Larry Groff WE INVITE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO STOP BY AND SEE US AND THE FORD TRACTOR LINE-UP AT THE PA FARM SHOW ALL NEXT WEEK J JANUARY 12-16 See the Ford built cub which offers more CONVENIENCE, ROOMINESS And VISIBILITY * Ask About Our Farm Show Specials & Factory Rebates * Save 10 % On Hourly Service Charges During January Hake your investment in time and money pay off. Visit Acorn. Mark II ’ Alley Scraper Nev; Mark IV " Alley Scraper Don t forget the hidden cost of farm equipment Travel expense and time away from your farm add up to a sizeable investment whether you shop at equipment dealers or farm expositions You can make your investment pay off handsomely by visiting A corn Equipment We II show you why Acorn is the leader in livestock agricultural equipment technology An investment in Acorn silo unloaders feeding and conveying systems manure handling equipment barn equipment and See us at the Pennsylvania Farm Show, Specialists in livestock agricultural equipment space 12 & 13 in the beef barn. than any other. LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, (THE FRIENDLY STORE WHERE YOU GET MORE) 1655 Rohrerstown Road, Lancaster, Pa. 17601 Flory Mill Exit off 283 MEET OUR TEAM and Choose From 21 Ford Tractor Models 2 or 4 wheel drive Compact Diesels All-Purpose Sizes TW Series FW Series Industrial Tractor Loaders Lawn and Garden Tractors & Equipment Consumer Products Phone- 717-569-7063 Super 600' s Chain Gutter Cleaner rn Equipment ventilation systems will pay returns for years to come because they re all built to operate for years and years And with minimal maintenance And while you re visiting us, we II be happy to talk to you about a financial plan either buy or lease that will fit your special situation And that could well be worth your time and trouble alone f II str If i n ,ji)f ( M « } nmi nni )» n a i I'M! vlh i jit ’ vl mt t - !l. [ .1 lh lun /UwVS (Mil tnd Allan Herr JWL I Ventilation Systems 13-30 h.p 32 - 84 h.p. 110-163 h.p. 210 -335 h.p. INC. Transfer Pump acorn I acrasystoSs I Acorn Equipment Corp. % atm M Stevens Point Wl 54481 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981—A33 ‘Mann on tlie spot’ (Continued from Page Al) the realm ol the present show ‘Many non-farm people come to the show essentially out of curosity,” he speculates 1 believe we should strive to go farther than just show them large pieces of equipment, along with their price tags A lot of people don’t have the slightest idea of how this equipment is used • Maybe, we could be more specific in displays and show the sequence of use on a farm • Also, these people are unaware of the overall in vestment and just how little a span of time some of the equipment may be used 'And while the time span of use may be brief, just how vital it is to the farming operation And then tie ail of this together, with emphasis on the rising costs of produc tion, to the various farm commodities, which also are on display at the show ” In this explanation lies Mann’s simple but most inclusive philosophy of the Farm Show and how more understanding and vitality might be injected into the static displays Pausing amidst his jam packed schedule just prior to the opening of the show, Mann also looked back a bit to his previous stay in the sprawling Farm Show Complex ‘ You can’t really make a comparsion from then to. now in terms of growth,” he explains Franklin Fair Commission to meet CHAMBERSBURG - The Franklin County Fair Commission will meet at 7 30 p.m. on January 21,1981 at the Chambersburg Rod & Gun rinh ir~ _ Si''’'* Savage™ Silo Unloader sß&Srrr -gw Overffite * Travel Feeder and Big Red" Feed Bunk Visit us in person or cali toll free 1-800-826-0230 # In Wisconsin call 1-800-472-0568 In Canada cali 1-715-344-0061, Collect Ask for details about Acorn s one-year limited warranty "After all, we’re limited by the physical space that is available ” Mann, who recently served a six-year stint as farm manager at the Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown, digressed a bit to explain that one of the more noticeable changes this year will be the layout of the mam exhibition area (A diagram of the area can be found on Page D 22 of this issue ) The real change in the show.” he continues, ‘is the growth of Pennsylvania agriculture in terms of quality and technology ” And there are enough changes from year to year in this regard to make the State Farm Show a vital and living agricultural showcase. And from the time that Mann last stood in the complex in the early-1970’5, the evolutionary and sometimes revolutionary farming changes are quite dramatic But there’s one change that Mann would par ticularly like to see when this year’s show gets off and running on a full schedule on Monday I remember 1 awoke to an 18-inch snowfall on Monday morning of my first Farm Show back in 1964. But the show went on as usual ” This year ’ Like the rest of us, the Mann on tne spot” will have to wait to see what the weather holds But in any event, the Farm Show is ready and awaiting the crowds of farm and non tarm people alike Names of all organization representatives must be in by this date All clubs and organizations should be represented New Ad)usta-flo’'
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