Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 10, 1981, Image 35

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    Tobacco show
(Continued from Page A 34)
wife, Kandy, of 508
Georgetown Rd.
Roger had the champion
wrapper, while Kandy had
the champion filler and
binder entries
Another of the Rohrer
entrants, Eugene, Rl,
Strasburg, gave some in
sight into how he goes about
getting ready for the show.
• As we strip the tobacco
crop, we re constantly
picking out leaves that look
good and set them aside,” he
This year, Eugene had
some 17 acres of tobacco out.
The Fences of the Future
Wire with a breaking strength of
1800 lbs Expected life of 35 to 50 +
• KIWI Fence Accessories
to make installing easy
• KOPPERS Treated Posts
to maintain a 40 year + expected
life in the fence
Prices will increase after the Farm Show
My Prices Are Hard To Beat!
Rdl, Box 111, Blairsville, PA 15717
Pfv 412-459-8991
I also have the US Steel
“How To Book" - $5.00 + tax
and shipping $1.50
f r-
DAN KOLB, Spring City, Pa.
This is my third year with the Harvestall system,
and I’ve found it to be ideal for my setup. I’ve
harvested corn at 30% with no problem. The thing I
really like about the Harvestall is that I don’t have
to babysit a dryer. I can fill it and forget it. Plus
there are really no major moving parts to wear out
or break down.
“I can cure down 26%-30% corn for around 6C
to 8C a bushel. 24%-25% would run considerably
“The way the Harvestall works is simple and
effective. As for those who are skeptical, it’s like
the bumble bee: according to scientists he’s not
supposed to be able to fly. But he’s too dumb to
know it, so he flies anyway. So regardless of what
anyone says, the Harvestall system works. It works
for me and I’m happy with it. I do recommend the
Harvestall for its economy and for its considerable
savings on energy.”
Then, a couple of hundred
leaves or so that are initially
selected are gone through
and weeded out until the best
hands are picked in the
various classes of com
Eugene also explained
some of the management
practices he follows in
growing his crop
'One of the things that we
tried to do this year because
of the hot, dry weather was
to keep on top of the in
sects,” he said
We sprayed three tmies
for insects If you don’t keep
ahead of them, insects can
really take the life out of
The Eugene Rohrer
spraying program included
a pre-spray, another at mid
season and finally a topping
Rohrer estimated his crop
at two pounds to the lathe or
a yield of a ton to the acre
All in all, the tobacco crop,
as represented in the show,
showed a better quality than
in recent previous years
Shed burn, which had
plagued county tobacco for
the past five years, was non
existent this year due to the
dry curing weather
Entries from different
parts of the county also
showed the variances in
rainfall received during the
growing season
As the judges moved
among the various hands,
they looked for evenness of
color of the leaves, smooth
and soft texture and fine
More than once, com
ments such as, "this tobacco
will really drink,” were
This comment referred to
the moisture absorption
quality of the particular
tobacco, one of the chief
characteristics now sought
for chewing tobacco
Premium money for the
show was donated by the
Lancaster Leaf Tobacco
Board of Trade
Top placings in the open
competition include
Long Wrappers
Roger M Rohrer, 508
Georgetown Rd, 1 and
champion, Kerry E Boyd,
R 5 Ephrata, 2, Kandy J
Rohrer, 508 Georgetown Rd.,
3, Eugene M Rohrer,, R 1
Strasburg, 4, Bob Keeney,,
R 4 Manheim, 5
, .works.
