Bl2— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7,191 TRACTORS Ford 6000 diesel Farmall 460 Farmall H Int 300 Int cub motor complete Farmall A w/cult , pulley & PTO Farmall Super H, w/live hyd AC WD (3) Farmall M w/PS & live hyd AC WD4S w/live PTO DC Case w/hyd AC CA w/live PTO & 2 bottom plow Huber tractor MISCELLANEOUS NH Flail Attachment for NH Baler to bale corn fodder JD 16 disc drill NH 479 & 460 haybme NH whirl-a-feed blower DISMANTLING TRACTORS FOR PARTS JD 70, 4010, 1H F 14 A, B, C. H, M 300, 350 Supers C, H & M JD A, B 50 & 60 AC WD & Dl7 Oliver 70 & 77 Ford 8N & 860 Case SC & VA C Massey 44D, 1H 400 MTA, 240, F2O WD D 2 Cat crawler Dismantling 75 combines for parts KEITER'S FARM MACHINERY R D #1 Halifax, PA 17032 Rt 225 20 mi from Hbg Phone 717 362 9574 or 362-9096 LITTfAN BRITAIN SPRING HARROWS 8’ 9' 10' 12'Wide AUTO TURN CARTS Little Britain Welding Shop RD #2 Box 218 Nottingham. Pa. 19362 For Information on delivery call 215-932-3141 before 6 AM SPNH harvester Loaders to fit IH 574, H. M, Cub, A. AC WD&JDA&B Disc, plows, mowers, balers, wagons, rakes, harvester grain bins, harrows, pickers, & loaders PLANTERS IH 400 air, 4-row JD 494 A, 4 row COMBINES Cll Gleaner w/gram & 4-38 Cll Gleaner w/gram & 4-30' IH9IIO grain IH 10110 grain JD3O 7 pull type SPREADERS NHIBO bu NIISO bu Nl 130 bu IH 8' snow plow, fits most tractors up to 100 h p „ > farjvlequipment r BALDWIN ELECTRIC MOTOR DIVISION, INC. REPAIR & REWIND - ALL BRANDS AC & DC MOTORS Call 717-354-5566 Call 717-354-4651 BALDOR ELECTRIC MOTORS Warehouse and Factory Service ®'/ 2 hp. thru 10 hp. 1 ph. Vi hp. thru 100 hp 3 ph. FARM DUTY MOTORS IN STOCK P 0 Box 232 Honey Brook PA 19344 USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS JDSO w/loader JD 40 w/cultivator Badger 14 lorage box 0 w.gear 54295 JD Mw/plow&cult Fordw/mower Hess,on 1090 mower IH 400 w/WF cond S4BOO IF) 140 tractor Hesston 1010 mower Oliver Super 88 cond $5500 IH Super H w/loader qj 370 dryer 350 bu 57995 1 only HARVESTING JD 225 10 6 disk EQUIPMENT 53900 NH 717 w/2 row head NH 880 w/pickup JD 34 w/2 heads JD 3 row N head MF #l2 baler blades w/thrower JD 110 12 disk JD 214 T w/thrower JD 34 spreader JDB3OSP wmdrower JD2osgymower JD 55 combine Bnllion 10 cultipacker NH 1469 wmdrower IH forage wagon JD 483 mower cond JD 215 forage wagon JD 700gnnder mixer PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT, INC. R D 2, Oley, PA Phone 215-987-6277 Berks Counties Full Line John Deere Dealer Serving the Oley Valley 45 years 1936 1981 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Used Tractors: John Deere 4520, 4320 with Cab, 4320 no Can, 4020 side console & cab, 4020 power shift, 4020 Syncro Range, Large Selection of 4010’s, 3020, 3010, 60 with 3 point hitch Farmall 1466 Cab & Air, 966 with cab, 806, 826, 560, 460, 450, M, H Allis Chalmers D 21,170, Dl7 Ford 5000 Diesel, 4000 Gas, 8N & 9N Massey Ferguson 1100 diesel Used Combines John Deere 7700 diesel, 4400 gas Rotary screen, 105 diesel, 55 corn special, Massey Ferguson 300 with Quick Tach heads (sharp) 2, 3,4,6, & 8 row John Deere corn heads Used Trucks: 1973 GMC 6500 with Air Brakes, 5 speed Trans 2 speed rear 10 x2O tires New 16’ gram body & hoist. 