B4o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7,1981 J REAL ESTATE Money not necessary, will trade auto, truck, body repairs & painting for farm products, frewood or what have you Lehigh Co 215 285 5611 BEDFORD CO. 300 acres cattle & gram farm, $290,000 Other Farms VAN CLEVE REAL ESTATE 717-392 3032 «►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«> : 95 ACRE : : farm : ♦ Borders Turbotville, f « Pa Boro North’d Z t c ° „: ♦ Limestone loam grd ♦ Z Farm this spring Z | ALFRED ROVEHOIT ♦ ♦ 717 649 5617 or * ♦ 717 538-1622 ♦ DAIRY FARM 400 acres off 188 near Cobleskill & Albany NY Limestone soil (Corn alfalfa) 60 cow barn pipeline milking bulk tank young stock barns Need am bitious couple with own livestock & machinery $6OO a month rent References required Write MR. LUDWIG LEVY 1363 Rockhill St Deltona. FL 32725 120 ACRE GENERAL FARM V 4 mile from Midway Diner I 78 between Bethel and Strausstown Berks Co PA Southern Slope of Beautiful Blue Mountain SI 75,000 Financing Available Contact 808 WEAVER PO Box 405 Lancaster, PA 17602 215-445-7550 or 717-392-0336 PRIME VIRGINIA FARM B Vz% financing over 40 yrs with annual payments 181 acres, over 80 tillable, PH over 8 5 clear moun tain river, large house, bank barn and outbuildings Also mobile home sight with utilities Priceless view of mountains' 2 miles from small town and school Only $l2OO per acre By owner, call 703-997-9119 Grtugc. GROSS REAL ESTATE, INC. 229 Center Street Bloomsburg. Pa 17815 JAMES F. GROSS REALTOR 717-387-0230 152 Acre Farm 2 Ponds Barn 3 Br Home MUST BE SEEN CONTACT Mary Heffner 717 458-4244 or 387-0230 MONET TO LOAN IT TAKES MONEY TO MAKE MONEY sss 10,000 TO 5 MILLION sss • FARM LOANS • COMMERCIAL LOANS . INDUSTRIAL LOANS • NEW OR EXISTING BUSINESS LOANS • SECOND MORTGAGES . LOANS TO HEIRS ON ESTATE TRUSTS AND REMAINDER INTERESTS IN TRUST PURCHASED I Know The Feeling So Give Me A Call 808 MONTGOMERY (consultant) 24 Hours & 7 Days A Week 717-548-3657 717-392-0321 TIOGA CO. FARM 150 acres, secluded 2 story remodeled house, 4 bedrooms, 2 j / 2 baths, 2 car garage, barn and land in good shape, $llO,OOO. 814-367-5796 110 acres, 75 tillable, balance in marketable timber, $115,000 60 acre parcel with 42 acres tillable, $70,000 50 acre parcel, 32 acres tillable, $60,000 for more information contact ALPHA REALTY 302-678-1646 CENTRE COUNTY Top notch dairy farm for rent, 156 acres, 30 pasture, 30 woodland, 2 story brick house, top dairy barn with stan chions, 8 horse stalls and heifer pen, 2 silos, tobacco shed and corn cribs, carriage shed and workshop. LEOLA REALTY REALTORS 127 W. Main Street, Leola, PA 717-656-2281 717-392-1949 after 7 p.m. 50 ACRE FARM 16 tillable, 20 pasture, fence with creek Some woods, 4 bedroom home, good con dition, 2 yr old 50 x 68 heated building with water and electric Suitable for shop, veal with pigs, etc 45x60 barn with 32x60 overshot, loafing area, 5 bay implement shed, 20x20 block butcher house, other outbuildings, Beautiful View 1 Mifflin Co $89,500 Adjoining Land Available 77 acres, 11 tillable $550 per acre 51 acres, 7 tillable, $550 per acre CENTRAL NEW YORK OFFICE AFFORDABLE STOCKED & EQUIPPED DAIRY 200 acres 125 tillable 66 tie barn with pipeline Patz cleaner. 2 silos, unloader 27 stanchion heifer barn 3 stall machine shed 8 room home newer kitchen & bath 44 Holstein milkers 25 heifers Ford 7000 Balarus & Ford Major Diesel tractors all machinery $175 000 250 FREE STALLS on Eastern NYS dairy 3ia acres, 300 tillable All feed hay S corn silage feed into inside bunkers Large main home 3 bedroom tenent house plus 2 bedroom trailer A milk making set up TOP LOCATION, LAND AND BUILDINGS 347 acre registered Holstein farm 175 tillable sandy loams Former 120 tie barn now 75 LARGE ties new 2 Delaval pipeline 46 heifer ties 4 silos unloaders 90x90 pole barn Very good Colonial type home for 2 familys sets back on lane $195 000 with $124 000 assumable mortgage Registered stock & equipment available NEW FREE DAIRY LISTING H WIMPLE REALTORS SLOANSVILLE, N Y REALTOR'’ Owner 717-899-7418 518-875-6355 REAL ESTATE 100 Dairy and cash crop farms for sale Central New York 50 200 cow farms with 100 acres to 1000 acres Send for our free farm list or call collect for an appointment after 8 PM or before 8 A M RICHARD E.POSSON REALTY INC. RD 13 Norwich, NY 13815 (607)334-9727 LOOKING For A Gentlemens Farm? We can offer you something Unique l 36 Acres bordering Rt 72 north of Manheim Practical for horses, sheep, or steers Also, commercial possibilities as a truck patch. Lovely 2Vz story farmhouse w/4 bedrooms, Ist floor family room, & den or office 2 car plus garage & out buildings Call for all the details MLM399O PENN REALTY, INC. 665-2401 397-8174 FRANKLIN COUNTY 160 A dairy 4 bdrm stone house with mod conveniences frame bank barn with 38 stan chions freestall barn 70x40 modern metal heifer shed 1 silo 11x40 1 silo 16x50 2 corn cribs bulk milk tank silo unloader stable cleaner 3 per manent elevators in barn limestone soil 135 A tillable 25 A meadow & woodland CUMBERLAND COUNTY 28 A farm with going business south of Carlisle along Rt 11 modern 2'h story stone house with all conveniences good cond a new furniture showroom and auction sales room outside horse show ring Plenty of road frontage for expansion 148 A gen farm east of Gratz near Hegms Ig frame bank barn Ig granary could be converted to living quarters stream in meadow 84 A gen tarm frame bank barn east ot Pine Grove 80 A tillable 54 A gen tarm east ot Pine Grove bank barn 3 story chicken house silo 10x40 38 A tillable some woodland NORTHERN LEBANON COUNTY 80 A gen farm Ig remodeled house with part of it new 5 bdrms and bath modern kitchen and dining rm Ig living rm , rec rm new 2 car at tached garage frame bank barn 37x85 with at tached shed 25x29 silo 10x40 imp shed 40x40 70 A tillable 6 A woodland and meadow with stream Hagerstown soil 100 A gen farm 4 bdrm brick house Ig kitchen dining rm living rm family rm frame bank barn 85x40 1 story addition 17x40 and attached granary 5 car garage on lower level and imp shed on upper level 80 A tillable 10 A woodland 10 A meadow CHESTER COUNTY 40 A dairy near Honey Brook 4 bdrm house frame and stone dairy barn 32 stanchions heifer barn attached to barn 2 story loafing shed YORK COUNTY 57 A gen farm near Delta 10 mi on other side of Norman Wood Bridge 3 bdrm house with mod conveniences double decker frame barn silo 30 A tillable PERRY COUNTY 56 A farm w/bankbarn no house 140 A dairy farm 2 Harvestores 42 stanchions concrete silo LANCASTER COUNTY 29 A gen farm with Ig modern 2 1 '- story frame house in good cond frame barn north of Ephrata 25 A between Mount Joy and Manheim with over 1000 road frontage Some tillable woodland and meadow with stream No buildings 20Awoodland northeast Lancaster Co CLINTON COUNTY 70 A woodland Some of the above properties will be financed by the owner to qualified buyers Call us for interview We will be glad to show you any of these properties free of cost CHRISTIAN M. MOSEMANN Real Estate Broker 734 Mam Street. Akron PA 17501 717 859-1004 or PaulZ Musser 717-733-8107 or Emma Gish 717-653-5369 or Paul Smith 717 933-8156 REAL ESTATE V I REAL ESTATE t : STILL TIME FOR SPRING SETTLEMENT! LANCASTER COUNTY 3 Ac farmette, Rt. 896, Southeast of Strasburg, log home, mobile home, bam, etc. Nice location 20 Ac, 300 fruit trees, 2 sty block 24x50 storage fruit bldg., beautiful 10 yr. old 80x30 Ranch brick home w/2 car garage. Including 4 Ac. woods, $150,000. 5 Ac., 3 BR ranch, double carport, mcludes 3 Ac. woods, remainder till ground Horse or pony barn, 2 story 100x40 concrete poultry bldg., needs work. $49,900. IVi Ac. farmette, mt stream, pond, Rt. 897 North, priced in the 40’s, good hunting SNYDER COUNTY FARM NEAR McCLURE - Productive 130 acres General farm with 2-Vfe story house (completely remodeled) Cherry kitchen. l-% baths Bank bam, com bam, equipment shed and garage, etc. $195,000. FARM-BEEF SETUP - 99 acre setup for beef and hogs with 18x65 stave silo Jamesway unloader and 80 foot bunk feeder. Bam has concrete floor and headed waterers. 2-te story 4 bedroom house with oil hot water heat. $165,000. P.S : Store-Mor gram dryer with gram bins for 40,000 bu. storage for an ad ditional $45,000 115 Ac., 60 till., level, fertile, woods, some river front, commercial ground along Rts. 11 & 15, Ig. brick colonial 4 BR 2 baths home & farm bldgs $250,000. 28 Ac general, all till., 6rm house, $69,000 20 Ac woodland, secluded, Rt. 104, $22,000 WOODLAND - 10 acres. Ideal spot for building a cabin Good deer hunting. Priced at $11,500 14 Ac , 5 till., woods, meadow, new fence, stream & good bam, $29,000. JUNIATA COUNTY 160 Ac , 140 till, general, (2) 2000 bu gram silos, large barn w/loafing area, silo &. other buildings. Would make dairy set up 8 room home, old Rt. 322, $300,000. NEAR THOMPSONTOWN, 72 Ac., 68 tillable alfalfa and com ground, older bam, frontage on quiet country road. Be sure to see it as it has possibilities Priced to sell at $87,000. NEAR MIFFLINTOWN, 66 Ac dairy with 38 stalls, bulk tank and dumping station. House with 3 bedrooms, bath plus large eat-in kitchen. Ideal starter farm with possible transferrable F.H.A financing. $160,000. WATCH YOUR EQUITY grow as you farm this 282 acre general farm complete with 2 dwellings, stream, pond, woodland, large bank bam. Amish community. Silo, implement shed, a perfect brood cow operation, a real value at today’s cost of only $285,000 16 Ac, farm bldgs , Thompsontown area, stream, good house, $63,900. Make offer NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 10 Ac. veal calf farm, complete with oil hot air heat, mixer, high pressure washer, total capacity 206 wood stalls $50,000 105 ACRES of limestone soil, 20x60 “Blue” silo, 60 ft. bunk feeder, concrete feed lot, loading chute 85 tillable acres Ask for more details, only $150,000. DAIRY FARM 58 stalls with bulk tank, dumping station Excellent set up for the young ambitious farmer Large frame house, 4 Br., mod. kit, bath. Priced at $200,000 MONTOUR COUNTY New Listing - 50 free stall bam, 4 unit pipeline, milking system, 4 bdrm., lovely, like new Rancher. Total of 123 acres plus extra rented ground available Nearby 1-80 Danville exit, $225,900 Under $9OO an acre, good starter farm in a secluded setting. Good soil, fair house, woodland, stream, etc Would consider a trade. Owner financing. COLUMBIA COUNTY 126 Ac., approx. 90 till., good stream, quiet setting, productive potato, alf corn land, sturdy Irg. barn, 2 story home, some tun berland, off Rt. 42 Possible financing. $139,900. DAUPHIN COUNTY 9Ac farmette, near Rt 230, secluded, $55,500 For Information On These & Other Penna. Farms Ask For One of the Farm Men Kill {Realty ' »fAI’(S»S I } k 1770 Oregon Pike ■ w Lancaster * i v Phone- 717-569-8701 i " or Leola 717-656-6717 f KJEALTOi