B36—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7,1981 BUYING & SELLING BROILER MANURE Hauled in 20 ton loads 717-354-4175 POULTRY MANURE $7 per ton, delivery within 10 miles of Heidlersburg, PA Will delivery beyond 10 miles at $.07 per ton per loaded mile. Spreading available at extra cost. 717-432-2546 LAWN b GAFOEN SERVICES OFFERED Masonry and carpenter work on houses, dairy pole and frame barns Also spouting and dry wall Aaron K Smucker RD #1 Strasburg, Pa 717 442 8535 Call Abe Evenings NOTICE Be glad to put automatic diesel operating milk cooling system in for farmers that are moving to White Deer, Montour Dauphin and Perry Co Also Vacuum system milk house supplies Perkomatic Free Hot System Sales 4 Service BYLER’S DIESEL & REFRIGERATION Star Route, Belleville. PA 17004 717-483-6714 717-483-6446 GENERAL CARPENTRY • Pole Barn Buildings • Cow Stables • Block Buildings, etc. • f 'ment Work • We Also Do Repair Work STEPHEN F. FISHER RD #1 Box 174 Strasburg, Pa 17577 717-442-9513 after 6 pm. > Sundd Calls FRUITS AND . VfcUfcl ABltbj FRUIT TREES, nut trees, berry plants, grape vines, landscaping plant material - offered by Virginia’s largest growers Free copy 48 pg Planting Guide Catalog in color on request Waynesboro Nurseries Inc Waynesboro VA 22980 LAWN a GARDEN •23,3 IHP mod*)} y _ \ • Some with k reverse *22o°° and up FOB Factory Dealer Inquiries Invited EECO, INC. Harrisburg, PA 17110 717 238 9423 SERVICES OFFERED Need Service On Your Air Tools 7 Ship them to us for effi cient service Can be shiped by UPS or mail STOLT2FUS PNEUMATICS Paradise, Pa 17562 at Nickelmines Answering Service 717 687 8314 IS YOUR FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN WORKING ORDER 7 Find out now by bringing it to us for free inspection We will recharge if needed at a low cost STOLTZFUS PNEUMATICS PARADISE, PA AT NICKELMINES I CUSTOM CUSTOM SAWING FOR SALE Locust Posts Ix 6 Fence Boards. Oak, Poplar, Walnut and Wild Cherry Lumber For Sale at all Times. FRET BROS. MFC. Quarryville, PA Phone 717-786-2146 SERVICES OFFERED ATTENTION FARMERS Trucking available for machinery livestock and crops local and long distance Call 717 665 4868 Gram Storage Erection, sales and .rvice Call 717-933 5 CARPENTRY WORK Repair old or new homes. Aluminum window covering and siding, roofing, old barns, etc. Stephen F. Stoitzfus RDI Box 176 Strasburg, PA 717-687-8412 • Roofing • Siding • Spouting • Replacement Windows All Kinds of tin and shingle roofs Also, aluminum and T-Lok solid vinyl siding. BEILER BROS. RO #2 New Holland, PA Phone 717-354-7686 AARON MARTIN, JR. Public Accountant 532 West Penn Avenue Cleona, PA 17042 PHONE 717-272-1385 or 272-0849 BUSINESSMEN Can you afford NOT to have a good accountant for your business 7 TAXPAYER Can you afford NOT to have a good tax consultant for your year end planning and preparation of your 1980 tax return 7 We are here to help you be successful EiiotfßAT \miS RATS andM/Ct\ Rats Favor its Zesty Flavor! Distributed by NEW HOLLAND SUPPLY For Additional Information Call 717-354-4001 CUSTOM. WORK Smuckers Custom But chenng Pork, 4 Beef Ham, Bologna and hot dogs processed 1 mile west of Intercourse, Ronks, PA 17572 Custom Butchering Stoltzfus Bros Beef, Pork Cut, wrapped & sharp freezing Patties available Curing 4 smoking Our beef available from farm Leola 717 656 7270 SERVICES OFFERED , j c Ehrlich Co me Termite, Pest, Rodent and Smoke control Lawn and shrubbery spraying Free estimates 12/8 Loop Road, Lancaster Pa Phone 717 397 3722 Will clean heifer barns, chicken houses with Bobcat loader 215 869 2160 , HELP WANTED , Help Wanted Immediately Herdsman for 150 cow dairy in the Southern Tier of NY, minimum requirement Two year college degree in dairy/science and/or previous experience Must be willing to work hard on your own and assume responsibility Opportunity exists for you to start your own herd Benefits include house, heat, electric major appliances, milk, meat etc Cash salary com mensurate with ex penence Reference required Send resume and references to Engelbert Farms Kevin K Engelbert, Rd 1 Box 53, Nichols, NY 13812 Immediate opening for young aggressive in dividual or