B42—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7,1981 <0 muons REAL ESTATE CO CHOICE CROPLAND 160 Acre farm with attractive brick colonial house in good condition 140 acres are level top quality cropland metal 40x96 building and an implement shed all aspects of this property are well above average including terms and condition of owner financing $220,000 814-355-8500 (day or night) John Petuck, Broker, 123 N Allegheny St Bellefonte PA FARMS & LAND FO-51 If you really want to buy a farm keep reading General farm in cen tral Snyder Co 188 acres with over 100 acres tillable Bank barn and other out buildings 2 story 8 rm log home with aluminum siding On ly $175,000 Realtor has authorization to work out any number o< owner financing options at low in terest rate FO-25 Don t let in terest rates scare you This farm also has many financing options thru owner Farm consisting of 145 acres Near Me Clure Good soils Approx 100 tillable acres Listed at $175 000 FO 74 Juniata Co near Mitfhntown General farm con sisting ot 24 acres Nearly all tillable 7 room house with 3 4 bedrooms New aluminum siding Mostly all renovated Includes new addi tion 1/2 baths 40x48 bank barn Good soils Nearly level Only $65 900 Small and Large Tracts of Open and Wooded Land Available from $3,800 to $144,000. Other Farms Also Available (gowen Agency inc REALTORS® 22 North VV? Market St (Selinsjrove, PA PHOTOS BY WIRE" 717-374-2165 Evenings call Realtor Assoc a l)llGrryt,() GRI snyde ion 717-374-3038 Paul Kuhn Northumberland 717 374-4144 Don Bashore Juniata/Perry 717-436-9213 Dallas Will Mifflin ADAMS COUNTY 1 mi N of Abbottstown on #194 83A Beef & Hog farm, Ig 4 BR stone house, mature shade, Barn 60x100 feedlot, silo with new unloader, hog barn, double corn crib, gram bin with dryer, shop and other buildings $169,000 more/less land available DANNER'S INC. RELATORS East Berlin, Pa. (717) 259-7122 SHOWPLACE Free Stall Dairy Farm 310 Acres 100 acre river flat 74x170 barn with 112 free stalls milking parlor 3 large silos 40x100 heifer barn Beautiful colonial red brick 2 family home paved drive $275 000 POULTRY AND DAIRY FARM 144 acres 5 acres spring fed lake poultry house caged for 20 000 birds automatic feeding Dairy barn for 34 cows bulk tank barn cleaner 28x144 heifer barn 4 car garage Good 5 bedroom 2 bath home $135 000 McKee Realty Mam Street Cincinnatus, NY 13040 607-863 4181 110 Acre Dairy 31 cow stalls, lots of room for dry cows plus new heifer barn Block milk house, horse stable, Ig frame house Good land lays very nice Equip shed, 2 silos, Diesel unit Montour Co $175,000 211 Acre Dairy farm 150 tillable 46 stalls, horse stable, 3 silos, milk house, equip sheds, 2‘/z sty house Near Jacksonville, Center Co 35 acres near Terre Hill, bank barn Near Zmns Diner, Rt 897 2 I A acres of land & stream, 2Vz sty frame farm house Nice condition Perry Twp., Berks Co, Pa 40x336 controlled environment layer house & egg production plant, situated on 12 acres of land Built in 1965 with capacity of 26,000 60x80 egg production plant (needs up dating) Plant has Aquamagic Washer & Grader - handles 50 cases per hr Nearßt 662@ Shoemakersville, HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Mam Street Morgantown, Pa 215-286-5183 or Alvin Horning 215-286-9851 ■ l _ 1 _ I REAL ESTATE CENTRE COUNTY 103 ACRE FARM Present use beef could be readily converted to DAIRY Hagerstown soil w/good fertility Excellent location adjoining hardtop road Two story HOUSE 2 story BANK BARN with COMPLETE OUTBUILDINGS' Sl9B 000 with SELLER FINANCING' FAVORABLE financing terms by owner on 46 acres of land with STREAM in Blair County $36 000 WOODED area 30 acres w'buildmg sites I 1 '? miles from Sayre Dam $23 750 FARMS • MOUNTAINLAND • LOTS • HOMES CALL COLLECT Miles Clevenstme 814-234-1150 or 383-2755 KIMBALL REAL ESTATE 1001 University Drive, State College PA 16801 Centre County Multiple Listing Service 111 ACRE ADAMS COUNTY FARM Equipped for broilers beef