Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1981, Image 7
Livestock market and auction news St. Louis Cattle Thursday, February 5 Report supplied by USDA Receipts This Week Week Ago: Year Ago. Compared to the previous week’s close, slaughter steers 2 50-3.00 lower, except holstem steers steady to weak. Slaughter heifers through mid week 1.00-1.50 lower, not tested late. Cows 2 00-3.00 lower. Bulls weak to 1.00 lower. Slaughter supply mainly Choice and Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 1050-1250 lbs. steers with several 3- 5 steers and heifers; 35% heifers and 10% cows. Green Dragon Livestock Sales ftPj 1 Mile North of Ephrata, PA C OVfS COWS CQty s BUYERS FROM 3 STATES Regular consignments from Bob Kennedy & Ed Stover plus 15 other local consignors. Lots of good Northern Feeders and Stockers. SALE EVERY FRIDAY Bulls, Steers, Slaughter Cows, Lambs and Veal Calves 11:00 A.M. - Beef Sale Stockers & Feeders 200 to 250 each week. 12:30 P.M. - Dairy Cows 7:00 P.M. - Small Animal Sale For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on the farm or at our barn or other market information call: Office 717-733- 2444. WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS CHAPEL-BANK APACHE, bom 4/13/80 Dam -83 pt. Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation 3-3,340, 23,269 823 3 6 Gr Dam 80 pt Paclamar Astronaut 4-6 305 19,820 672 3.4 POVERTY-HOLLOW MILESTONE, born 12/8/79 Dam-87 pt Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation 4-1 316 17,259 792 4.6 ; 5-1 295 17,163 760 4 4 ; 6-0 353 20,901 927 4 4 LAWCREST MARVEX, bom 2/20/80 Dam-67 pt Sunnyside Standout 7-3 30517,800 680 3.8 PAWNEE FARMS ARLINDA CHIEF, bom 8/30/79 Dam-Paclamar Astronaut 2-1 15,076 3 3 490 HILLTOP APOLLO IVANHOE, bom 1/23/80 Dam-Burkover Royal Star 2-1293 16,072 548 3 4 Gr Dam Paclamar Astronaut 4-6 30519,820 672 SHARDALE ARLINDA CHIEF JEMINI, bom 4/16/80 Dam-86 pt Paclamar Astronaut 6-0 332 17,748 777 4.4 Gr Dam 80 pt. Rag Apple Charmer 5-6 31019,247 694 3 6 GLEN VALLEY STAR, bom 2/13/80 Dam-65 pt Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation 5-4 305 18,8877534 1 (proj ) PENSTATE IVANHOE STAR, bom 5/9/80 Dam-Ivanhoe Mt. Provm Jewel 2-5 348 16,525 3 5 581 STRAIGHT-PINE ELEVATION PETE, born 6/29/80 Dam-Kingpin. Also High Quality Grade Cows and Heifers Transportation and financing available STEVE KELLER 808 KELLER 717-653-2284 717-653-1523 Office: 717-653-4851 SLAUGHTER STEERS. Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 1050-1275 lbs. 61.00-61.50 early, not tested late, 3- 41075-1250 lbs 59.00-60.00 early, not tested late; 3-5 1025-1175 lbs. 55.00- 57.75 late. Choice 2-4 950-1300 lbs 58.5061.00, closing 58.5060 00; 2-3 950-1100 lbs. 60.0062.00, closing 60.0060 75. Mixed Good and Choice 2-4 900-1200 lbs 58.5060.00 early, not tested late. Good 2-3 900-1175 lbs. 57.00-58.60. Standard to Good 2- 3 1050-1425 holstems 52.00-56.00, mostly 52.00-55.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS. Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 875-1050 lbs. 59.00, package 59.50 early, not tested late; 34 900-1025 lbs. 56.00- 58.00, 3-5 900-1245 lbs. 53.00-57.00; package s’s 1170 lbs. 45 00. Choice 3,900 5,000 4,500 FEEDERS; (Including around 700 at the regular Thursday auc tion ) Feeder steers generally 1 00- 300 lower, except scattered lots 875-1000# steady to firm. Feeder heifers wak to 2.00 lower Light supply mamly medium frame 1 and mixed medium frame 1-2 400- 650# steers and 350-600# heifers FEEDER STEERS. Medium Frame 1 lot 287# 81 00; 300475# 68 50-71 50; lot thin 445# 74.25 , 525- 600# 67 00-68.00, scattered lots 875- 1000# 60.00-62.00. Medium Frame 1 and some Small Frame 1. 350-500# 60.00-66 00, mostly 62.50-65.00 , 600- 800# 58.00-62 00. Scattered Lots Medium Frame 1-2: 450600# bulls 58.0062 50; lot 385# 65 25. Large Frame 2 Holstems: Scattered lots 400-990# 50.00-55 25. FEEDER HEIFERS Medium Frame 1 350600# 57.5061 00; few lots 535-540# 57 25-59.00. Medium Frame 1-2 and Some Small Frame 1 370425# 55.00-55.50 , 525-560# 50 00-53 00. Ifel ML A] I’M NOT L10N... Tha Classified Livestock Section Has Beastly Selections! HAT AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY -1:30 P.M. HORSE AUCTION MB P.H. BEIL'S SALES 1 Mi. North of York Springs on Rt 15 717-334-7224, David W Martin 24 800-1050 lbs. 57.50-59.00 early, not tested late. