A3o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 17,1981 Top Holstein award goes to Bradford Co. cow FARM SHOW - ‘ Royal Haven Unique Cnsco,” a 4- jeor-old exhibited by Ben of RD 2, Columbia CrobS Roads, Bradford C( anty, captured the grand an r . senior championships in open class Holstein judging competition at the 65th Farm Show U,e reserve champion and reserve senior champion, • Sieging Brook Tip Tess,’ was a 2-year-old exhibited by Sc -tt Fisher of RDI, New Enterprise, Bedford Comity Steve Kauffman of Lancaster County, showed the junior champion, Penn-Spnngs Mnostone \da,” a senior yearling. Arlen Keener of Elisabethtown, Lancaster County, exhibited the reserve junior champion, Zimndge Peggy Gay Sharon,” a heifer calf Paul King of Kmgway Farm, RD 2, Delta, York County, won the premier exhibitor awai d, and Harvey Stoltzfus of RD 1, Morgantown, Berks County, received the premier breeder award In youth competition, Scott Fisher of New Enterprise, Bedford County, showing Singing Brook Tip less, ’ a 2-year-old, won the grand and senior championships Scott is a member of the South Cove 4-H Dairy Club The cow was the open show’s reserve grand champion Christine Gitt of RD 2, Littlestown, Adams County, showed ‘Jambo Dian Elevation,” an aged cow, that won the reserve grand and reserve senior cham p'nnships She is a member or the Adams County 4-H Dairy Club Steve Kauffman of Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, exhibited the junior champion, “Penn-Springs Milestone Ada,” a senior yearhng that alwo won the junior championship in open competition Steve is a member of the Lancaster County 4-H Dairy Club Arlen Keener of RDI, Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, showed the reserve junior champion, "Zimndge Peggy Gay Sharon,” a heifer calf, also the open show’s reserve junior champion. He is a member of the Elizabethtown FFA Chapter. Complete Holstein results ff how Tuesday was a busy day in the mam arena, with . '-ry judging occupying both the morning and a'ternoon hours Early m the morning competition fvnlking Shorthorn, Brown Swiss and Guernsey competitions were all going on at the time DAIRY CATTLE HOLSTEIN Heifer Calf i Arlen Keener fclizabetntown 2 D 4 Muter R Reismger Tamaqua 3 Bncgeiteß Boyer 4 Oudne N StoJ Mrrpmtown "i Todd R Martin volon* Youth Class Heifer Calf 3 Arlen Keener Z Bndce te R Boyer 3 Duane N Stoltafus t David N Bomgardner Annville 5 Toddß Martin Jr Year Heifer I Harvey W Stoitzlus Morgantown 2 Dean Jackson Col X Rds 3 Marvin & Timothy Brown 4 L Leroy & Ida I Fiance Wellsboro 5 Wayne Heiman Chambersburp Youth Class Jr Yr Heifer 1 Dean Jackson 2 David Smith Den p*- 3 Toad Reed Denver 4 Online L Wensei Petersburg 5 John Andrew Fo c lOf 3rd Seven Yaleys Sr Yr Metier 1 Steve Kauffman 2 Keith N Ltott/ fus 3 Leroy & Joyr-fe Bupp Seven Valley., <4 C E Hubbard Mi New Cumberland 5 John & Annabei'e Foster Petersburg Youth Class Sr Yr Heifer 1 Steve Kauffman 2 Cfc Hubbard il 3 Arlen Keener 4 David King Della 5 Donald Jenkins Troy Jr Champion Female I Steve Kauffman Youth Class Jr Champion 1 Steve Kauffman Reserve Jr Champion Female 1 Arlen Keener Youth Class Reserve Jr Champion I Arlen Keener 3 or 4 Dry Cow 1 Kathy B Km? Delta 2 Steve Kaulfrnan 3 Herbert Kutztown 4 Glenn Lippv Jr Littlestown 5 Donald L Stoltzfus Youth Class 3 or 4 Dry Cow 1 Donald L Stoltzfus ? Stanley M Wensel 3rd 3 Edward Rich Hint nersvi'le 5 or Over Dry Cow 1 Ken & Steve Mow r y Roaring Spg 2 Donald L Stoltzfus 3 Peter B King 4 Cj SH Stoltzfus Yoder Morgantown 5 Russet L Kline Denver Youth Class 5 or Over Dry Cow 1 Donald L S!oltz f us 2 Peier B King 3 Donna M Stump Bernville 2 and Under 3 Heifer I Scott Fisher N Enterprise 2 John Andrew Foster 3rd 3 Robert E Gitt Littlestown 