I net
big energy
savings and
I don’t
have to
4-H winners were named in
tobacco and corn judging at
the Farm and Home Center
on Tuesday
The grand championship
and first place in the FFA
wrapper competition went to
Nelson Dohner, R 1
The reserve championship
and first place in the filler
competition was taken by
Scott Shertzer, RI Miller
The top spot in the FFA
corn judging was won by
Barry L Geib, R 4,
In the limited 4-H com-
Gail, Dawn, Lois and Tern
Rohrer, all 1428 Lime Valley
Road, 1,2, 3 and 4, Mike
Rohrer, Rl, Strasburg„s
Long Fillers
Kandy Rohrer, champion
and 1, Kerry Boyd, 2, Roger
Rohrer, 3, Eugene Rohrer,
Rl Strasburg, 4, Mike
Rohrer, 5
Eugene Rohrer, 1; Gail,
Dawn, Don and Lois Rohrer,
all 1428 Lime Valley Rd , 2,3,
4 and 5
Kandy Rohrer, 1 and
champion, Don Rohrer, 2,
Roger Rohrer, 3, Eugene
Rohrer, 4, Wilma Boyd, R 5,
Ephrata, 5
Lois, Gail and Dawn
Rohrer, all 1428 Lime Valley
Road, 1, 4 and 5, Kandy
Rohrer, 2, and Roger
Rohrer, 3
Advanced Ag Systems
R.D. 2, Box 174
Elverson, Pa. 19520
Ken Sauder Milford Mast
717-656-6519 215-286-9118
Lancaster FFA tobacco,
com winners named
Short Wrappers
Short Fillers
Long Binders
Short Binders
It's simple When grain comes out of the field it’s a living
seed So instead of destroying the seed with high heat,
moisture is removed with natural air ventilation Thegram
keeps all its feed value, there is less shrinkage than with
heat drying because only moisture is removed, not dry
matter You’ll never see white dust in chillcured corn You
actually save half of what you’re used to losing m heat
There’s no oil or gas to buy Natural air carries away
heat and moisture as the corn releases it
Harvestall Chillcunng is a “back-to-basics” system that
just simply makes good sense Find out more about it
Lancaster Famine, Saturday, January 10,1981—A35
petition, Jeff Barley, R 2,
Lancaster, took the top spots
in all three categories -
wrapper, filler and corn
Second spots in the tobacco
judging went to James
Stauffer, 345 Weaver Rd.,
The top 10 placings in the
FFA filler tobacco class,
which attracted 34 entries:
1, Scott Shertzer, 2, Jeff
Rohrer, Manheim Central,
3, Dennis Shelly, Manheim
Central, 4, Mike Hess,
Manheim Central, 5, Tom
Barley, Rl, Millersville, 6,
Jim Harnish, R 6, Lancaster,
7, Kim Miller, R 2,
Conestoga; 8, Ken Greider,
R 2 Conestoga, 9, Kevin
Bauman, 111, Millersville,
10, Jere R Neff, Rl
The top 10 placings in the
FFA wrapper tobacco class,
USDA suspends
produce license
PATCHOGUE NY - A purchased between May and
New York firm, Cory August of 1979.
Farms, Inc ,of Patchogue, The Patchogue firm had
has become ineligible to an opportunity to answer the
operate in the produce in- shipper’s charge However,
dustry under the Perishable f lrm did n °f respond, and
Agricultural Commodities USDA ordered payment of
Act (PACA) and had its the amount claimed
license suspended for failing
to pay a reparation award of
U S Department of
Agriculture officials said the
award was in favor of a New
York dealer for numerous
lots of fruits and vegetables
nHrSn Harvestall
MxW” Chillcuring System
which attracted 23 entries
1, Nelson Dohner, HI,
Elizabethtown, 2, Jim Hess,
R 6, Lititz, J, Nancy Barley,
HI, Millersville, 4, Duane
Shelly, R 6, Manheun, 5,
John T Wiker Jr, R 2,
Conestoga, 6, John Dohner,
HI, Elizabethtown; 7, Jeff
Barley, HI, Millersville, 8,
William Hursh Jr., HI, New
Holland, 9, Gary Bitts, HI,
Millersville, and 10, Jay
Frey, R 2, Conestoga
The seven entrants, in
order of finish, in the FFA
corn competition
Barry Geib, R 4, Manheun,
Gary Bitts, R 2, Lancaster,
Mike Pfheger, R 4,
Manheun, Steve Mam, Rl,
Washington Boro, Jeff
Barley, R 2, Washington
Boro, Brian Barley, Rl,
Washington Boro, and Jere
Neff, Rl, Millersville —DA
Charles Brader, an official
with USDA's Agricultural
Marketing Service, said the
act provides for damages to
be paid by tnose who fail to
meet their contractual
obligations in buying and
selling fresh and frozen
fruits and vegetables
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