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 700-1000 lbs 56.00-57.50. Good 2-3 700-950 lbs. 54.00-56.00. COWS Closing week sales Utility and Commercial 2-4 38.00- 42 00. Boning Utility 1-2 42.0044 00 Few High-Yielding Holstems 44 50- 45 00. Cutter 1-2 37 0041.00. Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 33.00-37.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1050- 1900 lbs 49.00-54.00 Individual Yield Grade 11130 lbs. 54 75. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7,1981— hi FEB. 9-15, 1981 Get out your shovel or stay in your hovel. Timber cut now is less subject to decay Northern thunder now, as strange as it seems, means fine fall crops First quarter of the moon Fet> 11 Average length of days for the week, 10 hours, 30 minutes Civilian auto production halted for duration of WWII Feb 10,1942 London Bridge fell down Feb 13,1098 Money is like an arm or leg use it or lose it Ask the Old Farmer: I have just finished a chair caning class and 1 am wondering, why did anyone cane a chair in the first place 7 IL, Cleveland The "rush-bottomed' chair-was used in Europe long ago, because people couldn't afford to buy lumber for wooden chair scats, or leather either, still they appre ciated a comfortable chair Home Hints. To add extra life to sweaters beginning to wear thin at the elbows, cut a piece of nylon mesh hose and sew it to the inside of the sweater sleeve at the point of weakness OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Snow in mountains at start of week, then partly sunny, showers, and mild, weekend is sunny Greater New York-New Jersey: Partly sunny skies, mild tem peratures, showers through midweek, then flurries north, and rain south weekend Middle Atlantic Coastal. Week begins very warm, with showers, ram midweek, changing to snow by week's end Piedmont & Southeast Coastal- Showers and mild all week, then sunny and warm, rain central, end of week (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin N H 03444) Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. ' Saturday, January 31 Report supplied by auction STOCKER, FEEDER, AND SLAUGHTER CATTLE: Good Light Steer Calves 75.00-80.00; Medium 70.00-74.75; Plain 69.00 and down; Good Heavy Steers 65.00- Medium 60.00-64.75; Plain 59.00 and down; Holstein Steers 57.50 and down; Good Light Heifer Calves 55.00-59.00; Medium 50.00- Plam 45.00 and down; Good Heavy Heifers 50.00-55.00; Medium 45.00-49.75; Plam 40.00 and down; Slaughter Cows 45.00- 49.00; Utilities 40.00-44.75; Canners & Cutters 40.25 and down; Milk & Stock Cows 500.00 and down; Stock Bulls 53.75 and down; Slaughter Bulls 53.50 and down. CALVES: Veal Calves 94.00 and down; Baby Calves 108 00 and down. SHEEP & LAMBS: Choice Blue O 54.50; Good Red 0 44.25; Feeder Lambs 41.50-43.75; Slaughter Ewes 20.00 and down; Stock Ewes 68 00 and down. THE OLD tJAMEIft AKA& HOGS. Top 41.60, Heavy 37.50- 40.70; Sows 34.00 and down; Boars 26.75; Butcher Hogs 40.50 Valley Livestock VaUey Stockyards Athens,Pa. Monday, February 2 Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of 83 cows, 7 bulls, 318 calves, 6 heifers, 5 steers, 62 hogs, 0 lambs, 2 sheep. Cattle market reported higher, calf market reported steady Holstein Heifer Calves to 137.50; Veal Calves to 100.00; Bobs, 90 to 110 lbs. 68.00-110 00; Bobs, 80 and down lbs. 50.00-63.00; Grassers & Feeders 42.00-68 00, Lambs none; Sheep 15 00-32.00; Hogs, 200-250 lbs. 36.00-44.00; Sows 33.00-38.00; Boars 24 00-28.00; Pigs 6.00-10.50; Heifers 48.00-53.00; Steers, medium 45.00-50.00; Steers, feeder 46.00-58.00; Bulls 49.00-58.25; Cows, utility 4G.00-48.00; Cows, fat 42.00- 43 50; Cows, medium 43.00-45.00; Cows, poor or small 32.0041 00; Horses small to 540.00; Ponies to 135.00; Goats to 45 00. rtc.