4 Ralph Moo r e Mercer 5 Ben i Regma Jackson Youth Class 2 to Under 3 Yr Cow 1 Scott Fisher 2 Ralph Moore 3 Barry Oonmoyer Annville 4 Glenn H Stoltzfus 6 Denise F Stump 3 and Under 4 Cow 1 Russel L Kline 2 Harvev W Stoltzfus 3 Kent eth Mowry 4 Christine Gitt 5 Peter B King Youth Class 3to4Yr Cow 1 Christine Gilt 2 Barry Donmoyer 3 fd Breckbill Oxford 4 and Under 5 Cow I Ben A Regina Jackson 2 Mowry i Marchezah Roaring Spg 3 Kenneth Mowry 4 David King 5 Robert H Kauffman Elizabethtown Youth Class 4tosYr Cow 1 David King 5 and Over Cow 1 2 Leroy A Ada Fiance 3 Christine Gitt 4 Paul R King 6 Ken Steve & Ron Mowry Roaring Spg Youth Class 5 and Over Cow I Christine Gitt 2 Jeffrey D Metz Petersburg 3 Doyle E Stump Bernviile Championship Udder 1 Sen A Regina Jackson Sr Female Champion 1 Ben A Regina Jackson Youth Class Sr Champion 1 Scott Fisher Sr Female Reserve Champion 1 Scott Fisher Youth Class Reserve Sr Champion I Christine Gitt Grand Champion 1 Beni Regina Jackson Female Reserve Grand Champion I Sgott Fisher Youth Class Champion 1 Scott Fisher Youth Class Reserve Champion 1 ChnstmeGitt Premier Breeder 1 Harvey W Stoltzfus Premier Exhibitor 1 Paul R King Exhibitor Herd 1 Kenneth Mowry 2 L Leroy A Ida J Fiance 3 Paul R King 4 Robert H Kauffman 5 Harvey W Stoltztus Ben Jackson, winner of the grand champion of satisfaction to his blue ribbon. Jackson is shown Holstein award, won with a cow that he bought as here handling the introductions between Crisco a heifer calf, a fact which added an extra measure and Ginny Thornburgh, the governor’s wife. A competitor peers out from what seems to be a Holstein sea on Tuesday afternoon at the Farm Tons of food move at commodity booths FARM SHOW Visitors to the Pennsylvnaia Farm Show have a large appetite which is reflected in the tons of food being sold at food booths run by various state agricultural commodity associations There were more cows entered this year, fewer scartches than ever, m spite of the weather, and one of the best dairy crowds the stands had ever seen Officials of the Penn sylvania Cooperative Potato Growers’ booth estimated they would sell about 30 tons of baked potatoes and french fried potatoes by the end of the show They noted that the potato donut machine low dairy competition operates continuously from 8 am to 9 p m , turning out 1440 donuts each hour Another popular snack spot, the Pennsylvania Dairy Association booth, reports serving over 8500 milk shakes on Wednesday alone Chocolate shakes outsell vanilla two to one, association members said According to the Penn sylvania Horticultural Association, over 14,000 quarts of apple cider, a favorite thirst quencher at the show, were sold through Wednesday More than 2000 individual apples were also sold to visitors French fried mushrooms are being sold at the Farm Show for the third year by the Pennsylvania Mushroom Growers who report thev will use nearly a ton of fresh mushrooms bv Friday Also being offered for the third year by the Penn sylvania Vegetable Growers is beef vegetable soup As of Wednesday, association members estimated thev serv ed more than 2500 bowls of soup The PennsjUanm Livestock booth reports they will sell nearly 20,000 ser vings of sandwiches and stew by the end of the Farm Show More than two tons of ice cream topped with honey were reported sold as of Thursday by members of the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers’ Association Workers at the Penn sylvania Poultry Federation booth reported serving thousands of bowls of chicken corn soup, tons of chicken sandwiches and nearly a thousand buckets of chicken One thing is certain— the Farm Show provides a feast for the eyes and for the tastebuds KNNSYIVANIA AOMCUUVM I * H. LMmm WE’RE GROWING SETTER