A2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 24,1981 Livestock market and auction news Lancaster Market Monday, January 19 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 781 109 754 144 Last Monday 91 1069 260 913 Last Year 680 99 993 119 Monday’s Auction 810 116 786 243 Last Monday’s Auction 91 1039 259 CATTLE: Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers steady to .50 lower, slaughter heifers steady, cows 50-1 00 lower; bullocks steady, instances 1 00 lower on Good; bulls generally steady SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 34 1175-1325 lb 65 85-66 85, one lot 1365 lb 64 85, around 10 head Choice 2 1025-1350 lb 67 50-69 50, Choice 24 1000- 1425 lb. 64 50-66 25, few 66 25- 66.85; Choice 34 1200-1375 lb 63 50-65.00, high Good and low Choice 2-3 63 00-65 50, Good 2-3 59.00-63.50; Good and Choice 1200-1425 lb Holsteins 57 25-60.00, couple lots Choice 60 75-61 85, Good 1300-1550 lb 56 75-57 75, Standard 1-2 54 00-57 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-3 900-1075 lb 62 75- 64 75, few head Choice 2 65 0067 75, Good 2-3 850-1025 lb 58 756 2 00 COWS Utility and Commercial 1-3 43 004 6 25, few 46 5047 00, Cutter 1-2 41 25-45 25, couple 46 DO -47 00; Canner and low Cutter 39 0041 00 BULLOCKS Choice 1050- 1350 lb 62 006 7 00, couple 69 25-70 75, Good 1000-1250 lb. 57 0062 50 BULLS Yield grade 1 1350-1900 lb. 57 50-62 00, 10 head 1500-2090 lb 63 00-68 50, yield grade 2 1000-1400 lb 53 50-58 50. VEAL CALVES Vealers mostly steady VEALERS: One lot Choice and Prime 340 lb 106 00- 108 00; Choice 140-325 lb 88 00-98 00, few 98 00-104 00, high Good and low Choice 140-250 lb 70.00-85.00, 80-115 lb 50 00-62 00, few 100-115 lb 63 00-71.00. RETURNED TO FARM Few 95-120 lb Holstein bulls 80 00-95.00 LANCASTER STOCKYARDS lambs and veal calves SOLD ON COMMISSION SLAUGHTER SALES - MON. & WED. 10:00 AN. SALE EVERY TUESDAY -11 A.M. VEALERS, LAMBS, HOGS - MON. & WED. 11:00 A.M. HOG SALES HOG AUCTION - SATURDAY 9:30 AN. WEEKLY: WED. & SAT. - 9 A.M. STOCKER & FEEDER - FRIDAY 11:00 A.M. EVERY THURSDAY -12:30 P.M. HAY & STRAW & GRAIN SALE NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE JAN. 27 Get ca | Ves m ear)y We start tograde EQUIPPED TO RECEIVE YOUR LIVESTOCK & weigh at 2 30 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS A YEAR. FOR SSHKjSSSJ™ 11 PRIVATE TREATY DAILY ISKtSSSuSSn LANCASTER STOCKYARDS, INC. box ioo 394-2611 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 SHEEP Wooled lambs mostly steady; slaughter ewes steady WOOLED LAMBS; Around 30 head Choice 105- 110 lb 65 00, bulk Choice 90- 125 lb. 58.00-63 00; Good 60-85 lb 50.00-58.00; one lot Choice 931 b new crop lambs 70 00 SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 18.00-31 00 GOATS- All weights and grades sold by the head at 37 00-61 00. Vintage Livestock Tuesday, January 20 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Today 806 692 13 Last Tuesday 888 631 8 Last Year 748 600 CATTLE Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers weak to 50 lower, some sales Choice and Prune fully 100 lower; slaughter heifers not fully tested; cows 1.00-2 00 lower, although late sales mostly 1.00 lower, bulls and bullocks not fully tested. Supply included 56% slaughter steers and 38% cows SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prune 34 1170-1375 lbs 65 006 6 75, couple 67 756 9 00, one lot mostly 4 1360 lb 63 85; Choice 2 1100-1400 lb 67 25- 69 25, 14 head