EPHRATA sylvama has been, is and will continue to be an out standing agricultural state. As long as farmers have available land to work and they are free to make reasonable returns on their investment, and people continue to need three square meals a day, Penn sylvania w ill remain a top ag state.” THIRD ANNUAL PUBLIC AUCTION OF USED AND NEW FARM EQUIPMENT AND LAWN AND CARDEN EQUIPMENT TUESDAY, JANUARY 27.1981 9:00 A.M. (Blizzard Date • January 29) Selling-Tractors, Balers. Spreaders, Skid Loaders. Running Gears, Mowers, Rakes, Mower Conditioners, Corn Planteis, Forage Equipment. Scraper Blades, Misc Hay Equipment, and other Miscellaneous Farm Equipment WATCH NEXT WEEK’S ISSUE FOR COMPLETE LISTING OF EQUIPMENT AC ROTO-TILLER TO BE GIVEN AWAY AS DOOR PRIZE TO REGISTERED BUYER MUST BE PRESENT AT DRAWING TO WIN 1 BATTERY SALE 1. 12 VOLT AM31186 . AR67338 . AT29157. . AT29158.. AT29159.. AT29160. . AR46115 . 6 VOLT AR46114 . AR45450 . AR7455 .. 8 VOLT TY6027. .VI 455 61.99. ★ Prices good till January 31,1981 • Batteries will be charged and • Credit for old batteries ready to go to work • Pius save 5% cash off sale price ABC GROFF, INC.KiUU OUR TRUCKS ARE RADIO CONTROLLED M STORE HOURS Sine* 1890 'HHHK Mon.Tues.Wed 110 S Railroad Ave Thurs . Fn New Holland, PA 17557 Sat 7-5 Parts 717-354-4191 7-9 Sales 717-354-4731 7-4 Service 717-354-8004 OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY TILL 9 PM PennAg official sees bright future for farmers Robert L. Wemdel, division farm enterprise service manager for Agway, Inc., southern division, cited the commonwealth as one of the key breadbaskets of the East. “Penn- “Twenty-five per cent of the nation’s population is centered in the Boston- Washmgton area,” he stated, “and because of the increasing cost of tran- JACK FROST Get Ready For Winter Now Jlnd Save Dependable Power John Deere Batteries. You can depend on a John Deere Battery to provide the starting power when you need it John Deere Batteries are built tough to give you trouble-free service, even in the most rugged use And, they’re backed by the no-nonsense John Deere Battery Warranty We have batteries for nearly every engine-powered machine Ask us for details Cold Cranking Amp ..260 . . ..370 . . BCI Group 22F 24 255 385 24 24T 475 570 30H 30H 3ET 425 545 830 830 . 1 . 3EH 5D sportation, Pennsylvania is, and will become, more and more self-sufficient in the production of food for this area. “There’s no question m my mind that people are going to have to get accustomed to paying more for food,” Wemdel states. “I see food prices rising 10 per cent annually for the next five years, that means that food will be 50 per cent higher by 1985.” But it’s important for the consumer to remember that those spiraling costs aren’t all tied back to the farmer, COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF HOLSTEIN HERD OF PATRICIA & JOHN BERGER Lycoming Co. Located at Green Dragon Livestock Market, Ephrata, Pa. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 85 head, 58 mature cows, 17 bred heifers, balance open heifers Half of herd Purebreds including 12 Elevations, Bootmaker plus other top sires Sale Manager Walter Risser SALE . 43.99 58.99 42.99 57.99 List 48.99. 66.99. 47.99. . 64.99. . 83.99. . 92.99. . 68.99. 73.99 .81.99 60.99 46.99 65.99 78.99 . 52.99. . 74.99. . 88.99. 54.99 Robert L. Weindel Ag Progress dates set PINE GROVE MILLS Penn State’s Agricultural Progress Days 1981 will be held Tuesday, August 25; Wednesday, August 26; and Thursday, August 27. Ag Progress Days is an educational event sponsored by Penn State’s College of Agriculture in cooperation with many agricultural businesses and industries as well as state and federal agencies serving PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Located 4 miles west of Nine Points, 5 miles east of Quarryville, 1 mile east of Black Rock, along the Bartville Road, Lane. Co. Penna. LIVESTOCK Pair of Red Roan horses, 9 years old, broke to work single or double; Pair of roan horses 12 and 14 years old good workers; Old Roan horse, will work anywhere, 4 year old gray horse and 7 year old black horse both good off-side workers. Holstein service age stock bull, from dam with 22,000 lb. milk record. Accredited herd FARM EQUIPMENT International “WD6” and “WD9” tractors on steel both in good condition New Holland “79” baler with 4 