POULTRY b SUPPLIES For Sale - Day Old baby chicks, many breeds to choose from Maryland US approved Pullorum clean, hatching every Monday, low prices, fast service For catalog Write Matthews Chicks Hat chery. Box 55, Oakland,' MO 21550 Looking for feed mill to contract or money manage 20,000 flock of cage layers Send reply to PO Box 366 R4l, Lan caster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 "The Sign of Quality” r jSw*. // HMUfMWMmwiMIe i BABCOCK FARMS, INC. Box 343, Litrtz, PA 17543 717-626-8561 FEED h SEED Buyer of shelled or ear corn John J Hoober, Inc Gordonville, Pa Ph 717 768-8481 or 768 3216 For Sale - Bngh 1 Wheat straw, mixed hay, Ist & 2nd cuttings, will deliver Stump Acres, York Co 717 792 3216 For Sale Oyster shells Contact Nelson Weaver & Son, Inc, Lititz, Pa 717 626 8538 32% LIQUID PROTEIN from manufacturer Wholesale, retail, dealer inquiries invited 301 343-0343 Wanted Ear corn, good quality only Will pickup at your tarm Ken Mike, RD 3, Schuylkill Haven, Pa 717 739-4586 Pro Lasse 8% All Natural Molasses Base Liquid Protein Make sweet teed with any PI O mixer, From manufacturer Wholesale, retail, dealer inquiries in vited 301-343-0343 For Sale - straw, Bern vilie, Pa 215-488-1965 For Sale - Tested home grown Pennscott clover seed, Lancaster Co 717 529 2723 Medium Red Clover seed, cleaned & tested, $5O per bu Artman Farms, R D 2, Berwick, Pa 717 752- 4088 For Sale Hay, corn and straw we deliver, 412 4 - '9 9087,412-463 3345 For Sale Pennscott clover seed Lancaster Co grown Andy Jackson 717 548 2324 Hay For Sale - Timothy, alfalfa & grass & alfalfa 201 459-4771 Approx 1200 bales timothy hay, Ist and 2nd crop 814 736-9852 For Sale Certified Williams Soybean seed, $l4 50 bu Lancaster Co 717 299 4462 Still have large quantity hay, 555 per ton at tarm, 10 mi north of Utica, NY 315 331-7680, 331 7607, 826 3648 For Sale Good quality timothy and mixed hay 717 485-4279 For Sale Baled Soybean stalks, Lancaster 717- 569 0416 Interested Hi protein soybeans, regardless variety for food processing Contact Moses Chu ROB 202 Paradise, PA 17562 For Sale - 5000 bales good quality Timothy, 40 lb bales, 90 cents per bale Potter Co 814-228-3646 or home 814-228-3587 FEED b SEED For Sale - Rye silage, $35 a ton, 20% protein Jay Frey 717 872 7190 night or 717-392 5278 day Wanted Com silage Reuben F Esh, 3812 E Newport Rd , Gordonville, PA 17529 Corn silage For Sale Pickup at farm or can be delivered 717-872-4058 For Sale - 15 tons good, clean wheat straw, $5O per ton at the farm, Martin L Daubert, Rd 2 Pine Grove, PA Ph 717 345 8251 For Sale Wheat & oat straw 717-432 3389 For Sale Nice first & second cutting hay Easy access off Rt 422 for loading Ph 412-865 9422 For Sale 500 tons corn silage 301 836-1418 For Sale Mixed alfalfa Timothy hay by farmer 814-395 5030 For Sale - Young mixed timothy & clover hay Clair J Myers, Lake Rd , R 1, Thomasville, Pa N of 30 at Paradise Elem Center 717-259 0453 Chemicals Atraxme 4L $9 53 a gal, Nine-0 $2 28 a lb Pnncep 4L $l5 61 a gal Other chemicals available Prices subject to change Perry Co 717 444-3447 Certified soybeans Williams, $l3 75 bu Cutler $l4 25 bu Prices subject to change Perry Co 717-444-3447 Wanted to buy - 100 lb