Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1981, Image 79
MISCELLANEOUS Wanted- Standing timber to buy For Sale Squared locust posts, walnut lumber and all kinds of sawmill lumber and timbers Custom sawing G H Burkett & Sons Sawmill, Elizabethtown, PA 717 367 2791 Carnage, good condition $lBOO, 717 442 8921 Electric overhead hoist C & M 5 ton 3 ph 22 lift new cable, built in trolly $lBOO Complete con veyor system, excellent condition, just removed from glass bottle manufacturing plant, steel chain 12 wide stainless sides and frames, approx 250 m 10 sections, 4 gear drive units with 3 ph motors, $2200 complete 100 hp hi o ss gas fired boiler S3OUO South Jersey 609 927 4564 Hill meat display case and cooler, 12 long 717-898 7566 For Sale Closed carnage, needs work 717 866 5619 For Sale Bto 10 lbs homemade butter a week I anc Co 215 445 6274 RUBBER STAMPS Made To Order Ink Pads Available Write or call after 6PM Gary Hess 451 N George St Millersville, PA 717-872-6245 FOR SALE BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT MEAT SAWS. GRINDERS, STUFFERS, SLICERS SPLITTING SAWS, TABLES KNIVES, ETC NEW & RECONDITIONED MARTIN BAMBERGER CO. 4110 Pinkney Rd BALTIMORE, MD 21215 (301)358-9700 DIALING FOR ssss Immediate Cash Wanted- Old and Antique Items Oak round tables up to $5OO Sq oak tables $250 Oak bedroom sets to $7OO Set of oak chairs to $5OO Rolltop oak desk to $lOOO Furniture Glassware Etc Call Anytime 215-266-6618 TOME. FISHER P O Box 277 Elverson, PA 19520 WE BUY TIMBER WE’RE LOOKING FOR LARGE TRACTS OF GOOD QUALITY TIMBER (10 ACRES OR MORE). Zk. !*■ j-*. 4OOO East Harrisburg Pike Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 717 944 7451 "THE TIMBER PEOPLE" MISCELLANEOUS For Sale Cherry Lumber, red oak and rock oak Ph 717 776 3239 after 5 p m For Sale A brand new never used, metal clad door & door frame for 1 WALK IN refrigerator Inside door frame measures 32 x 72 Price $250 Ph 717 427 4025 after SPM For Sale Donut Robot #43 in excellent condition used less than 1 yr com plete with instructions & accessories New price $l7OO Asking $lOOO Also 8 bucket ice cream dipping case, $5OO or best offer 215 384 2477 We buy your paid for farm or business equipment & lease it back to you for 7 yr term $lO,OOO $lOO,OOO Age or con dition of equipment not important Write Edward Read Agent, Narvon, Pa 17555 Rugged P&D silo unloaders 33% OFF, Pmcor alternators No 1 best buy, used 46KW $l6OO, Berg barn cleaners last longer, steel rooting and siding 20 year warranty to 40 , cut to the inch, delivered $39 95 Lancaster 215 445 5309 For Sale Locust posts Christ R Beiler, Rd 3 Box 379 Quarryville, PA 17566 Lancaster Co REAL ESTATE 2 Farms consisting of 120 acres of very fertile land, 2 sets of buildings for sale by the owner, John Strawbndge, 301 996 2022 It you re looking for a farm land or have any other real estate needs you II find what you want m the Real Estate classifieds 717 394 3047 or 717 526 1154 For Sale Perry County, 1 to 8 acre woodlots, ap proved PH 717 438 3115 For Rent - 50 cow dairy farm in Southern Hun tingdon Co Grade A milk market Available April 1 Write PO Box 365 L 129, cl o Lancaster Farming, Lititz Pa 17543 Farm For Sale to settle an estate, 74 acres more or less in Nine Points area Call after 3PM 717 529 2714 MISCELLANEOUS Work Shirts and Pants $2 35 ea Coveralls $6 99 ea Jackets $5 00 ea ail used reconditioned Minimum order 5 items New Leather Gloves 6 pair/$l9 00 Send check and sizes Add $2 50 postage and handling Catalog $lOO Sara Glove Co , Box 4069 CB4 Waterbury Conn 06704 - HEAL ESTATE Wanted to Rent Farm land for spring 81 PO Box 444 Federal Sq , Har nsburg, Pa Bedford Co Exceptional 2 story 3 bedroom remodeled farm house, wood burners in large country kitchen and living room r/2 bath plus many extras good barn, fantastic view on 115 acres with 70 acres of level to rolling open land with sparkling brook ideal horse farm, ZVi miles from PA turnpike exit at Breezewood, PA $95,500, Paul Plovish Real Estate, West sth Ave , Everett, PA 15551 814 652 5226 Farm for sale by owner 84 acres eastern Lycoming county, plank house stream, 50x60 bank barn, excellent hunting currently used for beef 717 584 2351 125 acre Tioga County dairy farm with 54 tie stall, 5 year old barn, two 16x50 silos, recently remodeled 3 bedroom home $120,000 for quick sale by owner 