eye. motor; in good condition, New Holland #456 7’ hyd lift mower, used one season; New Holland 4-bar side rake, Fisher hay tedder, New Idea side rake; New Idea 32’ elevator, 27’ elevator, New Idea #323 corn picker, like new; McD corn binder with loader and engine mount, McD ground driven corn binder, John Deere #999 corn planter; McD #7 and Large Papec ensilage cutters; New Idea #lOB manure spreader, Ontario disk gram drill, Mechanical transplanter; John Deere KBA disc harrow, McD 2-way riding plow; 14” single bottom trailer plow; 2- section spring harrow, cultimulcher, McD riding cultivator, Wiard #lO6 walking plow, Two E-Z Trail steel wheel flat bed wagons, three fore-trucks one with auto-turn, spring wagon, in good condition, braking cart, Water tank on running gears; 165 gallon field sprayer, hay rack on running gears, Potato planter, potato digger, potato plow, potato grader, Wisconsin 30 h p motor, like new, two Bnggs-Stratton engines to use on mower and corn binder, Hi-pressure water pump; fast feed corn sheller, two hole corn sheller, 600 tomatoe baskets; 36’ extension ladder, plat form scales, Minnich tobacco press, wheelbarrow, feed carts, 7” endless drive belt, other belts, all sizes, Remmmgton chain saw, storm windows, sledges, fence posts, pipe fittings, Come-a-long, 40 milk cans, two 20 lb and one 40 lb milk pails, strainer, vacuum can lift, fencers, Eight sets of front gears, yankee harness, collars, bridles, lines, 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 horse hitches, Some Household Goods-Warm Morning gas heater, like new, sofa, crocks, A few antiques, 1 roll top bed, chest of drawers, some dishes, Sale 10:00 A.M Owner, JOHN S. STOLTZFUS Diffenbach’s Auctioneers LUNCH AVAILABLE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981—A39 We ndel stressed. “In 1981, average farm income will probably be as good as it was in 1980,” Weindel reasoned. i-Tessure on production costs will continued, and prices of input commodities will continue to rise, but farm prices, in general will keep pace. Wemdel, who has as a president ana director producers and sumers The College of Agriculture’s Agricult ural Research Center at Rock Springs (nine mules west of State College on route 45) is the permanent site for Ag Progress Days. Traditionally, ac tivities and themes for Ag Progress Days focus on agriculture and offer our expected 40,000+ visitors the opportunity to review the present and look into the future, of PennAg Industries Association, the trade organization representing some 500 agribusinesses in Pennsylvania, foresees plenty of milk, eggs, pork, beef, and gram produced in 1981 He said he believes that there should be an abundant supply of all the raw materials needed for far mers to operate. But, he cautioned, “costs will continue to go up because of such factors as transportation, labor, and government regulations, as well as other factors. “Most farmers will need to plan their operation very carefully,” he cautions. “They will have to be careful they don’t overextend themselves financially, and they will have to keep their current bills paid.” con- Energy Show At East Towne Mall LANCASTER - A furnace that burns five different fuels, a solar window unit, wood and coal stoves, a fuel additive which gives 20 to 40% better ef ficiency to any engine, energy efficient cars, in sulation and storm windows All of these plus lots more will be exhibited and displayed at the Energy Show at the East Towne Mall, January 15, 16 and 17 from 10 00A.M to 9 30PM daily Fireplace inserts, chimney sweeps, kerosene heaters, solar hot water heater, doing an energy audit and more. In conjunction with the Energy Show, free Energy Seminars will be conducted Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday af ternoon Subjects are varied givmg practical how-to and safety tips on chopping wood, saving fuel, keeping warm and saving money Seminars are free and open to the public They are designed to be educational as well as informative. A complete list of subjects and times is posted at East Towne Mall The Energy Show is free and open to the public. East Towne Mall is located along Route 30 East of Lancaster. RED lirfgr WING W' BOOKS SHOE SERVICE 107 E STATES! QUARRYVILLE. PA 17566 717-786-2795 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS
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