*2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981 Livestock market and auction news Lancaster Market Monday, February 16 No report due to federal holiday Vintage Livestock Tuesday, February 17 Report supplied by USD A Cattle Calves Sheep Today 920 652 24 Last Tuesday 918 689 4 Last Year 585 667 15 CATTLE- Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers 25- 50 lower, with many late sales steady; slaughter heifers firm to 50 higher; cows 2 00-3,00 lower, with many late sales fully 4 00 lower; bulls steady, few sales bullocks steady Supply included 61% slaughter steers, 30% cows, 5% slaughter heifers, and 4% bulls SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 3-4 1150-1350 lb 61.50-64 35, few head 64 75-66.00, Good and Choice 1-2 to retail outlets 64.50-66 00, eight head 68 00- 70 00, Choice 2-4 1050-1300 lb. 61 50- 63 25, few 63 50-64.50; few Choice 3 to mostly 4 1175-1300 lb 58.75-61.85; high Good and low Choice 2-3 57 CO -62 00; Good 2-3 56.00-60 00; Good and Choice 1100-1570 lb Holsteins 55 50-58 75, few head Choice 59 00- 60.25; Standard 1-2 52 75-56.25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS- Choice 2-3 925-1100 lb 58.00-63 85, few Good 2-3 825-1025 lb. 55.00-58 00 COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 43.50-46.50, few early sales 46.50-48 00; Cutter 1-2 41 50-45 50, few early 45.50-47.00; Canner and low Cutter 38.50-42.75. BULLOCKS; Good 950-1250 lb 54.25-58.50, individual Choice 1285 lb 66.85 BULLS: Yield grade 1 1400-1800 lb. 56.75-61.00, individual 1370 lb. 63.35; yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 52.75-56.75 VEAL CALVES Vealers firm to 4.00 higher,, instances 7.00 higher on Choice and Prune. Supply in cluded 484 in graded sale of which 58% sold to return to farm. VEALERS: Prune 295-335 lb. 101.00- couple 115.00-116 00; choice 145-240 lb. 103.00-112 00, few 115.00- high Good and low Choice 120-240 lb 76.00-99 00, 90-115 lb. 66.00-72.00,60-85 lb. 61.00-68.00. RETURNED TO FARM: 66 head 90-125 lb. Holstein heifers 110 CO -141.00, 25 head small frame 80-105 lb. 70 00-80 00; 170 head 100-125 lb. Holstein bulls 105 00-113.00,35 head 90-95 lb. 80.00-81 00. SHEEP; Market trend not fully tested; few sales wooled lambs steady. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 75-100 lb. 62.00-69.00; one 10 head lot Choice 39 lb. new crop lambs 92 00 LANCASTER STOCKYARDS WEEKLY SALES SLAUGHTER SALES - MON. & WED. 1D;00 A.M. VEALERS, LAMBS, HOGS - MON. & WED. 11:00 A.M. HOG AUCTION -SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. STOCKER i FEEDER - FRIDAY 11:00 A.M. NEXT FEEDER f\f l kl(- fifu EQUIPPED TO RECEIVE YOUR LIVESTOCK 24 HOURS A DAY, 385 DAYS A YEAR. PRIVATE TREATY DAILY LANCASTER STOCKYARDS, INC. (717) 394-2611 Lancaster Auction Wednesday, February 18 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 398 46 829 15 Last Wednesday 668 32 1238 12 Last Year 364 65 1181 0 Wednesday’s Auction 393 46 832 15 Last Wednesday’s Auction CATTLE Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers steady to 50 lower; slaughter heifers steady, cows 4 00-6.00 lower, bullocks 1 00-2 00 lower; bulls mostly steady Supply in cluded 71% slaughter steers, 10% bulls, 7% heifers and 12% cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prune 3-4 1140-1425 lb 63.00-64 85; few head Choice 21100- 1325 lb 65 00-65 85, Choice 24 1050- 1425 lb 62 00-64 50, few 64.50-65 25, high Good and low Choice 2-3 58 60- 61 75; Good 2-3 57 00-61.75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS choice 2-3 900-1200 lb 60 00-62 35 COWS Utility and Commercial 1-3 43.5045 00, couple 45 0046 00, Commercial 34 41 0043.00; Cutter 1-2 41 5043 50; Canner and low Cutter 37.0041 50 BULLOCKS Choice 1050-1385 lb 59.1062 00; Good 1000-1200 lb 54 75- 58.00. BULLS- Yield grade 1 1400-1900 lb. 57.0060 25, couple 