Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 17, 1981, Image 93

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    WHITE HALL, Md. - The
White Hall 4-H Club, in
northern Baltimore County
in Maryland recently
presented a list of its win
ners for the fair season of
At the Wills Fair held at
Gaithersburg m May the
following people par
ticipated: Jedonna Swift,
Billy Swift, Stacey VanSant,
Kelly VanSant, and John
Hettchen in the cattle dept,
and Jackie Taylor in the
Goat dept.
At Visual Presentations in
the Spring those par
ticipating were Michelle
Doster, Jackie Taylor, Tern
Almony, Susan McGinnis,
3019 Hempland Road 717-397-6241
10 A.M.-9 P.M.
10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Off 30 West By-Pass at Centerville Exit
Money Jewelry Assortment.
While It Lasts. .. Reg isoo..
20-Student Desks...
Reg 289 95
42-Chests...sDrawers...Maple qc
...Pine.. .Reg 169 95 Ot.t3
Loads of TV’s...Stereos...Mostly Around Whole
sale-Full Warranty
Occ. Chairs...Mirrors...Rockers...Odd Tables...
Lamps...Pictures...Mantel Clocks
10 -12 Pc. Family Room Sets...Sofa...2 Chairs...
Ottoman... End Tables... Coffee Table... 2 Lamps
Reg 1389 95 *7^
Double.. . Reg 649 95
Queen...Antron... Nylon... Print
Reg 1089 95
Single.. . Reg 429 95
Double.. . Reg 649 95
Dining Room Sets. .Hutches
boards... Dry Sinks...
24- Bar Sets w/2 Stools...
Padded Seats...Arms.. .Reg 269 95 I ■“•“3
6 - 3 Pc. Early American Living
Room Suites...Antron/Nylon/
Print... Reg 1529 95
12 - Sofa... Love Seat... Chair
...Reg 1329 95
8 - 3 Pc. Early American
...Reg 889 95
150 - Recliners.-.Heater...Vibrator
... Vinyl...Nylons...Herculons
...Velvets.. .Reg J 489 95
*179.98 & *189.95
Wall Away Rediners...Same Materials As Above
...Reg 469 95
*179.95 & '189.95
300 - 4 1 /z" Pocket Hunting
300 - 6 1 /?" Pocket Hunting
Knife... Keg 29 95
Leather Upper Work
Gloves.. . Reg 6 00
50% to 60% Off Price On Mattress And Founda
tions... Cancellation Of One Of Chain Stores In
Singles.. . Reg 439 90
Doubles. Reg 499 90
Queen.. . Reg 589 95
White Hall 4-H’ers report year’s successes
Wanda Almony, Roxanne
Grubb, Kelly VanSant,
Stacey Vanant, Jedonna
Swift, Etta Price, Emily
Price, and Eunice Pnce.
At the Marksmanship
contest Mike McGinnis
showed his knowledge.
At the Style Revue contest
Susan McGinnis came out in
At the Central District
Black & White Show Kelly
VanSant, Billy Swift, and
Scott Wilson showed their
At the Aryshire Field Day
John Hettchen showed his
At the Baltimore County 4-
H Fair held m July the
Corner Cup-
5 159.95
following people showed in
their particular areas:
Stacey VanSant. Kelly
VanSant, Kim Hettchen,
Paul Hettchen, John Hett
chen, Donald Anderson,
Milton Anderson, Roxanne
Grubb, Charles Bowser,
Garlan Bowser, Mike
McGinnis, Steven Towsend,
Michael Towsend, Robin
Lawrence, Anne McGinnis,
Brett McGinnis, Jay
McGinnis, Susan McGinnis,
Jackie Taylor, Michelle
Doster, Kimberly Bowser,
Carole Bowser, Jedonna
Swift, Billy Swift and Scott
At the Hereford Junior-
Senior High Farm Fair held
4585 West Market St. - 717-792-3502
10 A.M. to 9 P.M.
10:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
King.. . Reg 799 95 ‘369.95
Limited Offer... First Come... First Served...2o
Year Warranty...
25 - Bunk Bed Sets... Complete
...Pine...Maple.. .Reg 349 95 ...
19-Bunk Bed Sets... Complete
...Pine...Maple.. .Reg 369 95 I
Large Selection of Bed Rooms On Floor
290 - Recliners... Purchased Due To Cancella
tion of Chain Store
23 - Mattress and Foundation-
Headboard...Rails.. .Reg 309 95 .
18 - Rockers... Factory
Discontinued. .. Reg 159 95
39 - Rockers...Factory...Mistake
...Black Seat.. Maple Rocker
...Reg 229 95
300 - Swivel Seat... Padde
d Duty—Bar Stools...
Liquidating For Locale Mfg. fin
...Reg 79 95 & 89 95
Liquidating For Mfg. Of Foundations and
Mattresses 252 Coils 7 312 Coils Same Price...
Your Choice...
Singles...Sets...Reg 189 95
Doubles...Sets.. .Reg 24995
Queen And King Sets Too..
11 - Bedrooms... Triple Dresser
Mirror.. .Chest... Headboard...
Nite Stand.. . Reg 669 95
10 - End Tables Sets... Antique
White.. . Reg 229 95
48 - Rd Tables...Pine...Maple...
4 Chairs..-Leag... Reg 389 95...
39 - Oval Tables...Pine...4 Chairs ajb
...Reg 659 95
Liquidating For Furniture Mfg 2 & 3 Pc Early
American Living Room Suites... Pillow Arm...
3 Pc. Sofa...Chair...LoveSeat...loo% Nylon
Prints... Lots Of Colors... SeOQ
Reg 1829 95 DOT.tO
2 PcSofa...Chair...Wood Trim qe
...PillowArm... Reg 1229 95
2 Pc. Early American Living Room
Suites...Nylon...Prints...Big Pillow Arms...
Wood Trim... Q*
Reg 168995
26 - 3 Pc. Early American Living
Room Suites...Antron...Nylon scqo rtH
...Prints.. .Reg 2489 95 DOT.UU
30 - Bar Stools... Heavy Duty -
Full Size... Swivel Seat-Backs
.Reg 5159 95
(4 to a customer)
Not Responsible For Typographical Errors
in August those who par
ticipated were: Scott Wilson,
Etta Price, Enc Price,
Emily Price, Eunice Price,
Michael Towsend, Steven
Towsend, Tern Almony,
Jedonna Swift, Billy Swift,
Kimberly Bowser, Caiole
Bowser, Chris Cooper, Cathy
Cooper, Michelle Doster,
Anne McGinnis, Jay
McGinnis, Brett McGinnis,
Susan McGinnis, Mike
McGinnis, Jackie Taylor,
Stacey VanSant, Kelly
VanSant, Kim Hettchen,
Paul Hettchen, John Hett
chen, Donald Anderson,
Milton Anderson, Roxanne
Grubb, Charles Bowser and
Garland Bowser.
•1 29.95
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 17,1981—C5
At the Maryland State
Fair held in August those
who participated were;
Stacey VanSant, Kelly
VanSant, Kim Hettchen,
Paul Hettchen, John Hett
chen, Donald Anderson,
Milton Anderson, Roxanne
Grubb, Charles Bowser,
Garland Bowser, Jackie
Taylor, Scott Wilson, Etta
Price, Eric Price, Emily
Price, Eunice Price, Tern
Almony, Jedonna Swift,
Carole Bowser, Billy Swift,
Kimberly Bowser, Chris
Cooper, Michelle Doser,
Anne McGinnis, Jay
McGinnis, Brett McGinnis,
Susan McGinnis and Mike
The Club Booth took first
place at the Hereford Fair, it
was given first and Cham
pion at the Baltimore Co.
Fair, and it received a Blue
ribbon at the State Fair. The
Club also did a float for the
State Fair and received a
Blue Ribbon for it.
The club recently held
their election of officers.
Chester beef producers to meet
Annual Chester County Beef
Cow/Calf Meeting will be
held on Tuesday, January 20,
1981 at the Central Chester
County Vocational Technical
Before you build, call
More building for your
money in wood, masonry,
Building contractor for
Clifford Bollinger
R.D. 2, Denver, PA
H F 36 H W (Coal-Wood)
36” COAL—
sL Infra-Red Broiling
Sta-Klean Oven - It Cleans Itself
Coleman Center
89 Old Leacock Rd. R.D. 1 Ronks, Pa.
those elected were:
President - Roxanne Grubb;
Vice-President - Eric Price;
Treasurer - Susan McGin
nis; Recording Secretary -
Kimberly Hettchen;
Corresponding Secretary -
Anne McGinnis; County
Council Rep - Scott Wilson
and Enc Price; Reporters -
Billy Swift, Eunice Price,
Emily Price and Mike
McGinnis; Song &
Recreation - Kelly VanSant,
Tem Almony, Charlene
Sutton and Jackie Taylor
At the County Award night
held recently many of the
boys and girls were given
recognition for their work
this past year in their
projects and in the record
books that they turned in.
The club was given an award
for having all the members
turn in a record book, all 42
of them. The club also was
given the highest honor of
the county, they are now the
proud owners ot the title,
“The best club in Baltimore
School on Business Route 30
in Coatesville.
The evening will begin at
7:15 p.m. with coffee and
donuts being served cour
tesy of Southeast Farm
Credit Service located in
West Chester.
At 7 30 Clair Engle, Penn
State University Beef
Specialist will speak on the
timetable for Beef Cow
Following this Dr. James
Evans, V.M.D. Head of the
Pennsylvania Embryo
Transfer Service at New
Bolton Center, will speak on
Estrus Synchronization in
The Small Beef Herd and a
Look at Embryo Transfer.
A question and answer
period will follow.
This educational meeting
is sponsored by the Penn
State University Extension
Service through the County
Extension Services of the
Southeast Region, and is
open to the general public.
For further information
contact Cheryl Moran,
County Agricultural Agent
at 215-696-3500.