£6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7,1981 3% Bone On The Range There's nothing like a pie When you’re looking for a truly luscious dessert, con sider a pie The creamy, delightful taste will almost more than make up for that pound you are likely to add on from a pie But pounds or no pounds, making these recipes are almost as much fun as eating them Tonight try a creamy banana, chocolate or coconut pie, as recommended by the American Dairy Association One of the problems with cream pies in the past has been to find a filling that’s full and tasty enough to still slice neatly The proportions used in the recipe of one tmrd cup of cornstarch to four egg yolks and three cups of milk would suit a perfectionist The filling not only cuts neatly, but also tastes delicious Tomorrow night try a sour cream pie or a fluffly pud ding pie But anytime you bake a pie, try some of our no-fault pie crusts for a flaky, delicious taste Enjoy 1 ' 1 COCONUT CREAM PIE Follow recipe for Banana Cream pie except - stir 3/4 cup flaked coconut into filling with butter and vanilla Omit bananas Pour immediately into 9 inch baked crumb crust Chill thoroughly, at least 4 hours Garnish with whipped cream and toasted coconut GRAHAM CRACKER CRUST Mix together crumbs and sugar, stir in butter Press mixture firmly and evenly against bottom and sides of 9 inch pie plate, building up slightly around rim Bake in preheated 350 degree oven, 5 minutes- Cool on wire rack Fill as desired For a variation in crust recipe, substitute vanilla wafei crumbs (about thirty I 3/4 inch wafers) for graham cracker crumbs to make a vanilla wafei crust Cook’s it \ Question V '/ Comer ? QUESTION Does anyone have any recipes for pocket bread or pita bread 7 QUESTION I would like a recipe for beef tongue. As people are butchering now, I thought other people might be interested too. QUESTION I have been looking for a supplier or store where I could buy a Spatzle machine Spatzles are a form of German noodle Can anyone help me with this 7 ANSWER We have a response to a request for a flaky patty shells recipe. It comes from Mrs. D Martin Stauffer and is at the end of the Range section February 14 March 7 Faithful reader, Brickerville Rebecca Fisher, R 3, Box 36 Honey Brook, PA 19344 Mrs Ervin Fassett East Springfield, NY 13333 Recipe Topics Valentines meals for two only Bake a cake What can you do with hamburger 7 Sandwiches burgers and subs m i .