Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 17, 1981, Image 7
Livestock market and auction news Omaha Cattle Thursday, January 15 Report supplied by USDA At midweek. Slaughter Steers recovered some of early decline to close steady, some sales 25- 50 lower, Heifers steady to 50 lower, instances .50-1 00 lower Cows closed 2 00-3 00 lower. Bulls steady to 1.00 higher. Four day receipts this week 17,400; last week 13,700; year ago 13,800 Early marketings of Steers were liberal and contained many mixed yield grade 3-4 Prices declined early A sharply higher carcass trade helped to recover only a portion of the early loss as marketings in the trade area were liberal Continued mild feeding weather contributes to weight gains and seller in terest substantial A moderate number of yield grade 4 Steers and Heifers were unsold from day to day Cows receipts were small until midweek, contributing to pi ice recovery Slaughter Steers made up around 48 pet of the estimated five day total, Heifers 33 pet, cows 14 pet and Feeders 4 pet STEERS Six Loads Choice 3 1100-1200 lbs 64 75- 65 00, two loads at 65 00 Choice, some Prune 2-4 mainly 3 1050-1300 lbs 63 DO -64 00, several loads 64 25- 64 50; few loads 2-3 1275-1375 lbs 63 00-64 00 Choice and “ Since 1959 " PORK CHOP FARM RD#2 Box 122 New Holland. Pa. 17557 717-354-9557 • Brucellosis Free Herd 127 • Entire herd tested • Pseudorabies Free Herd 20 • Lepto Free and T.B. Negative. Large Supply of Chester White Boars - sound - meaty -aggressive. We guarantee our boars to breed & settle sows Boars will breed & settle large number of sows, will sire litters of large uniform healthy pigs. “Chester Whites " “The Durable Mother Breed" Production Sale for 1981 November 13 June 12 some Prune 3-4 1150-1300 lbs 61.00-63 00, mainly 61.00- 62 50, larger percentage 4, some 5 1250-1350 lbs 58.00- 60.50, some 1300-1425 lbs 57.00, one lot 1600 lbs. 50.50 Mixed Good and Choice 2-4 1050-1250 lbs 62 00-63.50 Good 2-3 59 00-62 00. Late sales Good and Choice 2-3 Holsteins 1300-1500 lbs 58 00- 59.50 HEIFERS at midweek, around four loads Choice with few Prime 3, few 4 and load Choice 2-3 1000-1100 lbs. 63.00 Choice 2-4 900-1150 lbs. 61 00-62 40, 3-4 59.00-61 50, some with large percentage 4 57 00-59 00 Mixed Good and choice 2-4 875-1050 lbs 60 00- 61 50 Good 2-3 57 00-60 00 Average of LS 214 detailed quotations for Choice 900- 1100 lb steers 63 70, 1100- 1300 lbs. 63 45 Average cost Steers this week 62 73, average weight 1205 lbs as compared 63 20 and 1199 lbs a week ago Average cost Heifers 61.45 average weight 1044 lbs as compared 61 70 and 1034 lbs a week ago COWS Utility and Commercial 2-4 41 00-43.50, mostly 42 00-43 50 Cutter 1-2 39 00-42.50 BULLS- 1-4 1400-1800 lbs 48 00-52.00, individual 153.00- 54 00 FEEDERS Few lots Medium Frame 1 fleshy Steers 1075-1125 lbs 62 50- 64 00, mostly 63 50-64 00 at midweek Few large farme 2 Holsteins 58 00 Oklahoma Cattle Thursday, January 15 Report supplied by USDA Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction and weekly sum mary Estimated Receipts 4400, same day last week 5111 Moderately active; Feeder Steers and Heifers generally steady with Wednesday’s advance Demand Good Majority receipts medium frame No 1-2 400-800 lb. Feeder Steers and 350-650 lb Feeder Heifers including fairly large percentage of cattle arriving from wheat pastures Moderate at tendance of buyers FEEDER STEERS Medium frame No 1 300-400 lb. 79 75-85.50 ; 400-500 lb. 74.50-81.00, package 401 lb 82 50 ; 500-600 lb 73 75-76 80; 600-700 lb. 71 50-73 90 , 700-800 lb 70.50-71.60; few 747-776 lb fleshy 68 50-69 90 ; 800-860 lb 68 25-70.80 Medium Frame No. 1-2 package 399 lb 77 30; 500-700 lb 70.00-72 10; 700-982 lb 65 50-69.90. Large Frame No. 2 545-665 lb. 64 00-68.60; 700-1020 lb 63 40-67 75. Holstems 645-735 lb 59 75- 61 00; 800-926 lb. 