1971 International 1890 Tandem with 16’ Body & new 20 Ton-Hoist 1971 In ternational 1800 with new 14’ Body & hoist. 1971 Internation 1800 Cab & Chassis Used Plows & Disks: 1450 John Deere 7 Bottom Allis Chalmers 7 Bottom Large selection of John Deere 5,6, & 7 Bottom. Used Athens Chisel Plow John Deere 230 21’ Hyd Fold disk in excellent condition Kewannee 18’ Hyd Fold Disk. Athens 21’ Hyd Fold disk IH 470 18’ Disk Large selection of smaller John Deere disks. John Deere 950 15’ Mulcher also 12’ 950 mulcher, Kewannee 21’ Hyd. Fold Mulcher JD Deere 20’ spring tooth on rubber Brilhon 18’ spring tooth on rubber Used year around cab for IH 766-1566 John Deere 336 baler Large selection of Fox choppers & head. Good supply of Fox Parts New Gehl, Fox & Badger Equip , John Deere 148 loader, used twice with mountings for 3010, 4020 etc Used Pittsburg & Nobel field cultivators Gehl 95 mill with scales, very good condition (never set out) John Deere 1240 Plate & Plateless corn plan ters Over stocked on lids for Hawk spreaders D&R EQUIPMENT INC. Ringoes, New Jersey (201) 782-5082 HJhesstonl i FAMM EQUIPMENT I NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS '5O tractor $ MISCELLANEOUS USED EQUIPMENT AW 13 disk new FOR SALE MFIOBS MFII3O MF 1155 w/cab& air MF 760 combine, 6 row JO" corn head, 15’ gram table MF 1100 MF 180 diesel JD 4010 JD 4020 Case 1370 AC 190XT Farmall 966 MF 124 baler MELVIN M. BURKHOLDER Ephrata. PA 717 859 2960 ¥bObCOt r\EW HOLLArsD TRACTORS Int 350w/Loader Oliver 1750 SKID LOADERS JD 170 HAYTOOLS IHC 990 Mower Conditioner NH 467 Haybine NH 469 Haybine NH 479 Haybine NH 1469 Self Propelled Haybine NH 68 Baler w/Thrower NH 315 Baler w/Thrower NH 30 Ft Elevator Oliver 620 Baler w/Thrower JD 24T Baler w/Thrower NEW EQUIPMENT INSTOCK WHITE 2-30 Two Wheel Drive 2-30 Four Wheel Drive 2-45 244 Wheel Drive 2 62 Tractor 2-105 Tractor 2-135 Tractor WHITE 543 6R Planter No Till 51004 R No Till NORMAN D. CIARK & SON Dis TRIBUTOr of Honey Grove, PA 17035 - Phone 717-734-3682 TRACTnt Located 14 Miles South Port Royal on Rt. 75 PARTSCO ass# Iss- FARM EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT FORAGE TOOLS NH 880 R2-2-Row Head NH 707 Harvester w/1 Row NH Super 717 w/l-Row& Pickup NH 717 Harvester w/1-Row IHC 650 w/2 Row & Pickup JD 15A Flail Chopper Gehl 300 w/l-Row & Pickup Lamco 16' Forage Box w/roof CORN PICKERS JD 227 Picker SPREADERS Nl 213 Single Beater NH 328 Spreader TILLAGE PLANTING White 5400 Planter IHC 56 4-row Planter with Insecticide IHC 56 2 Row Planter WHITE 348-CT&SAR Plow WHITE 254 10’4” disc WHITE 256 12’6” disc WHITE 458 Chisel Plow WHITE 466 Chisel Plow N H 310,315 Balers N H 256-258 Rakes N H 707, 718. 782,892 Harvesters N H Spreaders - 513, 519,679 & 800 Vicon 3 pt Fert Spreader , .FARM EQUIPMENT SPERRV=fc=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers