ET YOUR WINTER CHORES DONE FASTER WITH TIME SAVING-MONEY MAKING TOOLS BY SPERRY NEW HOLLAND... GET THE JOB DONE FASTER WITH MILLS UP TO 25” WIDE AND TANKS WITH UP TO 150 BUSHEL MIXING CAPACITY. HAUL UP TO 14 TONS PER LOAD WITH A DEPENDABLE BOX-TYPE SPREADER YOU CAN “CUSTOMIZE” WITH OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS. SEE YOUR NEW HOLLAND DEALER LISTED ON THE OPPOSITE PAGE FOR “TIME SAVING - MONEY MAKING” TOOLS THAT ARE JUST RIGHT FOR YOUR FARM. WHILE YOU’RE THERE ASK HIM HOW YOU CAN GET A CHECK FROM SPERRY NEW HOLLAND DURING DOLLAR DIVIDEND DAYS! iiasMW d F LET A “SUPER BOOM” LOADER DO YO TOUGH CLEAN-UP JOBS FAST! LOAD It THE CENTER OF BIG TANDEM-AXLE SPREADERS. CHOICE OF SIX MODELS. After the sale... it’s the service that counts! :-u Keep your barn area tidy, the roadway clean and your neighbors happy! Here's the spreader we’ll stand behind! No dnpl No traill Plus, Sperry New Holland spreaders have a solid warranty • Liquid-tight steel tank! • All-weather operation! • 593 to 1,421 gallons! Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 2< ;4,