717 673- 5769 Wanted Secluded hunting camp or small farm in Lycoming or Tioga Co all replies answered Robert Sher, R D 3376 Fleetwood, Pa 19522 For Sale 15 acres of secluded woodland in Hartley Twp Union Co Pa 717 922 1410 For Sale 119 acre steer & hog farm Union Co , Pa 717 922 1410 For Sale 90 acre farm southern lancaster Co Amish neighbors ad joining, no realtors Write Box 356 L 130 Lancaster Farming Lititz, PA 17543 For Sale Commercial pro perty, garage 40’x50’xl2 plus 4000' storage Modern 7 room home with natural gas hot water heat Excellent well water Approx 2 acres land with good block barn Located on Rt 11 1 mile North of Berwick, Luzerne Co 717 752 7191 after 5 Rockingham Co Farm For Sale Livestock rolling, approx 100 acres tillable, long frontage on creek, 2 story farm house with bath, large bank barn will sell on terms Shenandoah Co Broiler operation 100,000 capacity, approx 50 acres In the top 10% production, A 1 poultry operation Contact 8 K Rouse 703 740 8867 or Warren Good 703 477 3970 RJ Glower Real Estate Woodstock, VA By Owner Operating 40 tie, 307 acre dairy barn or complete St Lawrence Co, NY 315 328 4646 For Sale 119 acre steer & hog -farm, Union Co , Pa 717 922 1410 For Sale - 228 acre dairy farm 160 tillable, 2 houses, 2 silos, dairy barn, in Seneca Co , NY Beside Cayuga Lake Write Box 366 R3B Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 For Rent - Chester Co , 70 acre tarm (50 tillable), 34 tie stalls, 44 treestalls, large maternity barn, 18x60 silo with unloader and bunk feeder, stable cleaner, 20x30 tiled milk room, corn cribs, etc, available March 1 215 384 0947 For Rent Farmland and grazing land of Ig farm, approx 14 mi west of Lancaster/York Co boundry line More land could be made farmable til spring by clearing out some overgrowth 717 755 5587 after 6pm For Sale 94 acre farm limestone loam borders Turbotville Pa borough Public Road frontage Alfred Rovenolt 61 Pine St Turbotville Dairy Farm For Rent Shippensburg Pa 150 acres 42 stanchion barn 301 833 1847 J«EAL ESTATE York County Wellsville Area Exceptionally nice 33 acre farm, 2'A story 4 bedroom house, bank barn, silo, 3 car garage, machine shed hog poultry and misc building Pasture has 2 springs with large tim bers 717-432 4782 $750 monthly, $9OOO down buy 179 acre 35 cow expandable dairy, ex cellent milk market balance $BO,OOO at 11% interest 35 yr mortgage, 15 yr payoff, Write Box 366 R 39 Lancaster Farm mg Lititz, Pa 17543 Southern Lancaster Co - 151 acre general farm & 77 acre dairy farm 717 548 3181 Montgomery County 14 acres with rebuilt stone house, 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths Large bank bain, corn crib Located at edge of Royerstord $135,000 215 948 5084 165 acre Cumberland Co Farm For Sale Near Meehan icsburg, PA level limestone ground large barn, brick house, good spring, frontage on creek, state highway and by I 81 717 647 2623,932-2476 180 acre dairy farm equipped 4 silos, barn now milking 200 head 7 bedroom residence, 160 tillable acres first time offered owner moving April occupancy period Chuck Artiman Hayes Octoraro 215 857 2141 or 215 593 2732 Northern New York, St Law Co Small farm suitable for dairy or beef Silo granary, borders creek, good 4 bedroom house $49 500 Terms available Have large listing of Dairy & hobby farms Fournier Real Estate, Gouverneur, NY 315 287 4065 Farm For Sale by Owner 84 acres Montg Co Stone house & outbuildings, room for 40 cows No Realtors Ph 215 754 7407 For Sale 7VI acre tar mette with 10,000 cage layer chicken house, Gordonville Area, Lan caster Co , PA 717 393 6530 weekdays YORK COUNTY FAR MING LAND - Total of 20 acres m/l offered for sale, 19 ac m/l tillable, I ac m/l wooded Excellent fertile land, close to Norman Wood Bridge, possible owner financing, priced to sell, Value Real Estate 246-1676 RD-141 February Special 140 acres hunting, camping, farm 20A woodland, running water $7OO 00 per acre Can buy part Clinton Co 215 445 5309 Wanted to rent or buy In New Holland Ephrata area house with suf ficient barn space and pasture for 10 20 head of heifers Call 717 354 0509 Wanted Spring of 81 House and barn for about 50 cows with some pasture Could have cropland but not necessary Send replies to Box 366 L 136, Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 Will trade 5 unit apart ment house & 2 semi detached