ANNVILLE Members ot the Annviile-Cleona Future Farmers of America have been recognized for top placmgs in the county project book competition They include First place winners Bob Kreider, 2 Enterprise Farming Program, Dawn Dohner, Sheep herd; Brian Sell, Veal, Jeff Reigel, soybeans and broilers, Henry Martin, Home Improvement; Donald Baer, Tree Fruits Second place winners Daryl Pen nsyl van ia’s Three Top Alfalfa Producers Champion growers Norman and Harold Davis of Huntingdon, owners of Daland Farms, and Apollo variety alfalfa from RP Seeds. Annviile-Cleona FFA winners reported Balmei, I Entei prise Farm Program, Jean Morton, Market Hogs, Melodye Keller, sheep herd, Brian Hartman, Garden, Ed Hostetler, Veal, Wendy Meyer, Sow and Litter, Robert Kreider, Broilers. Third place winners Daryl Balmer, work experience on farm, Chris Rutter, Rabbits; Jim Graves, Home Improvement. Four place winners. Brian McFeaters, work experience off farm; Kerry Morton, work ex perience on tarm and trapping, Beth Young, skills and tasks, Dawn Dohner, Horses Fifth palce winners Sam Howard, work experience on farm, Stuart Lemon, Skills and Tasks, Melodye Keller, Horses Sixth place winners. Brian Tshudy, 2 enterprise farm program; Brian Sell, work ex perience on farm, Ginger Sowers, Horses Seventh place winners Steve Hostetler, work experience on When Harold and Norman Davis entered the 1980 State Alfalfa Growers Program, they knew the competition would be tough, that it would take a lot to win first place A lot of yield... pounds of protein... and TDN produced over the entire growing season That meant careful planning, proper management and a little luck with the weather. Plus the best alfalfa stand on their entire dairy operation The Davis brothers’ choice to win? A two year old field of Apollo, the alfalfa variety bred to beat Phytophthora root rot (“wet foot” disease) and deliver high yields of consistently top quality hay. The result: Apollo yielded 8.6 tons per acre, with 3,410 pounds of protein and 9,765 pounds of TDN. And Harold and Norman Davis won first place to become Pennsylvania’s 1980 State Champion alfalfa growers. APOLLO VARIETY MFUFA IS A\ML ABLE FROM AOL'R RP SEEDS DISTRIBL TOR AND HIS DEALERS R L. ROHRER & BROS., INC. SMOKETOWN, PA17565 PH.717-299-2571 farm; Wendy Meyer, Market hog During the State Farm Show, chapter exhibitors and their placmgs included Gary Mase, Grand Champion in the Youth Division, Alan Hostetler, Bth place with a 3-year Holstein, Daryl Bomgardner, Hth place with a senior Yearling, Melodye Keller, 7th place with Market Lambs; Dawn Dohner, Bth place with Market Lambs. A semi-annual project of the Annviile-Cleona Chapter is /g&KHHKVK) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981—A15 OPEN PIT PUMP Pumps any size lagoon with 2:1 slope wall so you don’t need docks or loading platforms. Delivers 5,500 gallons per minute. Driven at 540 RPM from tractor PTO. Heavy-duty 25-inch impeller. 25’ length, with optional extension to pump the deepest pits. Loading pipes and hydraulics included. Used V2250G51 Clay ... 10 Ft; Chopper Pump CALUMET & NESSETH DISTRIBUTOR F. ERNEST SNOOK RD3 - Box 84, Mifflinburg, Pa. 17844 Phone: 717-966-2736 NEW Simplex Water Bowls are »%# famous for their simplicity C|nApi L V and the new Simplex 400 is WIIVII Lb m\ still more simple both in con ... . _ n m struction and in operation This IJu AT C p new non siphoning water bowl Wwnm nil has a minimum of working .. I%l§f | parts making it easy to install RIIIJIII and easy to service It provides U V 11 m the ultimate in cleanliness ifo l SPECIAL PRICE BUILDS EVEfIVTHIIVG BETTEP FOR BA,P M S DONALD UPPERMAN SEE YOUR BERG DEALER 1126 N Franklin St FOR VOLUME DISCOUNT: Chambcrsburg, Pa 717-264-6007 ROVENDALE SUPPLY ERWIN W. ZIMMERMAN RD 2, RD 1, Martmsburg, Pa Watsontown, PA 17777 16662 717 538 5521 814 793-3954 CLAIR C. BEATTY R. LAMAIUIACKMAN RD 4, Box 188 A Mifflmburg. Pa 17844 Indiana. Pa 15701 717 412-465-7368 AARON ZIMMERMAN RD 1, East Earl, Pa 17519 215-445-5309 DOMBACH EQUIPMENT INC McAllisterville Pa 17049 717 463 2191 bologna sales The sale begins March 19 and all members will be actively soliciting sales. On March 26, the Annville-Cleona Chapter will holds its annual Banquet at Annville-Cleona High School starting at 6 45 P.M. Brian Hartman and Wendy Meyer and co-chairmen Brian McFeaters and Henry Martin are completing plans Awards will be presented at the Banquet. Past President of the A-C Chapter, Robert Kreider, now State Treasurer, will be guest speaker. eliminating messy paddles and allows absolute water control Phone or write for details is *27.50 ROBERT GUTSHALL RD 1 Womelsdort, Pa 19567 717 933-4616 REPRESENTATIVE CHESTER INGRAM RD2, Belletonte, Pa 16823 (Hublersburg) 814 383 2798 $2BOO AREA
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