Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 21, 1981, Image 3
Hog Markets New Holland Feeder Pigs Wednesday, February 18 Report supplied by VSDA Today Last Wednesday Last Year TREND; Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs firm to 5.00 higher. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. GRADE US 1-2: 275 head 30-50 lbs. 71.00-81.00; 120 head 50-55 lbs. 71.00-74.00; 62 head lbs. 65.00- 71.00; 36 head 70-90 lbs. 38.00-51.00. US 2-3. 31 head 27-39 lbs. 53.00- 68.00; 67 head 44-55 lbs. 73 head 60-81 lbs. 37.00-53.00. UTILITY: 67 head 25-50 lbs. 28.00-54.00. Peoria Hogs Thursday, February 19 Report supplied by USDA HOGS: 3500 - Barrows & gilts moderate, mostly 1.00 lower. US 1- 2 200-240 lbs 43.50-44 00; US 1-3 200 240 lbs. 43.00-43.50. SOWS. Weak to 2.00 lower (14%). US 1-3 350-425 lbs. 38.00 39.00, mostly 38.00-38.50; 425-500 lbs. 40.00-41 00 ; 500650 lbs. 41.00 to mostly 41.50. BOARS: Over 350 lbs. 36.50 37.50; Under 350 lbs. 32.00-36 00. CONSIGN WITH CONFIDENCE You are in good hands when you do business with Walter M. Dunlap And Sons and for the following reasons • All hogs, pigs, calves and lambs weigh ed upon arrival, therefore, less shrink and more dollars in your pocket. • All livestock penned under roof • All cattle watered before being sold • During hot weather, fat hogs watered down on arrival • All livestock properly sorted by capable personnel. • No waiting at docks to unload • Full market price for all consignments • Bonded for your protection • Immediate payment • Free up to date market information • Open every day of the week to receive consignments • Financing of feeder cattle available WALTER M. DUNLAP AND SONS Tel. (717)397-5136 The leading firm on the Lancaster Market NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE TUES., FEB. 24 - 1:00 P.M. Lancaster Stockyards National Reputation Local Service . Indianapolis Hogs Thursday, February 19 Report supplied by USDA HOGS: 1600 - Barrows & gilts moderately active, 50 lower. US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 44.00-44.25, about 130 head 44.50. US 1-3 240-260 lbs. 43.00- 44.00. SOWS: Very slow, not fully established, few sales over 500 lbs. 50 lower. (5%). US 1-3 Few 500-600 lbs. 43.50-44.00. BOARS: Under 250 lbs. 36.00; over 350 lbs. 36.50-37.50. St. Louis Hogs Thursday, February 19 Report supplied by USDA HOGS: 5500 - Barrows & gilts moderate, 50-75 lower. US 1-2 200- 240 lbs. 43.2543.50; US 1-3 220-260 lbs. 42.50-53.25. SOWS: Uneven, wts. under 500 lbs. steady-1.00 higher, over 500 lbs 50 to mostly 1.00 lower. (About 7%). US 1-3 300-500 lbs. 37.50-38.00; Over 500 lbs. 40.0042.00; Few Over 600 lbs. 42.50. BOARS: Over 300 lbs. 36 50 ; 200 300 lbs. 35.00-36.00. CONTACT: JOHN CAMPBELL Atglen, PA (215)593-5529 GARY McGEE Spring Run, PA (717)349-7300 DAN DERR Conowmgo, MD (301) 378-3280 Lancaster Hogs Saturday, February 14 Report supplied by USDA 930 head. U.S. 1 210-234 lbs. 47.00-49.50; U.S. 1 & 2 200-245 lbs. 42.7543.50; U.S. 2 & 3 200-255 lbs. 42.25-42.60; Sows 350-500 lbs. 37.0041.00; Boars 200 lbs. and up 31.00-33.00. Monday, February 16 No report due to holiday. Wednesday, February 18 HOGS: Barrows and gilts steady to .50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-245 lbs. 45.7547.00, Mainly 46.25-46.75. Few US 1 205-245 lbs. 48.0046.50. US 1-3 210-260 lbs. 45.50- 46.00. Lancaster Feeder Pigs Tuesday, February 17 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Tuesday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Tuesday feeder pigs uneven; US 1- 2 25-50 lbs. weak to 5.00 lower, 50-80 lbs. 5.00-10.00 higher; US 2-3 steady to 10.00 lov it. All pigs weighed on arrival an. sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 88 head 23-39 lbs 86.00- 94.00; 2% head 4049 lbs. 81.00- 91.00; 164 head 50-59 lbs. 71.00- 86.00; 82 head 6080 lbs. 69.00-77.00. US 2-3: 37 head 26-39 lbs. 77.50- 87.00; 129 head 4049 lbs. 77.00 86.00 Special Feeder Pig Sale Courtland, Va. Thursday, February 12 Report supplied by VDA There were 1,642 head sold. AH pigs were graded by Represen tatives of the VDACS’s Divsion of Markets, Livestock Section on USDA standards and sold by the hundredweight. US 1-2’s; 30-39 lbs. 75.50; 4049 lbs. 68.25; 50-59 lbs. 60.50; 60-69 lbs. 53.53, 70-84 lbs. 54.00; 85-99 lbs 49.50,100-130 lbs. 45.00. US 3’s; 30-39 lbs. 80.00; 4049 lbs. 64.50, 50-59 lbs. 55.50; 60-69 lbs. 