \ ' Muncy, PA \ Lehigh Valley to meet ALLENTOWN Bylaw changes New York area where numbers aimed at insuring'adequate board have own from 43 to m the representation for increasing past jf months . numbers of milk shippers will be H Another p roposed change would | oi°\ S i!^ red A y c ° mmol J require the annual meeting of each r r fi an tr membei ' s district be held during the first | Lehigh Valley Farmers at the th rae weeks of November. ~ dairy s annual meeting March 19 c urren tiy the district meetings are . m Lancaster held just prior to the stockholders’ f Proposed changes would allow mee ting. the board of directors discression 6 ‘ in forming new districts and would allow flexibility in determining the need for at-large directors. Initially, the plan would ac comodate a block of shippers in the Members also will hear “bottom line results” of a major restruc turing of the dairy which took place at last year’s meeting Palz ★ Bam Cleaners, Manure Pumps. Manure Stackers, Silo (Inloaders, ■ Bunk Feeders, Feed Conveyors MARVIN J. HORST DAIRY EQUIPMENT 1950 S. sth Avenue, Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Phone: 717-272-0871 g