60.8562 60; yield grade 2 10001400 lb 53 50 57.50 VEAL CALVES: Market not fully tested, few sales steady to firm VEALERS: Individual Choice 190 lb. 104 00; high Good and low Choice 140200 lb. 90.00100 00, 90 120 lb. 65 0075.00, few 5085 lb. .0.0065 00. SHEEP Few sales slaughter >wes steady SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good 15 00-32 00 New Holland Livestock Thursday, February 19 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 978 438 17 Last Thursday 1012 419 3 Last Year 929 553 39 CATTLE Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers mostly steady, slaughter heifers not fully tested, cows weak to 1 00 lower, instances 2 00 lower on Utility and Commercial, bulls steady to 1 00 lower, instances 2 00 lower Supply included 57% slaughter steers and 29% cows Vintage Sales calvessold E on COMMISSION EVERY THURSDAY - 12:30 PHI. HAY S STRAW & GRAIN SALE Get calves in early We start to grade & weigh at 2 30 FOR MARKETING INFORMATION PHONE 717.768.8204 HOME PHONE 215.458-5060 L. ROBERT FRAME, MANAGER Box 100 Paradise, PA 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt 30 SLAUGHTER SiEEKS High Choice and Pi line 3-4 1150-1425 lbs 63 50-65 00, few head 65 00-65 85, Good and Choice 1-2 to retail outlets 64 60-66 00, couple 66 00- 68 75, Choice 24 900-1300 lbs 61 50- 64 75, mainly 62 50-64 50, tew Choice 3 to mostly 4 1250-1450 lbs 59 25-61.60, high Good and low Choice 2-3 57 75-62 75, Good 2-3 57 00-61 25 COWS Utility and Commercia 1 1-3 44 254 7 50, few 47 504 9 85, Commercial 3-4 41 50-44 50, Cutter 1-2 43 004 6 50, tew 46 50-47 75, Canner and Low Cutter 38 004 3 00 BULLS Yield Grade 1 1400-1900 lbs 57 004)0 00, few 60 00-61 00, yield grade 2 1000-1450 lbs 53 Ob -57 00, seveial 850-1050 lbs 47 Ob -52 00 32 1104 19 VEAL CALVES Vealers mostly steady, instances 500 highei on high Good and low Choice 60-120 lbs demand good tor calves to return to farm VEALERS Paine 290-350 Jbs 105 00-114 00, Choice 140-290 lbs 99 00-119 00, tew 120 00-125 00, high Good and low Choice 1250-2300 lbs 80 00-105 00, 90-115 lbs 65 00-75 00, few 105 00-120 lbs 75 00-85 00, 60-85 lbs 58 00-66 00 RETURNED TO FARM Bulk 90-120 lbs holstem heifers 95 00- 120 00, few 120 00-142 00, bulk 90- 120 lbs holstem bulls 05 00-100 00, few 100 00-107 00, several 70-85 lbs 70 00-88 00 SHEEP Insufficient volume tor a market test, tew Utility and good slaughter ewes 24 00-35 00, tew Good 70-75 lbs wooded lambs 48 00-55 00 Lancaster Weekly This Week Last Week Last Year CATTLE. Slaughter Steers to 50 lower; slaughter heifers steady; cows weak to 1 00 lower, some sales 2.00-3.00 lower; bullocks steady; bulls weak to 1.00 lower, instances 200 lower Supply in cluded 60 per cent slaughter steers, 22 per cent cows, 8 per cent bulls, 7 per cent slaughter heifers SALE EVERY TUESDAY ■ 11 AH HOG SALES LY: WED, i SAT. - 9 AAt WEEI Friday, February 20 Cattle Calves 3600 1230 3780 1257 2896 1408 SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prune 341140-1425 lbs. 63 00-65 00, few 65 00-66 00; Good and Choice 1-2 to retail outlets 64.50-66 00, around 15 head 66 50- 70 00, choice 24 950-1375 lbs 61 50- 65 25, mainly 62.50-64.50; few Choice 3 to mostly 4 1175-1450 lbs 58 75-61 85, high Good and low Choice 2-3 57 00-62 75, Good 2-3 56 00-61 25; Good and Choice 1100- 1570 lb holsteins 55 50-58 75, few head Choice 59 00-60 25, Standard 1-252 75-56 25 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-3 900-1200 lbs 58 00-63 85, few Good 2-3 825-1025 lbs 55 GO -58 00 COWS Utility and Commercial 1-3 43 5047 50, few late 47.5049 85, Commercial 34 41 0044 50, Cutter 1-2 41 5046 50, few 46 5047 75, Canner and low Cutter 37 004 2 75 BULLOCKS- Choice 950-1385 lbs 58 50-62 00, individual 1285 lbs 66 85; Good 1000-1200 lbs 54 50- 58 50 BULLS Yield Grade 1 1400-1900 lbs 56 75-61 00, tew 