homes for farm withmg 50 miles of Lancaster 717 393 7316 For Sale 400 acre tarm on 1 mile road frontage, tillable 250 acres, rest wood and grazing, 2 barns (1) 38x90 with 2 poured concrete silos (1) new barn 32x60, heifer barn hip roof Also new machine shed and grainary hip roof 32x50 House old but livable Well at barn and house,, good water,, also creeks, good hay and gram tarm Will sell all or part By Owner write for price Harry Troyer RD #2 Box 68 Norfolk, N Y 13667 Large bank barn and silo suitable for pig farm storage or any other purpose cheap rent Elversnn 215 MO7 5329 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7,1981—839 | , BEAL ESTATE Chester Co Farms 58 acre general farm house and barn, 36 acres tillable, 3 woods, balance pasture Estate must sell 125 acres tillable land Amish neighbor, will sub divid, priced right Contact Jim Sheetz 215 932 2649 268 2219 Farms, large small, acreages Farms a dap table to fruit, vegetables poultry livestock, dairy, trees, grain Some with beautiful homes, useful buildings Good locations in New Jersey, less than an hour away from Allan tic City Mostly level land enjoyable farming, early vegetable planting, fertile land What farm would you like to buy or sell in New Jersey 7 Inquire about rental possibilities when available 7 Philip F Gardiner Real Estate Broker 410Mullica Hill Road Glassboro, N J 08028 609-881 7023 FREE Exciting Seasonal Edition, Catalog l Over 5,400 coun try properties described pictured l - Land, Farms, Homes Waterfront, Recreation, Retirement buys l Yours FREE from the World’s Largest l STROUT REALTY 1801 N Front St Dept 6490 Harrisburg, PA 17102 (717) 234-0138 One-Man Dairy Fenced 33 acres ex tensive state hwy frontage 700 ft along creek Near town Ex cellent older home, 4 bedrms, oil heat, bath, apartment Grade A set up Barn has milking parlor, freestalls for 200 cattle All yours, $95,000 Owner terms More land available STROUT REALTY, Inc , Star Route, Lenoxville, PA 18441 (717)222 3898 Res 876- 2328 Free Local Lists STROUT REALTY 87 acres, buildings good condition, excellent farmland, 3 acres oak timber, commercially zon ed area, 6 mi East of Get tysburg in Adams Co Guy Osborne, R D 7, Box 264, Gettysburg, Pa 17325 FARMS FOR SALE 250 acres, freestall barn, double 6 milking parlor, 2 Harvestores, one 24 x 70 concrete silo, 235 acres cultivated, new 14 x 70 mobile home. 500 acre farm, 238 cultivated, 3 houses, 3 silos, barn. Financing can be Arranged 315-387-5524 or 315-298-6289 71 ACRE FARM Reduced to $170,000 Will give serious attention to all offers Southeastern York Co. 717-862-3869. Z home, a beautiful farm 1 Price $260,000 2 8% Assumable mortgage. Ca„ POSSON REALTY Rd 3, Norwich, NY 607-334-9727 i REAL ESTATE A REAL BILL PAYER - 70 cow capacity 240 acres, 130 tillable, 600 gallon bulk tank, 2 silos, 50 dairy cows, D H I herd average 16,000 lbs , full line of hay and corn equipment $255,000 FmHA take over financing '■'JUST HAD A SALE 388 acres 170 tillable, 60 cow dairy barn, 600 gallon bulk tank machine shed, nice farm home $150,000 bare FmHA take over financing ' 200 COW COMPLEX has new free stall barn with 3 silos and parlor, 90 heifer barn, 770 acres with 640 nverbottom tillable acres, five homes, big machinery and 220 head of Holsteins $750,000 owner financing available Dan Valant, Farm Salesman, Century 21 Andy Hinds, Malone, N V 12953 518 483 4000 Perry County 80 acre general farm, 72 acre tillable, fertile ground, food buildings Ph 717 38 3440 For Sale 120 acres more or less OLEY VALLEY DAIRY FARM with 4 bedroom stone house, barn for 90 head of cattle, all the shedding necessary for this operation, 12 x 50 cement silo, 110 acre tillable limestone soil fronting on 2 roads Sewer available, easy working rectangular shaped land in the heart of Oley Valley Asking $5OO 000 Call Les Ulrich, Park Road Partners Farm Agent 215 378 0471 OUTSTANDING 9 ACRE RECREATIONAL SPOR TING GOODS AND CAMP ING BUSINESS PROPER TY AND INVENTORY ALONG SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, BVz% OWNER FINANCING POSSIBLE, RON FUNK AUCTIONEER 717 442 4279 EVES For Rent 4 room house, middle aged couple, nice yard and parking Neff sville, Lancaster Co , 717 569-1170 LEASE QUALITY DAIRY CATTLE Various plans available. Call or Write: Dairy Farm Leasing 1700 Dupont Ave. South Minneapolis, Minn. 55403 612-377-1489