What makes Beacon shine? When we make our feeds, we manufacture them at thirteen locations and distribute them from nineteen in our area, including the middle Atlantic and tyew England states, plus the mainland portions of Mary land and Delaware. We don’t operate these facilities as “branches” They’re each autonomous satellite operations that make feeds that match the needs of farm operators in their surrounding areas Therefore, what these satellites manufacture is the We’re consistent in quality, .one of the many rea freshest, most palatable feed sons why Beacon shines Find out possible The geography and autonomy of our system does not affect our consistency in quality from plant to plant Our Quality Control lab in H. JACOB HOOBER NEW FREEDOM FARM & MARTIN’S ELEVATOR, INC. Intercourse, PA HOME SUPPLY, INC. Hacerstown, MD 717-768-3431 New Freedom, PA 301-733-2553 717-235-3606 1.0. ANDREWS & SONS, INC. HOLT’S MILL McVeystown, PA 717-637-6923 RICHARD B. KENDiG Special Accounts Representative Phone 302-478-3058 BEAC^EEDS York. PA i '/• Witmar, PA 717-393-1369 CHESTER WIEST Sales & Distribution Manager Phone 717-741-2600 . I X CALL YOUR BEACON DEALER TODAY! G.S. SNYDER FEED R& W FEEDS & HARDWARE MODEL DROS. FEED CLARK SUPPLY Cl Brodbeck, PA 717-235-1213 R.E. RUDISILL Sales t Distribution Manager Phone 717-854-2281 Beacon Milling Company, Inc. We're Employee Owned. That's Why We Shine. ‘• |VV * V f Cayuga, New York, for instance, uses the latest ana lytical techniques in assaying feed ingredients and finished feeds So, the same high quality is assured, whether it’s from York, Pennsylvania or Swanton, Vermont. What’s more, this decentralized manufacturing and distribution means you work with local people who understand local conditions You’re not just relying on a source of supply that’s hundreds of miles away. MCCRACKEN’S FEED MILL, INC. W.L. MUMMERT CO. STEVENS FEED MILL, Manheun. PA Hanover, PA Stevens, PA 717-665-2186 717-637-6923 215-267-2150 Centerport, PA 19516 215-926-3818 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10, < / more Write us Or call us collect at 315-253-7331. Beacon—head quartered in Cayuga, New York. . manufactured in plants through out the northeast. Hamburg, PA 215-562-5398 GREGORY DIEHL Beacon Advisor Phone 717-244-1824 *s s /'i Rising Sun, MD 301-658-6464 ISAAC K. LEFEVER Beacon Advisor - Phone 215-267-7042