61 00-63 35, Yield Grade 2 1000-1350 lbs 52 75- 57 50, several 850-1050 lbs 47 DO -52 00 VEAL CALVES Vealers firm to 5 00 higher, instances 7.00 higher Demand good for calves returned to farm VEALERS- Prune 290-350 lbs 101.00-114 00, couple 115 00-116 00, Choice 140-290 lbs 99.00-119 00, few 120 00-125 00; high Good and low Choice 120-240 lbs 80.00-105 00, 90- 115 lbs 65 00-75.00, few 105-120 lbs 75 00-85 00,60-85 lbs 58 00-68 00 RETURNED TO FARM Bulk 90-120 lb holstem heifers 95 00- 125 00, few 125 00-142 00, 25 head small frame 80-105 lbs 70 00-80 00, bulk 90-120 lb holstem bulls 85 00- 105 00, few 105 00-113 00, several 70- 95 lbs 70 00-88.00 Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, February 13 Report supplied by USDA Today 123 Last Friday 55 Last Year 219 TREND Insufficient volume for HAY, STRAW & CORN SALE Every Friday at 12 Noon GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION RD No. 4 Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-2334 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyers - Cash or Certified Check Only NEW HOIMND The Action Auction Alim/UIC make the difference nuulN/No in auctions! |JDi/ UA| | AUn makes the difference in ntff nvli/iriUmdrketrng livestock! MONDAY’S AUCTION 800 A M Fat Hogs 10 00 AM Horse Sale 11 00 A M Hay, Straw & Ear Corn 130 P M Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows i Veal WEDNESDAY'S AUCTION 12 00 Noon Dairy Sale 130 P M Feeder Pig Sale THURSDAY’S AUCTION 11 00 AM- Beef Sale Order of Sale, Bulls, Fat Steers, Cows Veal 330 P M Call Sale NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, PA -Abram W Oiffenbach. Manager Phone 717 354 4341 a market test, few lots steers and heifers on offer FEEDER STEERS MEDIUM FRAME 1: One lot 670 lbs. 68 25 LARGE FRAME 1 Couple Jots 725-750 lbs. 66.85-67 50; one lot 855 lbs. 63 60. LARGE FRAME ? (HOLSTEINSj One Jot 795 lbs 53 75, one lot 555 lbs. 53 85 FEEDER HEIFERS MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 1 Couple lot 500-535 lbs 58 25-65 00. Chambersburg Auction Thursday, February 19 Report supplied by PDA Compared with last Thursday s market Slaughter steers highly uneven. SI steers. Choice No 2-4 1000-1200 lbs 60 85-63.75, one at 68.50, Good 58 00-63 00, couple 69 50, Standard 53 7 557 75 Si heifers (few; Choice 58 00-61 75 (fewj Good 52 2 557 00 SI cows’ Utility & Commercial 43 75-47 75, few to 50.00, Cutters 41 7545 75,’ Canner & L Cutter 38 75-42 50,’ Shells down to 30.00 SI bullocks (few) Good 55 6 558 85 SI bulls Yield Grade No 1, 12452020 lbs 56 75-64.75; (few) Yield Grade No 2,12051300 lbs. 52.8554 00 FEEDER CATTLE Steers i Bulls (few) Large Frame No 1 275375 lbs 67.0575 00 CALVES 558 (lew ) Prime 109 05111.00; Choice 94 05107 00. Good 74.0596.00; Standard & Good 7595 lbs 63 0570.50; Utility 5585 lbs 50 0560.00 FARM CALVES. Hoi Hulls 85- 125 lbs 70.00-109.00, mostly 85 UO - 00, Hoi Heifers 90-140 lbs 105 00-15 0 00 HOGS 92. Bulk of supply was sows One lot US No 1-2 219 lbs at 44 10, One Lot No 2-3 265 lbs at 40 00 Sows US No 1-3 300-600 lbs 38 00-42.25, Utility 200-300 lbs 30.50-36 00. Boars 29 00-34 50 Lightweights one lot 1 & 3 190 lbs at 41 00 FEEDER PIGS 74 US No 1-i JO -40 lbs 13.00-21.50 per head, few loth No 1-3 50-85 lbs 29.00-35 00 pei head SHEEP 3 No market test Large Goats 40 00-71.00 per head f"B&R CATTLE CoHI - i RDI, Marietta, PA | f 17547 I I Z Office Phone: * ■' I (717) 653-8164 I | Specializing in f I Stockers & | | Feeders I I JOHN BOWMAN i I Ph (717)653 5728 I I RON RANCH | I Ph (717)656 9849 | LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile Hast of Fredericksburg v along Route 22 PHONE: JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1 30 P M starting with feeder cattle and pigs Also Hay Sale every Tuesday at 12 30
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