crown W~; \ K r' ■ as crowned the g by last year’s nate was Tami what benefits could :rom eating apples, itate one second and ithority the nutrient ; once-a-day fruit, a rousing applause tundreds of fruit le audience. if she was coached to Page A2l) BUTLER AGRI-BUILDER uss* *6,800 * 50 xsoxl6' p? with 24'x15'7" D/S Door FARMSTED 1 Sf. *8,350 ■ 60 xsoxl6' with 30'x15'3" D/S Door FARMSTED I * All Building FOB Annville, Pa * (Buildings not equipped as shown) Various Sizes Height • Prices Based on Survey ol Agri-Builders and Weight Available • Prices Could Vary With Each Agri-Builder BEAT THE PRICE INCREASES - PROGRAM ENDS FEBRUARY 13th POGO INC. 1841 Jerry's Road Street, Md 21154 PH; 301-692-5350 ITH, INC. i. Pa. 17059 436-2151 O. A. NEWTON NICKLIN STEEL KELLER BUILDING GLENN M. STAHLMAN TRI-STATE MARINE WALTER J. I Address & SON CO. BUILDERS SYSTEMS INC. R.D.#l, Cash Valley Road DIST. INC. CONSTRUCTION I county Sridgeville, Delaware 19933 301 N. Broad Street R.D. 1 Box 203 Cumberland, Md. 21502 Route 256 RDIBox4O3J J PH; 302-337-8211 Grove City, Pa. 16127 Lewisburg, PA 17337 PH: 301-777-0582 Dsaie, Md. 20751 Strasburg, Pa. 17579 ' City 412-458-7243 PH: 717-524-0568 PH; 301-867-1447 PH: 717-687-8681 I by her father on her expert an swer, Heather emphatically said “no”. She explained she studied all about the apple long before the contest began. What are Heather’s plans for the future after graduating from Penn State with a degree in microbiology? She said she hopes to get into research, working on plant diseases. “I want to work with sprays and try to develop new chemicals that will do the job more cheaply perhaps I’ll discover an all purpose spray by improving on what has already been discovered, ” she said. Answering the inevitable question, Heather pondered which apple she enjoys the most and finally selected the Red Delicious. Her favorite way of cooking the fruit is to bake them whole, she smiled. Selected as first alternate in the contest was Tami Lobaugh of Adams County, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lobaugh. Tami is a freshman at Millersville State College, studying medical technology. Other contestants included: Shari Carlin of Mercersburg, Franklin County, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Albert; Julie Ann Green of Elysburg, Montour County, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green; Lorraine Hileman of Apollo, Armstrong County, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hileman; Joanne Klanz of North Galvanized Walls and Galvanized Roof F. 0.8. Galvanized Walls and Galvanized Roof F. 0.8. FOUR COUNTIES CONTRACTOR R-D.,80x249 Coalport, Pa. 16627 814-672-5751 Queen (Continued trom Page A2OJ AGRinHTNRAi TRI-COUNTY ag ?!£ultural agri-systems d«J EMS R. 0.51, Box 55 “Ox 505 Swedesboro, NJ 08085 Chestertown. Md. 21620 pH; 509-467-3174 PH: 301-778-5800 The 1981 Maryland Apple Queen is Joanne Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Foster, owners of Penn Acre Orchard. Presenting the tiara and sash was Cindy Cahill, Maryland’s 1980 Apple Queen. East, Erie County, daughter of Mr. William Klanz and Mrs. Patricia King; and Janice Rosazza of Avondale, Chester County, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rosazza. The contest was chaired by Diane Hale of Arendtsville Adams :|||r IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1818 GRAIN BIN- 4173 Bushel Capacity LESS THAN s 2oso°° F. 0.8. Cash and Carry IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 2718 GRAIN BIN - 9872 Bushel Capacity LESSTHAN *37so°° F. 0.8. Cash and Carry INSTOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY County. Judges for the event were: Norman Childers, Rutgers University; Mrs. John Baum, Hershey, former Miss Penn sylvania chaperone; and Vicki Wass of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. ¥o' A6RI BUILDER ABOUT ASCS FINANCING TAP ENTERPRISE'S INC. WEETER CONCRETE R.D.#3, Box 256 A CONSTRUCTION Fleetwood, Pa. 19522 P.O. Drawer V PH: 215-929-2553 Knox, PA 16232 Phone 814-797-5122 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7,1981—A21 Lancaster Extension to meet Thursday LANCASTER Michael Ranch, District Attorney, will address the Lancaster County Extension Service Annual Meeting. His topic will be “Crime-Home and Community”. The annual meeting and banquet will be held 6:45 p.m., Thursday, February 12, at the Farm and Home Center, Lancaster. The public is invited. Tickets for the event may be purchased before Februa™ 9 by contacting the Project book winners listed LEBANON - The 1981 County FFA Project Book Contest was held on Jan. 22, at the Lebanon County Vo-Tech School to deter mine accuracy of the records on different projects. Cedar Crest FFA placings in clude; Work Experience Off Farm 0-500 hours, Bob Fulk, 3rd place, Bronze, Red Ribbon; Two En terprise, Dale Zuck, 3rd place. Red Ribbon; Four Enterprise, Steve Wenger, Ist place. Gold, Blue Ribbon; Five Enterprise, Mark Patches, 2nd place, Blue Ribbon; Six Enterprise, Dana Lape, Ist place, Blue Ribbon; Market Hogs, Chris Patches, 3rd place, Bronze, P. E. HESS, BUTLER MFC. CG. Box 337, Oxford, PA 19363 I'm interested in more information on Butler products. □ Buildings □ Bins □ Dryers □ Bulk-O-Matics Name Extension Service office in the Farm and Home Center, telephone 717/394-6851 or any member of the Extension Board. Musical entertainment will be provided by Connie and Carol Balmer. In addition to a brief annual business meeting, Lan caster County’s newest Master Farmer, Galen Crouse, will be introduced via a slide presen tation. Red Ribbon; Dave Ludwig, 4th place. Red Ribbon. Trapping, John Ulrich, 2nd place, Blue Ribbon; Field Com, Bob Bomberger, Ist place, Blue Ribbon; Beef Finishing, Dwayne Gish, Ist place. Blue Ribbon; Dale Ober, 4th place. White Ribbon; Garden, Bob Beard, 7th place, White Ribbon; Lloyd Bixler, Bth place. White Ribbon; Randy Miller, 10th place. White Ribbon. Supervised Occupation Ex perience on Farm 0-500 hours, Kirk Juliani, Ist place, Silver, Red Ribbon; Supervised Occupational Experience on Farm 501-1000 hours, Richard Houser, 2nd place, Silver, Blue Ribbon. in] IS AGRI-BUILDER .State.
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