Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 17, 1981, Image 26
A26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 17,1981 Leo Rutter, representing a family corporation from York, showed the grand champion Guernsey FARM SHOW - Rutter Brothers of North George Street, York, York County, captured the grand and senior champions in Guernsey judging com petition at the 65th Farm Show with “Shadow Lawn Hoi Cissy,” an aged cow. “Rutter Brothers Fayvors Patty,” a heifer calf, won the reserve junior championship for Tun Rutter of York Rutter Brothers won the premier exhibitor award in the Guernsey judging. Kenneth Code of RD 1, New Enterprise, Bedford County, exhibited the reserve grand and reserve senior champion, "Ardella MC Annie Oakie,” a 3-year old cow Scott and Elsie Wolff of RD2, Quarryville, Lancaster County, showed the junior champion, “Hollowview Jet Julie,” a junior yearling Benedict Manheim Farm of Road, A bit of history continued Tuesday afternoon jdford County, shown accepting the award with the awarding of the Sewickley Club trophy, from John Blyholder, a Guernsey association about three feet worth of sterling silver that goes director With them is national Guernsey queen each year to the junior grand champion at the Millie Linde, from Oxford Farm Show. This year’s winner was Kenneth Corle York Guernsey takes top breed prize honors Waynesboro, Franklin County, won the premier breeder award In youth competition Kenneth Code of RD 1, New Enterprise, Bedford County, showing “Ardella MC Annie Oakie,” a 3-year-old, won the grand and senior Guernsey championships. The same animal was the open show’s reserve grand champion Kenneth is a member of the South Cove 4-H Club Brent Snider of RD 1, New Enterprise, Bedford County, showed the reserve grand and reserve senior cham pion, ‘ Sniders Butchs Holly,” an aged cow Brent is a member of the South Cove 4-H Club Tim Rutter of North George Street, York, York County, exhibited the show’s junior champion, “Rutter Brothers Fayvors Patty,” a heifer calf His brother Todd exhibited the reserve junior champion, “Maverick at the Farm Show, a. tppily accept from Pennsylvania’s First Lady. Pam," a heifer calf They are members of the White Rose 4-H Club. Complete Guernsey results follow GUERNSEY Heifer Calf ] J Scott Wolff Quarryvide 2 Scott t Elsie Wolff Quarryville 3 Deborah Lehman York 4 Corey C Wolff Millville 5 Brad Kerr Renfrew Youth Class Heifer Caff 1 Deborah Lehman 2 Corey C Wolff 3 Brad Kerr 4 Pete Engle Quincy 5 Tracy Buffington Millersburg Jr Yr Heifer 1 Tim Rutter York 2 Berneta Kay Snider N Enterprise 3 Todd Rutter York 4 Ruth A Benedict Waynesboro 5 Michael M Benedict Waynesboro Youth Class Jr Yr Heifer 1 Tim Rutter 2 Todd Rutter 3 April Lafferty Lykens Sr Yr Heifer 1 Scott & Elsie Wolff 2 Tim Rutter 3 Jeffrey D Benedict Waynesboro 4 William G Zollers Jr Mcrtzlown 5 Fred Hobaugh York Youth Class Sr Yr Heifer I Carlo Miller Tamaqua Jr Champion Female 1 Scott & Elsie Wolff Youth Class Jr Champion 1 Tim Ruffe* Reserve Jr Champion Female 1 Tim Rutter Youth Class Reserve Jr Champion 1 Todd Rutter 3 orAOry Cow 1 Jeffrey D Benedict 2 Billy J Snider N Enterprise 3 Ruth A Benedict Waynesboro 4 Brian Lehman York 5 Jon Andrew Zoflers Mertztowr Youth Class 3 or 4 Dry Cow I Jeffrey D Benedict 2 BillvJ Snider 3 Brian Lehman 4 William G ZollersJr S or Over Dry Cow 1 Brent Snider N Enterprise 2 Fred Hobaugh Youth