Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 24,1981 How about this January? It’s maybe 10 below. And been that cold for a week. But you still have to feed. Chances are, If the unloader isn’t frozen up, it will send down a load of ice and snow with a little feed. Then nothing. So, it’s time to climb again. A nasty, dangerous job. Switching to the Harvestore Feeding System means you’ll never have to climb a chute again. Why? Because Har vestore processed forage is harvested and stored at a lower moisture level. Which means less chance of freezing. And with Harvestore’s optional new Ground Control System, you open and close the filler hatch without leaving the ground. Chute climbing? Make it a thing of the past. Talk to your Har vestore dealer. He will show you how to keep your feet on the ground. A v^y* #| 4 !/'- v<*j- T;-\ |»»<>< s> sv •* R'A "', ;t \ >? < #Sj; g? ,* v ' \ *-* X* * - 5 EMEMBER THE TALK ABOUT INSULATION VALUES OF CONCRETE SILOS? PUSH-BUTTON FEEDING WORKS...WINTER OR SUMMER. SEE FOR YOURSELF! ALL 717-354-4051 Or Fill in the Coupon. ■ TOWN PERN-JERSEY HARVESTORE SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. BOX 7 NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 %r,‘> • • . r s ' * & * M . OtP.' >\V x > ; I*?} ■J j * - ! % v 4 ■*/ * V ■> % ✓** ' * * A £ ♦ | PENN-JERSEY HARVESTORE' SYSTEMS. INC. | P.O. BOX 7. NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 ■ Dear Harvestore: " I want to see Harvestore Feeds in the Wintertime ■ (No Obligation) g NAME ADDRESS PHONE STATE ZIP