B3B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981 TRUCKS a TRAILERS 73 White conventional 318 engine, 13 speed 185 wheelbase good condition records kept Priced at $BOOO Ph Sundays 717 382 4625 1974 Winnebago gooseneck triaxle trailer gram livestock trailer with dump body Has hay rank short sides spare and 3 pt 4utch tor pulling v/ith farm tractor ex cei'ent condition 609 261 -959 l v AUTOMOBILES JACK HELPS YOU BEAT INFLATION He's Got 18 WAYS TO SAVE YOU MONEY ONE OF THE WAYS IS INTEREST EQUALIZATION STARTING RIGHT NOW CHRYSLER CORP WILL PAY YOU 7% OF THE MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ON 1981 DODGES Slock No 1012 BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K-CAR SPECIAL EDITION 2 DOOR SEDAN. Pearl S7OQQ White with tan vinyl bucket seats light package power disc brakes console mounted automatic L6SS7%SBT transmission 2 6 litre eng ne digital'■‘ock deluxe time delay wipe s vinyl body side molding powe $7O J O steering road wheels white s dewall radial tires A FRONTWHEEL DRIVE Stock No 1037 BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K. KAR it Ano CUSTOM 4 DOOR. Light seasprav green metallic J with dolt A vinyl bench seal basic group power disc Ipcc CCC brakes automatic 2 6 litre engine 'ower body vinyl prctevtion vinyl body side molding upper door S£QOQ frame moldings heaw duty suspension Stock M o 1036 BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K-KAR CUSTOM 2 SEAT WAGON. Baron red v nvi *7069 bench seat 4 speed manual tloo- shift 2 2 hw i pcc 7°/ 51 O engine left renote control mirror lower body vinyl • 'O protection heavy duty suspension power steering JCCCft PI 75x76R13 white sidewall glass belted radiais 033A1 Stock No 1010 BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K-KAR CUSTOM 4 DOOR SEDAN. Burnished silver metallic with red cloth t vinyl interior torquefl'te /JLafcf transmission 2 2 lure engine remote control out t pcc 7
'de molding P175x75R13 white sidewall glass belted radial tires Slock No 1039 BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K. KAR CUSTOM 2 DOOR. Pearl white with c’oth A vinyl *6209 4 speed 0 litre engine left remotecon . AOt* trol n irrcr vinyl side molding inside hood release LGSS /% 436 bumper protective ub strips day night mside mir ror GI7Sx7SR black sidewall radial tires front *5773 WHEEL DRIVE and SIX PASSENGER SEATING. Stork No ;558 SCCQ/I BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE OMNI MISER 4 330** DOOR HATCHBACK. G’encoe green metillic LgSS 7% 436 vmy l bucket seals 4 speed manual f oo- _»hiit 1 7 litreenrine Pi 358DR13 glass belted rah als $ 5194 LOWRY JERSEY SHORE, PA Phone (717) 398-1590 TRUCKS & TRAILERS 1979 Ford Fl5O lon pickup 351 4 speed 15 000 miles AM FM rust proof ex cond 54150 717 859 3291 or 733 4884 1967 CMC 3500 snes 13 ft flatbed 14 000 GVW good rubber V 6 engine has less than 1000 miles since rebuilt good car hauler or hay hauler Also 1949 Chevy Thnftmaster flatbed with grain sides 9 ft body new brakes good motor tires fait 55000 original miles Call 21 5 756 421 1 or 215 756 6612 _ For Sale 861 Mack tandem dump diesel new bearings & crank turned needs piston body m fair condition 215 445 6541 AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS Cr TRAILERS I f tiu Jt c I t X, Van