and hogs 55 000 broilers automatic includes generators for entire farm 100 head of cattle capacity Housing tor 200 head of hogs Both with automatic water and self feeders 40x65 bank barn silo 27x54 Morton steer barn 22 000 bushel capacity gram bins and dryer Large dwelling 4 bedrooms 2 baths family room with fireplace modern kitchen sum merhouse 3 car garage and other outbuildings Danner’s Inc. East Berlin, PA (717)259-7122 Kenneth Walker 624 8867 ~ -: v «i«ralH»w 15 ACRE FARMETTE FOR SALE New Ranch style home, 6 rooms, V/z baths, total elect, fully carpeted, An derson thermo pane windows & storm windows, pecan windows, Fngidaire appliances, finished heated cellar At tached to home - 12 ft concreted breezeway & 32x34 heated & insulated garage, fully equipped 3 acres of land scaped lawn 2Vz miles from Mansfield, Pa Horse barn, vinyl siding, new sidewalks FRANK MASSARA R.D. 1, Odell Rd. Mansfield, Pa. 16933 717-662-3957 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BEDFORD COUNTY - 275 acres bee) barn, large silo frame house needs repair 159 acre crop farm, 110 tillable, nice house some owner terms WANTED Farm in Central PA with 65 stanchion barn All into kept confidential BEDFORD COUNTY-FARMETTE-25 acres with large barn & show barn, other ouildmgs, good home LARGE 200 HEAD DAIRY with double six parlor, 20x60 stave, 20x60 harvestore & 20x70 Crop store Badger slurry system, 2000 ton trench (200_ head tree stall barn) Home has been completely remodeled - large family room with woodburner 7 bedrooms laundry room w/w carpet 104 ACRE MIFFLIN CO DAIRY FARM All buildings in excellent condition Large 40x80 cow barn, laminated rafter w/attached 36x72 heifer barn 40x64 implement shed 14x16 milkhouse w/500 gal bulk tank, 20x65 & 14x50 silos, 5 bedroom house in excellent condition Priced for quick sale 5189.000 HUNTINGDON COUNTY DAIRY FARM 176 acres with 125 acres ot level farmland in hay & corn Barn set-up for small herd Stream on two sides Comes stocked & equipped LARGE FARM & DEVP LAND 1050 acres In eludes 350 tillable, 300 woodland, two stone homes PLUS 18 HOLE PGA APPROVED GOLF COURSE, large devp area with stream PRODUCTIVE 200 ACRE DAIRY FARM - Over 100 tillable, 48 cow barn Rafter barn Pipi ’■ ie, 4 bedroom home W/WO cows & equip $200,000 190 ACRE BOTTOM LAND FARM Approx 180 tillable Excellent for corn & beans Long road frontage Large barn used tor beef $219,000 15 ACRES with 25 additional tillable acres available $16,900 160 ACRE DAIRY FARM SET-UP - (or small herd - 15 stanchions bulk tank - wood silo Hog pen garage - equip shed spring house large far mhouse Near 138 acre farm $225 000 SAW TIMBER 154 acres in Central Pa in Nittany Valley Estimated 400 000 bd ft 559 000 SAW MILL - Only saw mill in Pa with guided tours Includes 536 acres of timber that will cut over 6000 bd ft per acre 62 4 acres on Jacks Mountain Excellent hunting BLAIR COUNTY Morrison Cove Dairy Farm, 117 total acres, 7 pasture with Clover Creek running through, 3 acres woodland, 100 acres rich limestone flat farmland, large bank barn with 30 stalls, bulk tank machine shed, 3 car garage, hog & chicken pen, corn crib shed Mountain water piped to house & barn, drilled well, near Old Order & Eastern Mennomte Churches $275,000 HUNTINGDON COUNTY 150 aero farm, good for small herd HUNTINGDON COUNTY 188 acres good limestone farm land Large 20x70 silo w/unloader Excellent owner terms, immediate possession 5191 500 HUNTINGDON COUNTY FARMETTE-Large 4 bedroom home in tip top condition, 3 bedroom rental home, 3 bay insulated & heated garage, large barn with new horse stalls, heated wood working shop, 10 acres with more land available, good frontage, $116,500 Additional farms & land available Large & small tracts for farming or development THOUSANDS OF CUSTOMERS have contacted United for property Let's talk about finding a buyer for yours UNITED FARM AGENCY OF PA. INC. R D #1 Box 395-D Roaring Spring, Pa 16673 814-224-4464 ' REAL ESTATE