to specialty trade 69 75-73 00; Choice 24 1050-1350 lb 64 0066.25, few head 66 2567 25, Choice 3 to mostly 4 1250-1500 lb 59 00- 63 75, high Good and low Choice 2-3 63.0065 25, few to retail outlets 66 006 7 75, Good 2-3 59.006 4 00; high Good and low Choice 1150- 14501 b Holsteins 57.0060 00, few Standard 1-2 53.006 7 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-3 950-1150 lb 60 25- 65 25; Good 2-3 800-1000 lb. 58 0061 00 COWS Utility and Commercial 1-3 42.25-46 25, few 46 50-48 50; Commercial 3-4 38 7542 50, Cutter 1-2 40 0044 00, few 44 5046 25; Canner and low Cutter 37 CO -41 00 BULLS Individual yield grade 1 1840 lb 61 25; few yield grade 2 1940-2370 lb. 52.00-55.00; couple Choice 1100-1300 lb bullocks 61.00- 67.50, and couple Good 58 50- 59 25. VEAL CALVES High Good to Prime 120-280 lb. 5.00-8 00 higher; high Good and low choice 70-105 lb. mostly steady. Supply in cluded 514 in graded sale of which 61% sold to return to farm VEALERS; Few Prime 200-270 lb 109 00-118.00; Choice 130-250 lb 91.00- 103.00, few 103 00-110.00; high Good and low Choice 120-210 lb 75.00-92 00 few 92 00-% 00, 65-110 lb. 56 50- 63 00 RETURNED TO FARM 90 head 90-125 lb Holstein heifers 101 00-116 00, one lot 80-85 lb 60 00; 145 head 100- 115 lb Holstein bulls 82.00- 94 00, 38 head 90-95 lb. 63 00- 64 00, and 35 head small frame 110-125 lb 62 00-62 50 SHEEP- Insufficient volume for a market test; few Choice 70-90 lb wooled lambs 56 00-59.00 Lancaster Auction Wednesday, January 21 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 536 46 738 6 Last Wednesday 293 Last Year 436 36 881 21 Wednesday’s Auction 51 693 10 459 44 698 6 Last Wednesday’s Auction 51 623 10 CATTLE; Compared to Monday slaughter steers steady to .50 lower, slaughter heifers 50-100 lower, instances 2 00 lower; cows fully steady, bullocks not tested; bulls mostly steady. Supply included 59% slaughter steers, 19% cows, 14% heifers, and 8% bulls SLAUGHTER STEERS Few head Choice 2 1050-1325 lb 66.00-67 35; Choice 24 975- 1350 lb. 64 00-66.25; Choice 3- 4 few 5 1200-1425 lb 56 00- 63 00, high Good and low Choice 2-3 1050-1300 lb 61 75- 64 00; Good 2-3 60 00-63 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-3 875-1050 lb 60 75- 64 25, few yield grade 2 64 75- 66 75, Good 2-3 850-1050 lb. 55 00-61.00 COWS Utility and Commercial 1-3 44.00-45 50, couple 46.75-47.75; Cutter 1-2 41.50-44 75, couple 45.00- 45.50; Canner and low Cutter 37.00-41.50. BULLS- Yield grade 1 1400-1800 lb 57 75-62 25, three head 1850-2250 lb. 64.25-69 25; yield grade 2 1000-1400 lb. 54.00- individual 2630 lb. 50.60; couple Good Bullocks 61.00-62 00 VEAL CALVES Vealers mostly steady. VEALERS High Good and low Choice 160-270 lb 75.00- 80-115 lb 50 00- 62.00, few 100-115 lb 63 00- 75.00 SHEEP Market not tested: few Good 60-85 lb wooled lambs 48 00-55 00 New Holland Livestock Thursday, January 22 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Today 865 508 26 Last Thursday 999 487 14 Last Year 616 451 CATTLE Compared to last Thursday Slaughter Steers 1 00-1 50 lower, in stances 4.00 lower on yield grade 4, Slaughter Heifers 1 00-2 00, Cows steady to .50 lower although most late sales steady, bullocks not tested; Bulls steady to weak, instances 1 00 lower on Yield grade 2 Supply included 50 per cent Slaughter Steers and 32 per cent Cow SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 3-4 1150-1300 lbs 65 60-67 60; Choice 2 1100-1425 lb 66 50- 67 50, eight head 69 00-70 00, Choice 24 980-1400 lb 63 35- 65 85, few 65 85-66 85, Choice 4 few 5 1250-1475 lb 53 75- 62 00, High Good and Low Choice 2-3 60 50-64 50, few good 2-3 58 00-62 00, few Good and Choice 1150-1375 lb Holsteins 57 50-60 25 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-3 875-1050 lb 60 00- 63 50, Good 2-3 850-1050 lb 53 75-59 50. COWS Utility and Commercial 1-3 43 5046 75, few 47 2549 00, Cutter 1-2 41 7545 00, few 45 004 6 00, Canner and Low Cutter 37 7541 50 BULI.S Yield Grade 1 1400-1900 lb 56 50-59.00, few 59 00-62 00; Yield Grade 2 1000-1500, couple 1600-1850 lb 52 00-57 00. VEAL CALVES Vealers uneven, prime special fed 290-360 lb steady to weak, Choice 140-250 lb 3 00-8 00 higher, high good and low Choice 100-120 lb firm to 4 00 higher, 60-100 lb mostly steady Demand fair for calves returned to farm VEALERS: Prime 290-365 lb 98 00-109.00; Choice 140- 300 lb 94.00-108 00, with several 140-220 lb 110 00- 118 00, high Good and low Choice 125-250 lb 80 00-95 00, 100-120 lb 64 00-74 00, 80-100 lb 60 00-65 00, 60-80 lb 52 00- 32 00 RETURNED TO FARM Bulk 80-110 lb Holstein Bulls 75 00-92 00, few 95 00-101 00, bulk 90-115 lb Holstein Heifers 90 00-108 00, few 115 00-136 00 SHEEP insufficent volume for a market test, ew Choice 70-90, lb Wooled Lambs 58 00-67 00 and few Utility and Good Slaughter Ewes 22 00-34 00 Lancaster Weekly Friday, January 23 Cattle Calves This Week 3300 1360 Last Week 3356 1260 Last Year 2534 1171 CATTLE CO. | I RDL Marietta, PA j 1 17547 I 2 Office Phone: f I (717) «5M114 | | Specializing In r I Stockers & Feeders I I JOHN BOWMAN ! I Ph: (717) 653-5728 | | RON RANCH | | Ph: (717) 656-9849 | HBH HOUANO The Action Auction Aflrtl/UIC make the difference in nUuilv/no marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND jSS&r eren “ MONDAY’S AUCTION 800 A M Fat Hogs 10 00 A M Horse Sale 1100 AM Hay, Straw & Ear Corn 1 30 P M - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY’S AUCTION 12 00 Noon - Dairy Sale 1 30 P M - Feeder Pig Sale THURSDAY’S AUCTION; 1100 AM - Beef Sale Order of Sale, Bulls, Fat Steers, Cows, Veal 3 30PM - Calf Sale NEW HOUAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, PA Abram W. Diffenbach. Manager Phone: 717-354-4341 CATTLE: Slaughter steers 1.00-1.50 lower, in stances 4.00 lower on Yield Grade 4; slaughter heifers 1.00- 00 lower; cows closed steady to .50 lower, after sales during the week being 1.00- lower; bullocks weak to 1.00 lower; bulls steady to weak, instances 1.00 lower on Yield Grade 2. Supply included 50 per cent slaughter steers, 23 per cent cows, 8 per cent slaughter heifers, 7 per cent bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prune 3-4 1150-1375 lbs. 65.00-67.60, few 67 7569.00; Choice I 1025- 1400 lbs 66.50-68.00, around 25 head to specialty trade 68 50-73 00; Choice 2-4 980- 1450 lbs. 63.5066.25, few 66 2567 25; Choice 4, few 5 1250-1475 lbs. 53.7562.00, high Good and low Choice 2-3 60 506 4 50, few 65.0066.00, Good 2-3 58.0063.00; Good and Choice 1250-1500 lbs holsteins 57.2560 50, few 60 5061 85, Standard 1-2 53 00-57 50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-3 870-1100 lbs. 60 00- (Turn to Page Al4> LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile East of Fredericksburg along Route 22 PHONE: JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 130 PM starting with feeder cattle and pigs Also Hay Sale every Tuesday at 12 30
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