Shorts (Continued from Page D 6) appeal Fi uni hei e, it b U lal b> juiy, Bunton baid As ib evident by Bi niton b en capbulated account ot the pioceduies, condemnation ib an expeiibive, complicated, drawn-out pi ocebb that could lake yeans We make every ettort to bellle with the land ownei,’ Bnnton emphabized, noting howevei the iouleb choben tor li anbinisbion lineb are beldom allei ed Betoi e we even i each the point ot negotiating with the land ownei b, there aie numeioub btudieb dune oh the environment, hibtoiy, and mdubtiy ot the aiea We li y to pick the i oule that will do the leabt damage and ib the mobl compatible, he bald in recent years, ' the powei company it. inquired to have its Itant>nnt>t>ion inn mutes cei lined by the HOC, bunion explained He added the HUC also inquires powei companies to bend out a leltei to all attecled landowneib betoie any negotiation toi nghl ot-wayb aie begun I'hib leltei aiibwcib questions like Can I gel a lawyei to tepiebenl me ab a landowner ' , Can HH &C condeiiiii mj hone' , and a hbt ot olheib iby the way, Biniton pointed out a powei company cannot condemn land within JUO tcel ot a i ebidence ) He added negotiation cannot begin until io dayb atlei the letleib aie dehveied I’hib giveb the land ownei lime to think about the lianbinibbion line project and beek legal counel it debit ed, he baid On the whole bunion baid in In expeilence with becuiing nghl-ot wayb on taimb, theie ib moie objection to an elecluc pole b anchoi guyb than to the pole ilbelt A pole put in a pabluie would Spr\"? Sp eC '° The Green Machine back-pack power blower-mister-duster. The Green Machine power blower with liquid-tank at tachment is ideal for spray vaccinating, fly spraying and disinfecting. These are several ways poultrymen are saving time and making money with this great new tool. Here’s more... BLOWING; • Removing accumulated dust and cob-webs from buildings before housing new laying flocks • Fast removal of old feed from feeders. • Periodic cleaning of fans and motors while in use cleaner surfaces give a lower heat rise, prolonging motor life. NUTLEY, N J - When you shift your cows over to winter feed rations, do you make sure these rations are adequately fortified with vitamins’ There are many reasons why dairy producers should be more concerned about vitamins in winter, stresses Fred Manley, of Hoffman-Laßoche, Inc For one thing, pasture isn’t available in most areas during winter months What cows will pick up (if on pasture) is of very low nutritional quality Dairy producers rely heavily on stored feedstuffs in winter stored feeds that, because of storage, are low in vitamin content. Many vitamins lose potency tn storage Vitamin E is a good example Alfalfa, dehydrated, pelleted and stored at 90 degrees not piesenl as much ot a pioblem to a taunei as the damage done when installing a hue across a cultivated Held 01 when a valuable liee has to be cut down, he said 1 teminded Bnnlon there aie some valuable livestock running aiound pasluies these days, and asked him about any dangei tiom lightning sinking an electnc pole mapastuie He assui ed me the elecluc poles aie well giounded not on eveiy pole, but on evety tew He said he tell the poles otteied protection ti om lightning since the pole would be sliuck lust rathei than an unpi olecled bat a 01 pei son Ihe main dangei, he conceded, is ti om a pole snapping ovei bo there you have it, Mis Bachman a long answer to >oui question, but one that 1 hope will help Heics hoping youis. is a negotiable disti ibution line SAVE 15% NOW ★ TOM DAILY. 11l NT-CROSS COMPANY Cows need more Vitamin E ON DUSTING: • Using The Green Machine dusting at tachment with static electricity feature, such materials as Sevm' 50% W.P. can be applied to the poultry and building surfaces to control the Northern Fowl Mite and other pests. Contact A Hy-Line Representative. ★ MARLIN HERSHEY 820 Rohrerstown Rd., Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Fahrenheit for 12 weeks loses more than 80 percent of its Vitamin E. After six months, alfaifa-brome hay loses 64 percent of the Vitamin E it had when cut. Com silage loses 53 percent of its Vitamin E content after just six months storage In addition, lush spring pastures are still several months away, and feeds have been in the silo, bunk or hayloft for what is now near their maximum storage time which means they’re at their minimum vitamin levels Not adjusting winter vitamins can have serious effects. Take the Vitamin E example again Vitamin E deficiency in calves is most common in late winter or early spring when cows are not given additional supplies of Vitamin E In pregnant cows, Vitamin E is only able to pass from the blood of the mother animal to the blood of the embryo in small quantities. Therefore, after birth a calf’s Vitamin E is gotten more from colostrum and whole milk than from reserves accumulated before birth However, the Vitamin E content of milk depends upon the Vitamin E intake of the mother cow Dairy producers should make sure pregnant cows receive more than enough Vitamin E, particularly during the last stages of pregnancy Vitamin E deficiency in calves can cause white muscle disease (nutritional muscular dystrophy) This still occurs among dairy calves causing considerable financial losses It is especially common among calves dropped by cows pregnant during winter months Basically, nutritional muscular MISTING: • In addition to applying vaccine, as described above, cages and buildings can be disin fected before housing a new flock. • Housefly and mosquito control insecticides can be quickly and easily applied. Phone 717-393-0865 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 28,1981—D 7 dystrophy weakens the muscles Symptoms are difficult to distinguish in most cases. Often the “first sign” of the disease in calves may be a sudden death from heart failure. The disease is also known as “stiff calf” disease because of the way affected animals move around Calves may have an unusual stance with a humped back, tend to drag their feet when walking and show difficulty in standing and nursing Clinical signs disappear within a few days m cases where Vitamin E is added before damage to the muscles is too severe. However, calves are often lost before nutritional muscular dystrophy can be diagnosed For the adult cow, Vitamin E deficiency is thought to be con- Vacuum conversions con floor you PENN 6FATE Recent articles and advertisements describe methods to convert a regular vacuum cleaner so that it will pick up water when snow melts and floods basements These dry vacuum cleaners were not designed in a way that water will by-pass the electric motor. according to Dennis Murphy, Extension safety specialist at The Pennsylvania State University Murphy warns that whenevei there is a possibility ot mixing ot moisture and water a potential shock hazard is ci eated The conversion units consist ot a separate bucket attached by a hose, into which the water or othei liquid is collected Moist air from nected with reproductive func tions. Research has shown that Vitamin E, along with various other nutrients such as selenium and Vitamin A, has a favorable effect on calving. Among cows with a good supply of Vitamin E and selenium, frequency of placental retention diminishes considerably Another Vitamin E benefit for adult cows involves the vitamin’s effect on milk taste and milk fat stability Various studies have shown that Vitamin E can prevent off-flavored milk and make milk fat more stable. Vitamin E content in feed rations should be a year-round concern of every dairy producer. However, in winter, especially late winter, cows and their calves need Vitamin E more than ever. the collected water then blows over the electric motor and may result in damage to the motor’s mternal wiring Murphy says that this excess moisture can build up enough to create an electric shock The real danger is when the collection bucket is full, the vacuum cleaner may suck the water directly into the motor and create a possible fatal shock hazard to anyone touching metal parts ot the vacuum cleaner while standing on the floor Murphy says that wet pick-up vacuum cleaneis are specifically designed for such use. They are built so that water or moisture will by-pass the electric motor and be exhausted outside the cleaner thereby avoiding the danger ★ DON KELSEY