couple looking tor a future as a layer production and farm manager with a growing firm in northeastern Penna Pay and benefits to commensurate with ability, experience and productivity Housing facilities provided Reply to P 0 Box 387 Ephrata Pa 17522 Person to work on 75 cow dairy farm in Bradford County Field work and milking Salary negotiable with housing available Snowcrest Farm RDI Milan, Pa 18831 717 596 3152 Experienced married person wanted tor dairy farm modern milking parlor with 230 cows, must enjoy milking and general farm work, Modern 2 bedroom house salary plus benefits 10 miles west of Lancaster Start April 1 717 285 3711 Help Wanted Young single Christian person to work on a farrow to finish nog farm Salary room and board pluo other ex penses and benefits paid 703 948 4279 after 6 p m HELP WANTED | Wanted Woman or man to help tend to livestock Also help around the home Write & give phone number to P 0 Box 366 J 157, c/o Lancaster Far ming, Lititz, Pa 17543 Mature couple for light gardening and housework on small estate in nor them Baltimore Co , MD, house included, excellent opportunity for retired farm couple, Send resume and references to Box 366 R 37 Lancaster Farming Lititz, PA 17543 Responsible Christian single or married for herdsman position on 80 cow dairy Stanchion barn with pipeline located in Western Berks Co Housing available, salary plus bonus or incentive plan Write P 0 Box 366 L 132, c/o Lancaster Farming, Lititz Pa 17543 Opening on dairy and grain farm, references required, 301 634 2767 South Jersey Co looking for competent sales person to sell agricultural products Position available immediately Must have 3 yrs ex penence in agriculture field & vegetables References & resume required Write to P O Box 366 L 133, c/o Lancaster Farming, Lititz Pa 17543 Help Wanted for dairy (aim dependable person with farm experience, good wages plus benefits large equipment outside work 215 767 4827 Farm Manager or good assistant for hay, soybean farm Must be excellent operator and repair of large John Deere combines and tractors Write salary expected Mr Tucker P O Box 0 Franklin Park, NJ 08823 Sale representative service and office position tor poultry firm Please send resume including past experience and salary expected to Dauphin Harris, PO Box 142 Port Royal, PA 17082 Cook housekeeper needed to live in with active elderly lady on country estate near York Drivers license & car desirable. private quarters provided plus a salary Answer by sending qualifications & salary requirements to Cook/Housekeeper P 0 Box M3B, York, Pa 17405 Dairy/tie Id assistant needed for 85 head Reg holstein herd Salary/housing and privileges Experienced only 215 932 8605 GROWERS: Needed to grow contracting sweet corn acres for our new modern processing plant. Rates: $5O through $56 per ton subject to distance from plant Planting; 38 inch and 30 inch rows Contract planting ser vices available with new air planter Harvesting & Hauling: By contracted or our equipment with no charge to grower Advantages; 1 Shorter growing season than field corn 2 Guaranteed Rates-90 Day Terms CONTACT: Thomas A. Graby John F. Cope Co , Inc. Rheems, Pa. 17570 • Phone:7l7-367-5142 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Weekdays HELP WANTED FARMING OPPORTUNITY Dairy farm family wanted to operate dairy on share basis, 50/50, no capital needed. Write experience, background & age. References. Location Southeastern, NY. Write P.O. Box 366 L-134 do Lancaster Farming Lititz, Pa 17543 INSTALLERS of equipment for hog, poultry and turkey buildings, some jobs out of the area. May require staying on a weekly basis. Drivers license required. Send replies to: Box 366 R-40 Lancaster Farming Lititz, PA 17543 TO RENT POULTRY FARM BERKS CO. - Two buildings each 20,000 sq ft Central hot water brooding, in sulated, bulk bins Ideal to raise broilers or replacement pullets Four bedroom house with modern kitchen, central heat. Reasonable rent Only persons with farm experience will be considered HFM CORP. Call 215-582-3734 or write Box 425, R.D. 2 Birdsboro, Pa. 19508 NEEDED SWEET CORN GROWERS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers