Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 17, 1981, Image 100

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    Cl2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 17,1981
often called nature’s most
nearly perfect food, but im
proper handling can
diminish its nutritional value
and flavor
The state departments of
Education and Agriculture
used Pennsylvania Farm
Show Week, to launch an
educational campaign urg
ing schools and the public to
observe several basic rules
when handling milk and milk
In cooperation with the
Pennsylvania Dairymen’s
Association and the
Keystone Milk Marketing,
Inc , the two state agencies
will supply schools
throughout the Com
monwealth with pressure
sensitive vinyl posters which
spell out proper handling of
milk These rules include-
1. Milk should be kept
cool One degree in
temperature affects its
keeping quality For best
protection milk should be
stored at 32-40 degrees
2. Milk should be kept
covered. Even milk in
cardboard containers will
develop an off-flavor if
over exposed to light.
3 Milk should be kept cur
rent. Heed the sell-by date
stamped on cartons and
always serve the earliest
dated milk first
State Education Secretary
Robert Scanlon Tuesday
said 783 public and private
schools, boarding schools
and residential care in
stitutions in Pennsylvania
OAKRYN - Fulton
Grange No 66 met in regular
session Monday at the
Grange Hall in Oakryn,
Lancaster County with the
Master, Thomas C
Galbreath, presiding
Mrs Thomas Galbreath,
chairman of the Women’s
Activities committee,
reported that they served a
Christmas dinner in
December to a Fa. m Women
J. Everett Kreider
reported that farmers beside
the Octorara Creek may get
permits to move their
machinery across the bridge
Education , Agriculture
proper milk handling
ep it cool, covered and current, urges the poster to be posted near milk
lockers at 5000 state schools. Making a milk toast to the new program are, from
left, Perry County dairyman David Roth, Agriculture Secretary Penrose
Hallowell, Education Secretary Robert Scanlon, and Keystone Milk Marketing
Council’s Don Duncan.
take part m special milk
programs. Milk is also an
important part of school
breakfast and lunch
“To insure our children
receive the benefits of milk’s
nutrients and for economic
reasons, it is imperative that
milk be handled properly,”
he said.
Scanlon said, ‘Over 300 Penrose Hallowell, the dairy
million one half-pint cartons industry is asl bilhon-a-year
Grange holds regular meeting
on route 272.
It was announced that
Lancaster County Pomona
Grange No 71 will hold their
winter meeting Saturday,
January 17th (at Fulton
Grange Hall) commencing
with a covered dish dinner at
7 pm John Hoffman,
Quarryville, will show slides
liquid supplements
of milk are consumed in our
Special Milk Program. In
fiscal year 1980, the
Education Department
distributed approximately
$5.4 million in special milk
funds, paid for in part by
funding from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture.”
According to State
Agriculture Secretary
of a recent trip for the
program Mrs Jesse Wood
will serve as chairman of a
hospitality committee which
will provide rolls, butter and
beverage for the dinner
Mrs. Jesse Wood, Lec
turer, introduced Mrs. Dons
Brown who conducted a
spelling bee with all of the
Tatamy, Pa. 18085
Phone 215-258-2871
industry which is essential
both for human nutrition and
the Commonwealth's
economic health "Milk is a
primary source of protein,
calcium, and vitamins A, B 2
and D - all essential to the
daily diet,” he said.
“Too often milk is taken
for granted, especially by
those who see it as a
necessity rather than as a
good-tasting nutritional
members participating
Miss Peggy Galbreath was
the winner.
Hobby Night will be ob
served at the next meeting
January 2b All memebers
are asked to bring their
hobbies and they should
contact Mrs Jesse Wood
before that date it possible
Improve your dairy, beef and sheep rations by
incorporating Mol Mix/LPS Liquid Supple
ments in your gram or total mixed rations
It's the proven liquid supplement formulated
to provide your herd with low cost, high
quality balanced diets for top performance.
* Adds palatability for top feed intake
* Eliminates dry. dusty rations
* Adds low cost protein
* Eliminates ration separation
* Adds needed phosphorus, vitamins and trace
♦ Does not add bulk
# Will not build up on equipment
* Flows evenly the year round
* Requires a minimum of equipment
Stop in or call today for Mol-Mix/LPS and
put palatability plus nutrition to work m your
herd for top net dollar returns
the liquid leader
This poster education
program can go a long way
toward teaching good milk
handling and drinking
habits,” Hallowell said.
New Holland RD 1
Phone 717-354-5848
Hallowell and Scanlon
asked food service directors
to display prominently the
posters in areas where the
message may be seen by
students and staff alike.