50.00 ; 70-84 lbs. 52.00; 85-99 lbs. 40.00; 100-130 lbs. 42.50. Utility: 30-39 lbs. 58.00; 4049 lbs. 55.50; 50-59 lbs 55.50; 6069 lbs. 38.00; 70-84 lbs. 38.00; 85-99 lbs. 38.00; 100-130 lbs. 38.00. US 4’s: 30-39 lbs. 58.00; 4049 lbs. 55.50; 50-59 lbs. 55.50; 60-69 lbs. 38 00; 70-84 lbs. 38.00; 85-99 lbs. 38.00; 100-130 lbs. 38.00. New Holland Hogs New Holland Sales Stables Monday, February 16 Report suppbed by auction 1639 head. Retail 45.00-46.00; Wholesale 43 75-44.75; Heavyweights -10 00- 43.75; Lightweights 36.0043 75; Sows 34 00-39.00; Boars 29.00-32 00. Shoats, 920 head. U.S 1 & 2 3039 lbs. 74 0081 00, 4049 lbs. 73 0081.00; 50-59 lbs 71 0074.00; U.S. 2 & 3 32-39 lbs 68 0071.00, 4050 lbs. 66 00-75 00 Your Livestock Broker Serving You Since 1895. • Up-to-date market information. • We sell slaughter cattle, fat hogs, calves, lambs, feeder pigs • Suppliers of feeder cattle. NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE TUESDAY, FEB. 24 < 1 P.M. Consign your livestock to J.M. Hoober, Inc., where it will receive personal care and service * Call Us: Phone; (717) 397-6191 - Home 569-2084 Small Stock Division - 397-6191 Home - 626-5659* & Auction 963 1069 814 Oklahoma Cattle Thursday, February 19 Estimated Receipts Same Day Last Week Feeder steers under 600 lb steady; over 600 lb. steady to weak Feeder heifers steady to 50 cents higher. Demand very good for steers under 600 lb. and ail heifers, only moderate for steers over 600 lb. bulk supply Medium Frame No 1 and mixed No. 1-2 35tf 825 lb. feeder steers and 300-700 lb heifers. FEEDER STEERS. Medium Frame No 1. 300400 lb $83.00- 86 50; package 330 lb bulls $89.00; 400-500 lb. $77.00-82.25 ; 500-600 lb $72 00-78.00 , 600-700 lb. $70.50- 74.00; VOO-000 lb. $69 80-71 50; 800- 910 lb $65 25-70.20 mostly $67.00- 7010. Medium Frame No 1-2 400500 lb. $73.0075.50; 500650 lb $67 OO 73 00 ; 700750 lb. $67.0069 00. Medium Frame No 2 lot very thin 360 lb. $86.75. Large Frame No. 2 615 lb. $62 75, 820 lb. $63.00 Large Frame No. 2 holstems 630 lb. $62.00, 665 lb 6150; 790 lb. $6lOO. FEEDER HEIFERS Medium Frame No 1 325400 lb $69.00 70.00; 400500 lb $64.0069.00; 500 600 lb $64.0067 30 bulk $65 3067.30, lot 587 lb. $67 90, 600700 lb $64.50 67.00; 700800 lbs. $62.0065 30; lot 8551 b. $59 90. Medium Frame No. 1-2 300400 lb. $63 0066.75 , 400500 lb. $62.50 65.00; 500600 lb $62.25-65.00, 600 7501 b $59 0063 00. FOR THE WEEK. Feeder steers Uncaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981—A3 U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter—Thursday, Feb 19 Report supplied by USD A Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CALVES HOGS CATTLE This Week 455,000 Last Week 487.000 Last Week 411.000 Market courtesy of USDA Chicago Grain Futures (Closing Bids as of Thursday Feb. 19) Com March 3.62V* 3.64% May July 3.84% Oct. Nov. Trend - Com is higher. Wheat is higher. Soybeans are higher. Soybean Meal is higher. Market Provided by Commodity Department Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. MULCH HAY MEADOW GREEN FARMS HOWARD* WEAVER RT #1 80x93A Richland. Pa. 17087 Best Time to Call Saturday Morning 6A.M.&BA.M. , 717-933-5X87 35,000 37,000 34,000 Wheat Soybeans Meal 4.61% 7.59 4.74% 7.86 225.50 8.12 233.50 4.77% 8.38% 2500 2482 Mar. Apr. June 70.65 55.45 Aug. Trend - Cattle are higher, Hogs are higher. Potatoes are lower Market Provided by Commodity Department Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. under 600 lb. and heifers under 500 lb $3.00 to $6.00 higher; heavier weights $2.00-3.00 higher. Slaughter cows $l.OO to 8.00 lower. Late sales Utility and Commercial 2-4 $43.00-46.50. Cutter 1-2 $40.75- 44.50. Slaughter bulls $1.50-2.50 higher. Yield Grade 1-2 1400-2100 lb. $57.00-62.50; 1100-1450 lb. $50.00- 57 00 Salable receipts totaled near 12,300 head compared with last weeks run of 4853. Tremendous winter weather. Run 90% feeder steers and heifers; cows and bulls made up 10% of run. HAY & STRAW HAULED To Local Auctions Have Market For SHEEP 1,294,000 79,000 1,277,000 90,000 1,278,000 72,000 Soybean 216.00 240.50 Futures Trading (Closing Bids as of Thursday Feb. 19) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes 12.86 67.35 49 15 15.48 71.00 55 60 LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION P.O. Box 925 Lancaster, PA Phone 717-393-4641 (day or night) Marvin Johns 717-393-4641 Gene Zwally 717-626-8632