Al4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 17,1981 FARM SHOW - James L Kennedy of RD 6, Butler, Butler County, captured the grand and senior cham pionships in open Brown Swiss judging competition at the 65th Farm Show, with “Brush Creek Titan Darling,” a 5-year-old cow. Another Kennedy entry, “Delegate Grace April Ginger,” an aged cow, won the reserve grand and reserve senior cham pionships. William R. Daubert of RD 2, Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, showed “Wind Mill Imp Melinda,” a semor yearling that won the junior championship. The reserve junior champion, “Locust Spring Belinda Candy,” a heifer calf, was exhibited by Jef frey Moon of RD 1, Volant, Lawrence County. James Kennedy and Family won the premier exhibitor award and Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture, Doylestown, Bucks County, received the premier breeder award. In youth competition, Gary Mase of Colebrook Road, Lebanon, Lebanon County, exhibited “Alanc Pavanne,” a 5-year-old cow, capturing the grand and senior championships Gregory Fantom of RD 1, Delta, York County, showed the reserve grand and reserve senior champion, “Lake Lane Luann,” a 3- year-old. Jeffrey Moon of HD 1, Volant, Lawrence County, showed the junior champion, “Locust Spring Belinda Candy,” a heifer calf. The reserve junior champion. “Amy Maraudee Annie,” a senior yearling, was shown by Gary Mase of Lebanon, Lebanon County. Complete Brown Swiss results follow. BROWN SWISS Heifer Calf 1 Jeffrey R Moon Volant 2 Ronald RayDaubert Pine Grove 3 Kerry E Boy Ephrata 4 David E Feidt Millersburg Howard W Mark West Grove Youth Class Heifer Calf I Jeffrey R Moon 2 Howard W Mark 3 Jeffrey L Kennedy Butler 4 Alice N Mark West Grove Jr Year Heifer 1 MikeWelsn East Berlin 2 Tommy E Welsh East Berlin 3 David E Feidt 4 Wade Emig East Berlin 5 Gary Mase Lebanon Youth Class Jr Yr Heifer 1 Mike Welsh 2 David E Feidt 3 M.H. EBT, INC. Manufacturer of All Aluminum Track Bodies Livestock, Grain & Bulk Feed Distributor of Blue Ball, Pa. Brown Swiss grand goes to Butler Co. Wade Emig 4 Brian Sames Richland town 5 Jill Kennedy Butler Sr Year Heifer 1 William R Daubert Pme Grove 2 Gary Mase 3 Jana Beth Fantom Delli 4 John L Kennedy Butler 5 Russel T Miller Tamaqua Youth Class Sr Yr Heifer 1 Gary Mase 2 John L Kennedy Butler Jr Champion Female 1 William R Daubert Youth Class Jr Champion 1 Jeffrey R Moon Reserve Jr Champion Female 1 JeffreyE Moon Youth Class Reserve Jr Champion 1 Gary Mase 3 or 4 Dry Cow I Ronald Ray Daubert 2 Mike Welsh 3 Gary Mase 4 Kerry E Boyd 5 or Over Dry Cow 1 James L Kennedy Butler 2 Russel T Miller 2 and Under 3 Heifer 1 Kerry E Boyd 2 JanelleL Kennedy Butler 3 Carol Mundis Welsh East Berlin 4 Delaware Valley College Doylestown 5 Jeffrey L Kennedy Butler Youth Class 2to3Yr Cow 1 Janelle I Kennedy 2 Jeffrey L Kennedy 3 Gregory Fantom Delta 3 and Under 4 Cow 1 Mike Welsh 2 Gregory Fantom 3 Kathleen Kopistecki Royersford 4 William R Daubert 5 James L Kennedy Youth Class 3to4Yr Cow 1 Gregory Fantom Kopistecki 3 Alice N Mark 4 and Under 5 Cow 1 3 Delaware Valley College 2 Gary Mase 4 Linda Buffington 5 Tommy E Welsh Youth Class 4tosYr Cow 1 Gary Mase 2 Linda Buffington 3 Jana Beth Fantom 5 and Over Cow 1 James L Kennedi 2 David E Fcidt 3 WMam R Daubert 4 Linda Buf fmgton Youth Class 5 and Over Cow 1 Linda Buffington Jason Kennedy took time out Tuesday during the Brown Swiss dairy competition to rest and to contemplate some of the winnings his parents and older siblings won in the showring. Among the Kennedys' winnings were both the grand and reserve grand championships. - J 11l Aluminum Livestock Body UHPlikdal Sales & Service 717-354-4971 2 Kathleen James Kennedy, Brown Swiss grand champion from Ginny Thornburgh, wife Of the Governor, at the Farm Show, smilingly accepted a plaque Refrigerated Trailers Sr Female Champion 1 James L Kennedy Youth Class Sr Champion 1 GaryMase Sr Female Reserve Champion 1 James L Kennedy Youth Class Reserve Sr Champion 1 Gregory Fantom SMUCKER'S SALES & SERVICE RD #2, BOX 21 NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 DISTRIBUTOR FOR: r? j '•'W 2Cyl F2L-912 We Have SR2 12 h.p. Lister Diesels, as is or rebuilt. • Good used diesel • New Sputnik wheels engines and parts We mount diesels on balers, crimpers, cornpickers, etc. Install a blower fan for better diesel & refrigeration cooling. Longer life on diesel. LET ME BREATHE! IE NOW ALSO AN AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR DEUTZ DIESELS 3 h.p. to 450 h.p. FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL 717-354-4158 OR IF NO ANSWER CALL 717-354-4374. Female Grand Champion 1 James L Kennedy Female Reserve Grand Champion 3 James L Kennedy Youth CLa&s Champion 1 GaryMase Youth Class Reserve Champion 1 Gregory Fantom LISTER, PERKINS & SLANZI DIESELS The Deutz 912 series engines are different because they have direct fuel injection! Premier Breeder 1 Delaware Valley College Premier Exhibitor 1 James L Kennedy Exhibitor Herd 1 James L Kennedy 2 Delaware Valley College 3 William R Daubert 4 Tommy E Welsh 5 Kerry E Boyd For lower cost per hour power, rely on Mster) DIESEL POWER
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