Class 5 or Over Dry Cow 1 Brent Snider 2 and Under 3 Heifer 1 Jacob N & Son Annville 2 Bernard 0 Snider N Enterprise 3 Tina Rutter York 4 Barry Lehman York 5 Scott 4 Elsie Wolff Youth Class 2 to 3 Yr Cow 1 Tina Rutter 2 Sherri Lynn Zotlers Merlztown 3 and Under 4 Cow I Kenneth Corle N Enterprise 2 Rutter Bros York 3 Jeffrey D Benedict 4 William G Zotlers Jr 5 Kevin I Benedict Youth Class 3 to 4 Yr Cow 1 Kenneth Corle 2 Jeffrey D Benedict 3 William G Zollers Jr 4 Kevin L Benedict 5 Jon Andrew Zollers 5 and Over Cow 1 Rutter Bros 2 Wolff & Dugan 4 MrGill Quarryvillc 3 Bernard 0 Snider 4 Tina Rutter RuthA Benedict Youth Class 5 and Over Cow 1 Tina Rutter Championship Udder 1 Rutter Bros Sr Female Champion 1 Rutter Bros (Turn to PageA2B) HOLLAND Dealer for Dependable Equipment and Dependable Service; Alexandria. PA Clapper Farm Equipment Forshey's, Inc Starßoute HOForsheySt 814-669 4465 Cl 4 793-3791 Arnville, PA Mill Hall. PA BHM Farm Equipment, Inc p au |A Dotterer R O 1 R D 1. 717-867 2211 717 725 3471 Beavertown. PA B&R Farm Equipment Inc RDI, 80x217A 717 658 7024 Bernvilte. PA ique Stanley A Klopp, Inc Bernville, PA 215 488 1510 Carlisle. PA Paul Shovers, Inc 35 East Willow Street 717-243 2686 Catawissa, PA Abraczmskas Farm Equipment, Inc RD 1 Chambersburg, PA Clugston Implement, Inc RD 1 717-263-4103 Davidsburg, PA George N Gross, Inc R D 2, Dover, PA 717-292-1673 Elizabethtown. PA Messick Farm Equipment, Inc Rt 283 - Rheem's Exit 717-367-1319 Gettysburg, PA v mglmg Implements RD 9 717-359-4848 Greencastie. PA Meyers Implement's Inc 400 N Antrim Way PO Box 97 717-597 2176 Hall tax, PA Sweigard Bros R D 3, Box 13 717-896 3414 Honey Brook. PA Dependable Motor Co East Mam Street 215 273 3131 215 273 3737 Honey Grove, PA Norman D Clark & Son, Inc Honey Grove, PA 717 734 3682 Hughesville, PA Farnsworth Farm Supplies Inc 103 Cemetery Street 717 584 2106 Lancaster, PA L H Brubaker, Inc 350Strasburg Pike 717 397 5179 Lebanon, PA Evergreen Tractor Co , Inc Evergree, Road 717 272 4641 Lititz, PA Roy A Brubaker 700 Woodcrest Avenue 717 626 7766 Loysville. PA PaulShovers Inc Loysville PA 717 789 3117 Lynnport, PA Hermit K Kistler Inc Lynnport, PA 215 298 2011 See your nearest Martinsburg. PA Nazareth. PA Edwards Farm Equipment 291 W Moorestown Rd 215 759 0240 New Holland, PA ABC Groff, Inc 110 South Railroad 717 354 4191 Oley. PA C J Wonsidler Bros RD 2 215 987 6257 Palm, PA Wentz Farm Supplies, Inc Rt 29 215-679 7164 Pitman, PA Marlin W Schreffler Pitman, PA 717-648 1120 Pleasant Gap, PA Brooks Ford Tractor W College Ave 814-359-2751 Quarryville, PA C E WileyS Son, Inc 101 South Lime Street 717-786-2895 Reedsville. PA Big Valley Sales & Service, Inc PO Box 548 717 667 3944 Rmgtown, PA Rmgtown Farm Equipment Rmgtown, PA 717-889 3184 Shippensburg, PA R B Muller, Inc N Seneca St 717-532-4178 Silverdale. PA I G Sales Box 149 215 257-5135 Tamaqua , PA Charles S Snyder, Inc RD 3 717 386-5945 West Chester. PA M S Yearsiey & Son 114 116 East Market Street 215 695-2990 West Grove, PA SG Lewis & Son Inc R D 2 Box 66 215 869-2214 Churchville. MD Walter G Coale, Inc 2849 53 Churchville Rd 301 734-7722 Rising Sun, MD Ag Ind Equipment Co Inc R D 2, Route 273 East 301 398 6132 301 658 5568 Bridgeton, NJ Leslie G Fogg, Inc Canton & Stow Creek Landing Rds RD 3 609 451 2727 Washington, NJ Frank Rymon & Sons 814 793 3791 Woodstown NJ Owen Supply Co Broad Street & East Avenue 609 769 0308