Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 17, 1981, Image 136
>l6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 17,1981 D WHAT MAKES A MASTER FARMER? The Pennsylvania Master Farmer program each year recognizes a few farm operators who stand head and shoulders above the crowd. Five of the 1981 winners are dairy farmers Are they extraordinary people? Are they doing an extraordinary job? Winners must surely be doing many things right, so lets see what we can learn from these top notch farmers First of all, a Master Farmer has to be a big operator, right 9 Not at all —, the 43 milkers in the E Wayne Beshore herd would be disqualified on the basis of numbers alone In today's world it would be considered a small herd. The point is quickly made that it’s not the cow numbers that guarantee success in the business or that impresses the neigh- Tl>e Dairy Business By Newton Bair hors, the bankers and the judges It’s the quality of the product that counts The 20,000 pound herd average is one testimony to the superior ability of the Beshore management A Master Farmer should own lots of land 7 False The classic example of a very successful dairy operation is Galen Crouse, Lancaster County farmer who doesn’t own a single acre' He has an agreement with the owner of the land he farms that permits him to erect needed buildings and write them off in 20 years He’s usirg the land to produce the feed he needs at a reasonable price The economics of trying to buy $4OOO an acre land at 12 percent interest is very questionable In fact, it’s downright ridiculous to expect com and alfalfa to pay off that kind of a mor tgage Anyway, Galen Crouse is one good example that proves you don’t need to be a landowner to be a Master Farmer A Master Farmer should be a man, preferably with a good strong back Well, take another look at the list Mary Rice, of Blame, Perry County, has been the mainstay and prune mover at Blame-View Farm for over 50 years, and I don't think she owes her Master Farmer award to Womens Lab She earned it by simply practicing a whole list of very simple and sound business principles, backed up by a strong faith that surmounted many dif ficulties down through the years She has earned a good reputation as a top Holstein breeder, family financial manager and community leader Master Farmer Nevin Rice is a top notch crops man, which is also an essential ingredient of success in the dairy business Good crops and good cows go hand m hand But I’m sure that Nevm would be first to credit the guiding spirit of his mother, Mary Rice, for the success of Blame-View Farm A Master Farmer doesn’t need outside help or in formation after all, he’s a smart cookie and therefore very self reliant. This may be quite true, but look closely at how Bill Sutton of Kent County, Maryland, operates and you’ll see the reason for his shrewdness He uses every available source of good information he can get His dad was a County Agent (I hope that this was an asset), he uses the Ex tension Service program, is active in Soil Conservation, Holstein Association and Resource Development Council And he’s not alone in this kind of activity Every Master Farmer is active in these and other good organizations, and recognizes the value of keeping up-to-date on the best in modem farming technology Now, the list of qualities and attributes which are needed to become a Master Farmer can go on and on I haven’t even attempted to recite the many individual accomplishments of this year’s winners We can always point proudly at the 20,000 pound herd average, bull stud contracts, embryo tran splants, 200 bushel com yields, etc These are exemplary of the use of modern technology Many progressive farmers are using them to good ad vantage The only thing that really sets the Master Farmer apart and above his (or her) fertilizer tanks to a Calumet vacuum tank Liquid hog manure can save thousands of dollars in commercial fertilizer costs So it makes sense to preserve that value with good management. That's why Calumet recommends pairing our vacuum tank with a 2 or 4-shank Calumet soil injector. Soil plow down retains about four times the nitrogen lost with surface spreading, plus reduces odor and runoff. Stop in to see the full line of Calumet vacuum tanks in capacities from 1180 to 4500 gallons and choice of two vacuum pumps. And ask about the benefits of using a Calumet 2 or 4-shank soil injector The Calumet Company, Inc. CALUMET & NESSETH DISTRIBUTOR F. ERNEST SNOOK 3 - Box 84. Miffllnburg, Pa. 17844- Phone: 717-966-2736 fellows is that he (or she) has learned how to put a lot of very important little practices together into a very significant bundle. To be a Master Farmer, you don’t have to be a big operator, you don’t need a lot of land, you don’t necessarily need a college degree, and you don’t even have to be a man One or more of these qualities might help, but as we’ve Meet The Super Hearth Mate. It’s In A Class By Itself - - x i • Continuous-cleaning VYCOR* 4 'n. r*7-T^ glass door t ‘ 5 • Ijp to 1 2 hours of economical \ f ' « heat iv'Ti • Up to 55.000 BTI s per hour , i j • Insulls easil> and safcl> - in minutes • Fireplace and free-standing models • Five->ear limited warranty (Hesqffti • 1 >«.» HOWARD D. WEISS, INC. 2 Locations 206 Cumberland St 58 W Mam St Lebanon, PA Myerstown PA 717-274-5637 717 866-6274 Open Mon . Tues i Fn 6to 9 Open Daily 9 to 6 Wed & Thors 10 to 9 Sat 9to 3 Sat 10 to 3 Home Phone 717 949 3755 Switc with soil injector USED TANKS Used V 2250 Clay 10 Ft Chopper Pump seen, are not essential So, study the success stones of the Master Far mers Glean from them the more evident ingredients, and look deeper for the less conspicuous but significant actions and attitudes Put them together in a way that registers a measurable unpact on your fellowxnen, and you too will be a Master Farmer $2BOO