SEE YOUR LOCAL WHITE FARM EQUIPMENT DEALER ARNETT’S GARAGE Rt 9, Box 25 Hagerstown, MD 301 733-0515 BURCHFIELDS, INC. 112 S Railroad St Martmsburg, PA 16662 814 793-2194 PAUL M. BYERS, INC. 1700 Edgar Ave Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-263-8568 NORMAN D. CLARK & SON Honey Grove, PA 717-734-3682 FARMERSViLLE EQUIPMENT, INC. RD4 Ephrata, PA 717-354-4271 FARNSWORTH FARM SUPPLY INC. 103 Cemetery St Hughesville. PA 717-584-2106 HANDWERK BROS. SERV. CENT. RD 1 - Neffs Slatington, PA 215-767-5946 N. G. HERSHEY & SON, INC. Manheim. PA 717-665-2271 PAUL W. HISTAND CO. INC. 697 N Mam St Doylestown, PA 215-348-9041 CHAS.J. McCOMSEY & SONS Hickory Hill, PA 215-932-2615 MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RDI Bechtelsville. PA 215-845 2911 ERNEST SHOVER FARM EQUIPMENT 19 W. South St Carlisle, PA 717-249-2239 SHUEY’S SALES SERVICE Ono, PA 717-865-4915 STANLEYS FARM SERVICE RD 1 Off Rte 125 Khngerstown, PA 717-648-2088 STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, PA 215-593-2407 IVAN J. ZOOK Route 655, Belleville, PA 717-935-2948 saves soil and cuts critical plowing time If you farm irrigated acres and need to eliminate dead furrows or have contoured or hilly ground, the 6342 2-way plow from White can put an end to characteristic “dead-heading” and increase your productivity. The 6342, featuring one of the simplest roll-over plow systems on the market, is heavy enough to cut a deep 16- inch furrow in adjustable cutting widths of 16 or 18 inches. You can get a 6342 roll over plow in sizes from 3 to 5 bottoms and even add a bottom later on. See one today. White 2-way p10w... Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7,1981—1 6342 D