58.90-61.00 FEEDER HEIFERS Medium Frame No. 1300-400 lb. 65 50-70.50 ; 400-500 lb. 64.00-66 25; 500-600 lb 63.75- 66.70 , 600-700 lb. 63 90-66.70, part load 675 lb 67 40; few 700-755 lb 63 25-64 00, package fleshy 790 lb. 60 00. Medium Frame No 1-2 300-400 lb 62 75-65 70; 400-500 lb 62.00-63.00 ; 500-700 lb. 59 75-62 90. Medium Frame No. 2 400- 500 lb 60.00-62 25; few 630 6701 b 56 30-57 80 FOR THE WEEK Compared to late last week Feeder Cattle over 500 lb. steady to 100 higher; of ferings under 500 lb. steady PIGS STATE GRADED SALE FRL, JAN. 23 1:30 P.M. AT WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION Westminster, Md Phone (301) 848-9820 to firm Beef Cows 2.00-3.00 higher, canner and cutter 1 00-2 00 higher; late sales Utility and Commercial 2-3 42.00-45.75, few high dressings 46.30-47.00; Cutter 1-3 41.25-43.00. Slaughter Bulls generallys teady. Yield Grade 1-2 1000-1500 lb. 51.00- 55.00, individual near 1700 lb 58.00. Salable receipts for the week near 16,600 head compared to 19,660 the same period a week ago Majority or 91 percent of the receipts consisted of Feeder Cattle and Calves; Cows and Bulls numbered near 1500 head and made up 9 percent of total. Joliet Cattle Thursday, January 15 Report supplied by USDA CATTLE; Friday’s through Wednesday’s salable receipts 6,400 ; 5 days last week 4,669, same period a year ago 6,483 Trading slow for the week Slaughter Steers ended the week steady to 1 00, instances 1 50 lower, with the most decrease on YG 4 & 5 Steers compared with Wednesday of last week Slaughter Heifers ended the week mostly 50 to 1 00, instances 1 50 lower Cows ended the week mostly steady SLAUGHTER STEERS. Mixed High Choice and Prime 3-4 1150-1300 lb 64.00 65.00 Monday; 64 00-64 50 Wednesday, YG 3-4, few 5, 1150-1350 lbs. 62 50-64.00; YG 3-51150-1400 lb 61 00-62.50; 4- 5 1250-1525 lb 60.00-61,00 Choice & Mixed Good & Choice 2-3, few 4, 1200-1425 lbs 64.50-65.50 Choice 24 1050-1300 lbs 63.50-64.75; YG 34 11501300 lbs 62 5063.50; YG mostly 4, few 5,12001350 lbs. 60.00-62 00 Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 10001200 lbs 62 0065 00. Standard and Good 2-3 1300-1550 lb Holstems 55.0057.00 Wed nesday. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Mixed Choice and Prune 2-4 950-1100 lbs 3 loads 63.50, packaged 63.75 Wednesday, mostly YG 4 950-1000 lbs 61 50-62 00, mostly YG 4-5 1025-1150 lbs 57 00-60 00 Wednesday. Choice 2-4 900- 1125 lbs 61.50-63 75 Monday, 61 50-63.00 Wednesday Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-1000 lbs 59 50-61.50 COWS- Cutter & Utility 1-3 36 0040.00 Monday; 38.00- 42 00, few 43 00 Western Maryland Livestock Westminster, Md. Tuesday, January 13 Report supplied by auction BUTCHER COWS. Steady to $l.OO higher. Standard & Utility 44.0048 00, Canners 40.00-44.00; Shelly 43 00 Down. Bulls Tops 1970 lbs. at 58 85; Bulk 1100-1400 lbs 53 50-55.00 Steers Choice TRANSPORTATION ON STOCK OR FEEDER CATTLE FROM THE SOUTH We Have 2 Possum Bellied Trailer Rigs Available. Call VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. Paradise, Pa. L. Robert Frame, Manager Phone: 717-768-8204 or Home: 215-458-5060 Call Anytime incaster Farming, Saturday, January 17,1981—A7 900-1100 lbs. 63.50-65.50; Good 59.00-63.00. Holsteins Standard & Good 49.00-54,25. BUTCHER HOGS: Light run. US #1 & 3 215-240 lbs. to 43.00 ; 240-260 lbs. to 43.75; 195-210 lbs. to 42.75; Sows US 1&3 250-600 lbs. 34.00-39.00. BOARS 400-600 lbs. 33.75- 34.85. VEAL CALVES; Light run. Good & Choice 92.00- 103 00; Standard 82.00-92.00; Killers 80-100 lbs. 59.00-65 00; Weak & Rough 58 00 Down. CALVES RETURNS TO FARM Holstein Bulls Bulk 95-115 lbs 95.00-110 00, LAMBS. Good 7080 lbs. to 50 00 STOCK CATTLE Steers Choice 550-650 lbs 66.50- 69.00, Good 300-600 lbs 56.00- 65.00; Heifers Good 350-550 lbs. 49 00-54.25, Medium 350- 650 lbs. 43.00-50.00. PIGS AND SHOATS By the Head 15-30 lbs 7 00-10.00, 30-50 lbs. 1100-19 00, 6080 lbs to 25 50. By the Lb 100- 130 lbs 30.50-35 50, St Boars 180-225 lbs 26 00-33.50 Carlisle Auction Carlisle, Pa. Tuesday, January 13 Report supplied by auction CATTLE. STEERS Good 62.50-66.00, Standard 57.00 61.10; Utility 51.50-56.00. HEIFERS. Good 56.50-57.25; Standard 47 5 054.00. COWS. Utility & Commercial 44.00 48 00, Cutters 42.75-45.00; Canner & Low Cutter 39.00 43 00; Shells down to 34.50. BULLOCKS. Good 56.50 59.00; Utility 53.00-56.00. FEEDER STEERS: 53.00 72 00. CATTLE HEIFERS 46.00-53 00. BULLS 51.00 66.50 CALVES. VEALERS. Choice 85.0094.00; Good 75.0087 50, Standard & Good 70 0085.00; Standard & Good 60.0070 00 FARM CALVES Hoi Bulls 102 00-109.00, Hoi Heifers 115 00172.50 HOGS: US No 1-2 43.00 46.35; US No 1-3 42 50-44.00, US No. 2-3 37.75-42 00 SOWS US No 1-3 37.0040.00, No. 2-3 34.0037.50; Boars 30.0035.25. FEEDER PIGS. US No 1-3 11.0019.00; No. 1-3 23.50 34.00; Utility 8 0010 00. LAMBS. Good SHEEP. 46.00-56.50, St. Louis Cattle Thursday, January 15 Report supplied by USDA Receipts This Week • 6,300 Week Ago. Year Ago: Compared to the previous week’s close, slaughter steers mostly 1.00-1.50 higher, except holstein steers 1 00-2.00 lower Slaughter heifers 50-1.00 higher. Cows 3.00-4.00 higher. Bulls weak to 1.00 lower Slaughter supply mainly Choice and Mixed Choice and Prune 24 1050- 1250 lbs. steers, around 35% heifers and 10% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed Choice and Prune 24 1050-1275 lbs. 63.50-66.00, closing 65.00-66.00; 34 1125- 1300 lbs. 62.50-64.50, closing 64.00- package 4-5 1325 lbs 59.50. Choice 24 950-1300 lbs 62.50-65.00, closing 63.50- 65.00; few lots 2-3 1050-1070 lbs. 65.25-65.50. Mixed Good and Choice 24 900-1200 lbs. 62.00- Good 2-3 900-1175 lbs. 60.00-62.50. Standard to Good 1050-1350 lbs. holsteins 52.00- 00, closing 52.00- 56.00. Package Standard 2-3 1185 lbs. 48 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed Choice and Prune 24 875-1050 lbs 61 50-62.50, closing 62 50, couple packaged 63 00; 34 900-1075 lbs 58.00-60 00 , 4-5 950-1100 lbs. 56.00-59.00 Choice 24 850-1050 lbs 60 50-62.50. Closing 61 00-62 50 Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 700-1000 lbs 59.00-61.50 Good 2-3 700- 975 lbs. 57.00-59 50. COWS Closing week sales Utility and Commercial 2-4 41 00-45.00 Boning Utility 1-2 45.00-47.00 Cutter 1-2 40 GO -44 00 Canner and Low- Cutter 1-2 36.00-40.00. BULLS. Yield Grade 1-2 1050-2080 lbs. 50 00-55 00 FEEDERS. (Including around 1,800 at the regular Thursday auction.) Feeder steers and heifers generally steady. Supply medium and small frame 1-2 400-800 lbs. steers and 300-700 lbs. heifers FEEDER STEERS. Medium Frame 1; 375-525 lbs. 70.25-76.75, mostly 71.50- 75 00, 600-700 lbs. scattered lots 750-775 lbs. 67.75-69.00; 800-925 lbs. 64.00- 67.25. Medium Frame 1-2 and Small Frame 1: 350-550 lbs 65.00-70.00, mostly 66.00- 69.00 ; 600-775 lbs. 64 00-68 00. Large Frame 2 Holstems: few lots 750-900 lbs 52.00- 55 00 FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium Frame 1. 350-500 lbs. 60.00-63.00; 500650 lbs. 59 25-62.50 Medium Frame 1-2 and Small Frame 1 375- 550 lbs. 57.00-60.00, 600350 lbs. 54.00-56.50. ThomasviUe Mkt. Wednesday, January 14 Cattle 112 head. Steers good, 64.50-66.75, medium 61.00- Holstems 65.25- 69.25, heifers good 60.00- 61.00; medium 54.50-56.00; Calves 46.0047.25 and 44.00- 46.00; Cutters 41.7544.00; Low Cutter 38.25-39.50; Bulls Choice 65.85; Medium 55.50- 57.00; Calves feeder cattle steers 64.00-71.00; heifers 55.00- Calves few Choice $1.04, good ,82; Standard Tender and Good 65.00- Utility 55.00- 60.00; Bulls - Farm Calves 70.00- heifer calves 1.00- 6,500 5,200 BEEFALO FOR SALE -Semen in stock 7/8 -animals BEEFALO N&J 4270 Quakerbridge Rd. Princeton, NJ 08540 609-896-0336