trailer wood iiw slider 20 radials 40 Great Dane trailer Thermo King reefer slider 22 tires 67 Diamond ICO 238 10 speed twin screw storage trailers tor sale or rent Keens 717 626 5420 1978 Chevy , ton 4 wnce' dnve pickup 350 auto PS PB 24 000 miles ex cond 54850 717 859 3291 or 733 4884 Chicago' Pneumatic 250 RG 2 Air Compressor with D 282 IH Diesel Engine mounted on IFT 1600 Loadstar Reduced to S 3 895 Call 215 367 2169 AUTOMOBILES , HURRY..JACK’S SELECTION OF 1980 MODELS IS SHRINKING! Jack says "THANK YOU" to the many people who have already bought... they saved a lot and Jack saved the interest he would have had to pay. SEVERAL 1980 MODELS And Jack Is Willing To Sell Them At Factory Invoice Just To Get Out From Under The Interest YOU CAN FINANCE AT 14.34% APR Or Write The Check In Full To Chrysler Corp. And Jack Will Make Up The Interest Difference" DEALERS ARE WELCOME (Manufacturer’s Certificate Of Origin Will Be Given With Each Car) ALL THESE NEW DODGES CARRY FREE, UNLIMITED MILEAGE, 3 YEAR RUSTPROOF GUARANTEE PLUS JACK’S 10 A MILE* OFFER BRING YOUR TRADE AND LOOK ’EM OVER... If You Think The Invoice Price Is Too High For Your Budget ‘Jack will pay you 10‘ a mile to make the-tnp from your home to Jack Lowry Dodge Up to S2O 00 TRUCKS b TRAILERS H '». fru i f j 4 UUU lb Cdpu>_uj 2U tl bed 717 425 3113 New 1980 30 aluminum dump trailer square box 20 tires coal shule $l6 000 717 432 2546 197cTSuburbain 4 WD ton 3 speed V 8 $l2OO 1965 IH Scout 4 WD 4 cyl $550 Cecil Co MD 301 398 9515 For Sale 1970 C6O Chevy 366 motor new 900 x 20 tires with 26 aluminum steel cattle body side ramps 2 swinging dividers Will sell body separately Wilson 42 Pot Belly cattle trailer 1000 x 22 tubber dividiers A'so aluminum cattle racks for 16 to 20 body 201 538 6234 or P O Box 4 Hign Bridge NJ 08829 AUTOMOBILES, STILL REMAIN MAKE JACK AN OFFER TRUCKS ft TRAILERS Hot bale 1 < rord gram buck dump c/ain sides O u,o condition SIdOO 71/ 02-+ /085 or 717 624 2429 For Sale Oak flat bed body Bxl2 excellent condition 53 Chevy cab and chassis running 215 692 84 76 before 730 a m or aftei 730 p m detroit CONNECTION ► TRUCKS E» TRAILERS For Sale 4 Custom sport dune king tires size L6O 15 mounted on chrome wheels excellent con dition Call 215 683 7383 between 8 5 1979 Dodge D5O Pickup 4 cylinder 4 speed 9000 miles excellent condition 54650 717 859 3291 or 733 4884 Stock No 1059 Stock No 2045 BRAND NEW 1980 DODGE DIPLOMAT 2 DOOR drUKI COUPE Nightwatch blue and frost blue metallic blue cloth & vinyl interior automatic power steering A brakes tinted glass air conditioning convert tional spare tires white sidewall radial tires LIST PRICE 57025 FACTORY INVOICE *6171 8 more to choose from 6 two doors, 2 lour doors TRUCKS & TRAILERS For Sale 1972 Chev truck licensed for 30 000 lbs new paint new battery good 10x20 tires and current inspection Ideal tor gram truck 189 wheel base Phone 717 426 2181 or 717 426 3022 1976 D6OO Dodge truck with Morgan 20 van body GVW 21 000 lbs rebuilt engine 1977 C6OO Morgan van body GVW 21 000 lbs both with current inspection Can be seen at Win Kit Co Rt 897 Remholds PA or call 215 5551 1980 Dodge D 150 Pickup A PS PB 6 cyl 7000 miles camper top Call 717 626 8892 AUTOMOBILES 1950 Plymouth 4 door sedan running condition S3OO Call after 5 H 7 786 7930