A4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981 Poultry Markets Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N H and reflect trading prices for gradable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nation wide trading center for producers, packers ana marketers GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week This week’.- onces for each classification were Net Weight Feb. 17 Feb. 19 Per Case Tuesday Thursday 48 lbs. 57 56 45 lbs. 57 56 42 lbs. 50 50 39 lbs. 44 44 48 lbs. 48 48 48 lbs. 43 43 Classification Class 1 • Large Class 2 - Large Class 3 - Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks Weekly New York Egg Market WHITE Jumbo Ex Large Large Mediums Pullets BROWN Jumbo Ex Large Large Unquoted Unquoted Unquoted Mediums Pullets Peewees Off Grade Large Checks 63 63 63 64 37 37 39 39 Tone Large barely steady Balance medium easy Copyright 1980 by Urner-Barry Baltimore Eggs Philadelphia Wednesday, February 18 EggS Report suppbed by USDA Wednesday, February 18 Market steady Demand Report supplied by USDA irregular. Supplies fully adequate Prlces Ranged Cartoning Cartoned eggs Prices to demand light Offerings fully retailers, state graded (mm one adequate on all sizes case sale) white Prices to retailers Sales to \f r f e volume buyers, consumer grades Medium 68-70 w jjjj- e e gg S m cartons, delivered, store door A Extra Large 71-75, A Large 70- 72, A Medium 63-65 1 /2 .K'>. - ■ix'V: I -===C=(^== :^==^ I U Fa«"*«9 I Copyright 1980 by Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366 - Lititz, PA 17543 Office: 22 E. Mam St., Lititz, PA 17543 Record-Express Office Building Phone: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 Robert G Campbell, Publisher E Curtis Harler, Editor Sheila M Miller, Associate Editor Dick Anglestein, Staff Writer Debra L Koontz, Staff Writer CORRESPONDENTS Laurel Shaefler, Berks County Bernville 215 488-7475 Jane Bresee, Bradford County Ulster 717-358 3346 Sally B Bair, Lancaster County Columbia 717-285 4926 Susan Kauffman, Lancaster County Peach Bottom 717 548 3131 Vivian Paul, Northampton County Bath 215-837 1363 Joyce Bupp York County Seven Valleys Subscription Price $7 50 per year Sl3 00 - 2 years $l2 00 per year outside of PA NJ MD DE NY VA&WV Established November 4 1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farmmg Lititz PA Second Class Postage paid at Lititz PA 17543 USPS 304 040 / fV i I For address change form or new subscription see Classified Section Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. Nest Run Eggs From Friday, Feb 13 to Feb. 20 Fn. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs 92 88 87 92 88 87 « ■■ 92 88 87 92 88 87 I 4, TOP OF THE HOG MARKET DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET OLD ROUTE 11, DANVILLE, PA 1 7821 717-275-2880 11 HORSE SALE HELD 3rd j SATURDAY OF THE MONTH Market your cattle & hogs the auction way. Sale every Monday 2 P.M. Melvin M. Lehman (Owner) N. E. Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, Feb. 17 Report supplied by USDA Prices paid per dozen Grade ‘A” Brown delivered to retail stores MASS + Mostly N HAMP Mostly R I VERMONT Mostly MAINE + Includes Central and Western Sections only Leesport Auction Wednesday, February 18 Report supplied by PDA Compared with CATTLE 262 last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers uneven, mostly steady to strong Slaughter cows $1 to $3 lower Choice No 2-4 1000-1300 lbs. slaughter steers 62 00-64 50, few to 67.10, No 4-5 1300-1425 lbs 57 25-62 00, Good 59 25-62.35, few to 64 50, Standard 55 00-59.00, few Utility 53.25-54 25. Choice 820-1150 lbs. slaughter heifers 58 00-61 00, few Good 55.75-58 75, few standard 50.00- Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 44 00-46.50, few to 49.25, Cutters 42 00-46 00, few to 47.25, Canner & Low Cutter 40 00- 43.75, Shells down to 37 10. Good slaughter bullocks 