burlap seed potato bags Phone anytime 717 846 1374 WANTED ALFALFA, TIMOTHY t MIXED HAY I EAR CORN Will pickup JAMES G. KREIDER 717-786-3936 Lancaster Co WANTED MULCH HAY We haul or you can haul. GERALD BODMAN 717-799-5306 WANTED I Ear Corn & Shelled Corn f RONALD S. KEENER I Elizabethtown, Pa 717-367-6309 FOR SALE WHOLE KERNEL HIGH MOISTURE SHELLED CORN 717-748-2563 FOR SALE Peanut Hulls, Sawdust & Shavings • Hay & Straw Bulk - Bagged - Bales 717-529-2855 If no answer 717-529-6305 \ FEED it SEED Wheat straw For Sale - $5O per ton and up, Can deliver, Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc 215-267-1408 HIGH QUALITY HAY AND STRAW DELIVERED Martin Bros. Olivet, Michigan 517-543-1642 BUYING EAR & SHELLED CORN Receiving Daily Rt 372-2 Mi West of Buck, PA PH. 717-284-4628 MARK RISSER Holtwood RD 1 PA 17532 HAY FOR SALE Early cut timothy, light mixed at the farm or will deliver Plus Oats & Oat Straw MI. MESSNER 717-3242841 BUYING EAR CORN Good Quality Only Will pickup at you; farm. KENNETH MIKO R.D.3 Schuylkill Haven, Pa. 717-739-4586 BUYING EAR CORN AND SHELLED CORN Picked up at your farm or delivered to Manheim. JAMES E. NOLL RO 2, Manheim, PA 717-665-4785 FEED D SEED' EAR CORN WANTED Wet or Dry Prompt Payment We haul or you can deliver to Frystown. 2 miles South of Interstate 1-78 along Rt. 645. Call For Current Price MERVIN KREIDER R.D. 1 Myerstown, Pa. 717-933-8943 GRAIN DRYING AND STORAGE BUYING SHELLED CORN CONTRACTING NEW CROP CORN NELSON L. ROHRER R 3 Lititz, PA 717-569-7929 717-569-4383 Located along Route 272 Vz mile off Oregon exit of Route 222 bypass. BUYING WHEAT CORN & SOYBEANS CONTRACT OR SPOT PORCHASE 480,000 bu. Storage capacity Fast unloading, digital printout scales HOSTETTER GRAM RDI, Oxford, PA Located along Rt. 10 between Russelville & Oxford 215-932-4484 business 215-932-9599 Residence Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7,1981—835 FEED S, SEED MUNCY-CHIEF HYBRIDS O.L SHEARER RDI Bainbridge, Pa. 717-367-3177 HQT JwP • Lime & Fertilizer • Hybrid Seed Corn If Buying } EAR & SHELLED CORN { (soybeans, small grains J 4 • Prompt Payment h A • Forward Contracting A a • Picked up in trailer load lots or m V you deliver 4 I • Custom Hauling. A \ MARTIN GRAIN I 5 717-426-1197 i A Marietta, PA A r WANTED 1 \ ] t EASL R. HUHTM INC. 3 k P.O. Box 3, East Earl, PA A r 717-354-4061 a Shelled corn and soybeans Dealer in small grains, contract or spot purchase. BUYING NEW EAR CORN OR SHELLED CORN CUSTOM DRYING AND STORAGE R. K. VOGT GRAIN & GENERAL HAULING RD#l, Marietta, PA 717-653-2510 For Sale 200 ton high moisture shelled corn 1978 F 250 4x4 super cab, 25,000 miles JD X 8 & JD 500 snowmobiles Homemade Fifth wheel trailer David Rode, Rt 2, Halifax, Pa 717-896 8766 FERTILI2JER MUSHROOM SOIL 200 bu. for *4O 400 bu. for 600 bu. for *7O 800 bu. for *BO $$ Save Fertilizer Dollars $$ Use Poultry Manure Delivered in Trailer Lots. 717-859-3348 after 5 p.m. MAHLON H. MARTIN & SONS FEED & SEE I B • Seed Grain • Baler Twine FERTILIZE* % ] For Sale - Organic fer tilizer delivered between Phila to Hbg, Pa $l2 ton Ph 717 367-3692 CHICKEN MANURE For Sale Will Deliver 215 273-3097 or 717-442-4598
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers