Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 17, 1981, Image 36
A36—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 17,1981 Farm Bureau asks Reagan to end embargo NEW ORLEANS, La. ('ailm-' the year-old gram embargo against the soviets An economic and diplomatic disaster,” Robert B Delano today asked President-elect Reagan to give high priority to his campaign promise to end the embargo. Delano, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, opened the organization’s 62nd annual meeting here with his annual address Monday, January 12, telling some 7000 delegates that the embargo had cost the nation’s far mers and ranchers a minimum of one billion dollars in cash grain income and resulted in "permanent disruption of grain trading patterns ” Should further Soviet aggression require sanc tions, we ask for a full em bargo of all trade, technology, services and cultural contacts,” Delano said, adding that American farmers and ranchers will proudly endure economic hardships involving all segments of the economy in dealing with any national crisis. Calling attention to a substantial increase in Farm & to hold mortgage BY SALLY B. BAIR Staff Correspondent LANCASTER - The burning of the mortgage will highlight the 17th annual meeting of the Farm and Home Foundation of Lan caster County, scheduled for Thursday, January 29, 1981, at 6 30 p m at the Farm and Home Center on Arcadia Road The mortgage-burning represents the culmination of a project which had its origins in the minds of agricultural leaders as early as 1953, but which really began taking shape in the early 1960’s when Elmer Esbenshade, prominent farmer and agricultural leader, donated both land and money for the beginning of the project Speaker for the event will be J Collins McSparren who will talk on “Opportunities m the Eighties ” Entertainment will be provided by the Garden Spot Barbershop Chorus MM. Smith, county ex tension director, will provide some historical insights into the project an its direction over the course of the years Many of those who were involved in the early years will be present. A brief business meeting will be held, which will in clude election of directors Tickets for the event will cost $6 50 and can be pur chased from any director or from Farm and Home Center Manager Howard Campbell at 392-4911 Ticket deadline is Thursday, January 22 The Farm and Home Center was the first of its kind in Pennsylvania and represented a milestone for the agricultural cc amt. membership in AFBF during the past year (to more than 3,200,000 member families), Delano said he sees this growth as a mandate for farm bureau to seek solutions to a long list of pressing farm problems, including improved farm income, the right to farm without undue regulations, priority for adequate farm energy supplies and a stronger voice for farmers and ranchers whenever agricultural decisions are made Naming inflation as the number-one farm and national problem, Delano said that citizens where ‘must insist that Congress, the Executive Branch and the Federal Reserve System jam in accepting full responsibility for bringing inflation under control. “Deficit spending and excessive taxation to pay for it - Both in Washington and in state capitals - must remain farm bureau’s prime target,” Delano declared. In defense of farmer and rancher rights, the farm leader said farm bureau has become involved in more legal controversies with federal agencies than at any Home Foundation in Lancaster County. Con ceived as a center to house both agricultural and home economics facilities and to provide meeting facilities for agricultural organizations, the Center has been meeting the needs of the community for 12 years In the course of a year, over 850 meetings are held within the Center. The total project, amounting to $500,000 00 was paid for the local funds, collected during extensive fund-raising campaigns which included the use of hundreds of volunteers who visited their rural neighbors and collected pledges. It was a community effort from the start, and contmues to serve an ever-expanding com munity Jay Landis, president of the board of directors, ex- Curwensville places first FARM SHOW - Cur- , „ agriculture , , , T , _ , 1 Curwensville Area High School wensville Area High School Curwensviiie ciearfieid Co 2 mc placed first in the school Connellsburg Senior High School Mc window exhibit at the Farm £!£ Show Judging took place Central High School Manheim Lan last Satlirdav and evhihitc css,er 5Tn Valley H| S h Sch °o' Hepms iasi aaiuraay ana exniDits sctwyihn e Ephrata Area H, g h school were on display the entire Ephrata Lancaster 7 Upper Bucks Area week for spectators to see VoTech School Perkasie Bucks 8 r Kutctown Area Hgh School Kuf«own Other winners werp as. Rctk*' 9 Cedar Crest High SChoot umer winners were as Lebanon Lebanon All other Barticipjnls rOiIOWS were placed in the tenth place category tune in the past thirty years. Legal action has included moves against the Depart ment of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Reclamation; Depart ment of Agriculture’s Forest and Park Services, Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Environmental Protection Agency; and the Depart ment of Health and Human Services. Delan said another issue of paramount importance to agriculture is the question “Who shall speak for far mers 7 ’’ The appropriate answer, he siad is that “farmers and ranchers must speak for ourselves, in the manner we choose and under conditions we set.” The AFBFf annual meeting concluded Thur sday with appearances by Secretary of Agriculture - designate John Block, Federal Reserve Chairman of the board, Paul Volcker; former Army Chief of Staff, General W. C West moreland, and Louisiana Congressman Henson Moore. burning plains that with the end of indebtedness represented by the burning of the mortgage, the Board is working on ways to improve the physical plant to meet the challenge of the energy situation of the 1980’s. In come from meeting room rentals and office rental will be used as a reserve for maintenance and to improve operating efficiency through insulation and other means. Educational scholarships and educational programs will continue to represent an important service of the Farm and Home Foun dation Banquet Chairman John Henkel expressed the Board’s hope that there will be a record turnout to help celebrate this milestone in the Farm and Home Foundation’s work A pig’s life is not all glamour snorts Robinson Jane, the mother of five baby pigs as of Tuesday morning. Hogs FARM SHOW - At 9 a.m. Tuesday the maternity ward of the 1981 Pennsylvania Farm Show swine bam was bustling. “Robinson Jane” was in labor and would soon be delivering five baby pigs The father of the piglets, “Spreading Oak,” was back on the home farm and would not leam about the delivery until later this week when Jane and the piglets return home with owners Dale and Larry Robinson of Delta, York County. “Jane,” a spotted swine, placed sixth in her class and was to be sold as a bred gilt, but due to her new family, will return home instead. The Robinsons raise 30 Spotted Swine and have 40 milking cows on their York County farm “We’ll take the piglets back home and raise them,” said Larry. “They will be full grown and ready to show by next year’s Farm Show.” SELF LOCKING FEED THRU FENCE ★ All cows can be released at one time * Stabilizer on bottom of yoke for or individually extra strength ★ When handle is in lock position, cow * Custom built to your specifications automatically locks as it enters ★ You can release all cows or hold cows ★ No more chasing cows that need treatment ★ Heavy duty construction PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN, INC. Hardware • Farm Supplies Custom Manufacturing • Crane Service maternity ward Larry Robinson, owner of the five new pigs, holds up one for the crowd to see. He says he plans to raise these five new additions to his herd. CUSTOM BUILT BARN EQUIPMENT ★ LOOP STALLS (Southern Style Channel Front - Welded Front) ★ STANDARD FREE STALLS ★ GATES (38" 48" 54” High) ★ AUTOMATIC GATE LATCHES ★ FENCING ★ FEED THRU FENCING Box 128 R D #4, Lrtitz, PA 17543 Wood Corner Rd . 1 Mile West of Ephrata Phone 717-738-1121 11l "X.. THREE SIZES: SMALL - For Calves Up To 15 Months Old ADJUSTABLE- For Heifers & Cows 8 Months And Older (Pictured) LARGE - For Cows 15 Months And Older