58.25-63 25, few to 66 50, few Standard 55.00-57 00 Yield grade #1 1300-2000 lbs slaughter bulls 55 25-68 75, one at 60 25, few yield grade i“2 900-1050 lbs 47.00-54 74 Medium Frame It l 300-600 lbs feeder steers 68 00- 75 00, few Large Frame #2 600-950 lbs 53.00-61 00, Lot Medium #2 665 lbs at 57.50; Medium Frame #1 400-500 lbs feeder heifers 60.00- 67 00; few Medium frame #1350-580 lbs feeder bulls 61 00-69 00, few Large Frame #2 450-650 lbs 53 50- 56 00 CALVES 133 Few Choice vealers 104.00-113 00, few Good 90 00-96 00, Standard & Good 110- 130 lbs 75 00-95.00, 90-110 lbs 65 00- 75 00, 70-85 lbs 60.00-75.00, few Utility 50-115 lbs. 40.00-60.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-135 lbs 70.00- mostly 80 00-98.00, holstein heifers 90-140 lbs 107 50- 138.00. HOGS 365: Barrows and gilts 2.00-2 50 lower, spots 3 50 lower US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. barrows & gilts 45.35-46 50, No 1-3 195-265 lbs. 41 50-47 00, mostly 43 75-45 50, few No. 2-3 295-310 lbs 41 25-42 50 Sows 3 00-4 00 lower US No 1-3 300-625 lbs. sows 37 00-41 50, Utility 265-380 lbs. 33 00-37.00 Boars 30 00-32 00 FEEDER PIGS 164- US No 1-3 30-60 lbs feeder pigs 50 00-67 00 cwt, No 1-3 65-105 lbs 44 00-50 00 cwt SHEEP 10 Few Choice 95 lbs wooled slaughter lambs 59 00-63 00, lot New Crop lambs 43 lbs at 107 50, lot 70 lbs at 77 00 Few Slaughter sheep 26 00-34 00 GOATS 24- Large goats 31 00- 51 00 per head, few small kids 15 00-23 00 per head Large 87-94 89-92 82-89 84-87 91-92 89-97 91-93 89-90 Ex. Large 88-95 90-93 83-90 85-88 92-93 90-99 92-95 90-91 Eastern Pa. & N.J. Poultry Wednesday, February 18 Report supplied by USDA Prices continue to trend higher on light type hens at farm Farm offerings increased slightly tor a fairly good demand Offerings ot heavy type adequate for a steady interest Prices paid at Farm Lightweight at farm 10-11, mostly 10*2 FOB plant 12- 13*2, mostly 12*2- 13 Heavyweight fFEWR Report supplied by USDA (Prices paid dock weights, cents per pound, except where noted) HENS, LIGHT TYPE range 5-6 HENS, HEAVY TYPE range 21-40 PULLETS range 60-56 ROASTERS range 35-70 DUCKS range 65-90 DRAKES range 65-90 TURKEYS, TOMS range 4b TURKEYS, HENS range 42 RABBITS range 60-100 GUINEAS range 70-150 PIGEONS (PER PAIR) range 320-500 TOTAL COOPS SOLD 210 eggs Medium Small 76-83 50-56 78-81 52-54 71-78 45-52 73-76 47-50 80-81 54-55 78-87 80-83 78-79 52-53 Fogelsville Poultry Fogelsville, Pa. Tuesday, February 10 Heinsey’s Poultry Market Root’s, East Petersburg Tuesday, February 17 cartons Report supplied by auction MUSCOVY DUCKS, DRAKES range 86- 94. MUSCOVY DUCKS, HENS range 70- 78 PEKIN DUCKS range 64- 7b RED FOWL 4-5 lbs range 11- 28 RED FOWL 5-7 lbs range JO -38 'CROSSBREED HENS 7-9 lbs range 32- 38. CROSSBRED ROOSTERS 4-6 lbs. range .52- 68 CROSSBRED ROOSTERS 7-10 lbs. range 32-52 GUINEAS: range 1.35-1 55 GEESE. 9-11 lbs range .42- 54 GEESE. 12-16 lbs range 62-74 TURKEYS, range .40- 52. PIGEONS- range 1 10-1 30 ea WHITE PIGEONS range 3 35- 3 70 ea RABBITS 4-6 lbs range 90-110 RABBITS 7-10 lbs range .70-84 GUINEA PIGS range 1 75-2 85 ea. GOATS, range26.oo-55 00 TOTAL COOPS. 561 Delmarva Poultry Wednesday, February 18 Report supplied by USDA Keady-to-cook movement ot a regular steady nature on all items except slower on legs Slaughter schedules reduced overall in line with expected needs Today ’s HI, asking prices steady at 53-54 on Plant and 54-55 on U S Grade A Advance interest fair though unaggressive Live supplies fully adequate at mostly desirable weights Undertone steady Current broiler/tryer negotiated prices tor immediate deliveiy includes mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva Estimated slaughter ot broilei fryers in Delmarva (000) 2/18, 1316 estimated, 2/11, 1524 actual, 2/16, 719 actual, 2/16, 4 04 average weight, 2/9, 4 14 average weights.
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