A24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981 Walker introduc reform WASHINGTON, DC. - Pennsylvania's 16th district Congressman Bob Walker Monday announced that the first piece of legislation he introduced at the opening session of the 97th Congress was the Food Stamp Reform Act of 1981 The Walker proposal would convert the current program mto one entirely run by the states at an an ticipated savings of some $5OO million in duplicative administrative costs One of the top priorities of the new Congress and Administration must be to eliminate wasteful fedeial spending pi actices This Food Stamp Reform proposal speaks directly to tins problem by initially saving half a billion dollars in unnecessary ad ministrative costs Over the long run it could cut $2 billion from a $lO billion program and still provide nutritional assistance to the truly needy,” Wa’ker commented as he submitted his proposal following the sweanng-m cei emomes today Walker explained the Senate Agriculture Com ncitee has a'reaay indicated it; desire to uvise the Food St. mp Program and that ending social v.elfaie programs t f ,aste and fraud is a top , rmrity of the Reagan Adi aaistiation The prc /am currently being adnv. Ktered by the Department of Agriculture has increas’d .10,000 percent since its creation 17 year? ago Yet m • hi. ci ush of this expansion, the ad ministrate)! s have lost sight of the programs original purpose of providing nutritional assistance to the truly needy Walker said “This proposal presents a real alternative to the failure of the present Food Stamp Program by requiring states to include nutritional FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALE! 25% t 030% OFF Convert your existing fireplace to *ffi cient woodsiove heat today' CHESTER B. NOLT 30 S. Hershey Ave. (Barev ille) Leola, Pa. 17540 PHONE (717) 656-6898 Hours: Mon. & Tues. By Appointment Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10 to 8; Sat. 10 to 4 measure components in their programs and by permitting states to establish workfare requirements to tighten eligibility,” he added The Walker Food Stamp Reform proposal contains language similar to legislation he introduced during the previous Congress. It finances the food stamp program with block grants to the states thereby eliminating much ad ministrative overhead cost and assuring a more ef ficient program It provides for significant reductions in fraud, waste, and abuse by encouraging the states to run tight programs so that they would qualify for discretionary use of excess funds It requires the states to include a nutritional com ponent in their programs to assure reduced costs and to reestablish the intent of the program - that nutritional needs be served It permits the states to establish workfaie com ponents with stricter work i equirements than pi esenlly exist, a concept which has been shown in demon stration projects to s’gailicantly icduce c aseloads and costs 1 am cosponsoring separate pieces ot legislation to piovide tax relief to small business and to index per sonal income taxes I have also agreed to cosponsor a Constitutional Amendment proposal requmng a balanced federal budget and the Administrative Rule making Reform Act - a bill which provides for a legislative veto option on federal agency regulations,” Walker explained ‘All these proposals are clearly in line with the plans the Reagan Administration has for its first several months in office Fireplace Insert Easily fits your existing fire place' Comes complete with blower for even greater efft ciency 1 Your choice of two sizes large size heats up to 2500 sq ft Regular Price Discount $739 $214 *525 es SMICKSBUKG - Darlene McConaughey, daughter of Clyde & Lois McConaughey, Smicksburg, has been named the 1981 National Southdown Queen at the North American Livestock Exposition. Darlene was selected on the basis of personal ap pearance, poise, knowledge of Southdown Sheep and garment appearance Her self-made garment was a 100% wool Pendleton suit of teal blue jacket and a matching plaid skirt During liex leign as National Southdown Queen Darlene will assist with vaiious Southdown promotions, including participation at local, county, state and national shows handing out nbbons and taking care ot a Southdown Promotional booth which she will set up She is currently the owner ot 35 head ot sheep and has exhibited sheep both locally and at the Keystone DOEBLER'S are offering 40 hybrids that have been researched exten sively and are adapted to environmental conditions common to the east. DOEBLER'S have relative maturity ranges from 78 days to full season 125 days which are producing outstanding yields for their respective areas. We feel there are many reasons for buying DOEBLER’S hybrids. For example: SIMPLICITY —DOBLER’S sell a full 56 lb bushel, still by far the most economical way to buy seed corn. RESEARCH —ln 1980 DOEBLER'S had 6 mach ine harvested research plots and over 125 strip tests planted throughout our 8 state sales area. The main objective for this type of thorough research is to provide better hybrids for the diversified conditions of farmers in the east. DOEBLER'S ybrids Mk ImW 9 faM (fffjm FOR TOE EAST NETWTS4IAS W/wf oumfjrs utt*tx> inc «nt M««| m<—* /*» r% I r- j»»<B McConaughey wears National Southdown crown Livestock Exposition Darlene has been on The Indiana County 4-H Livestock Judging Feain tor the past 4 y eai s She has won the county judging contest twice as high individual She has also won Mastei Fitting and Showman awards for the past 8 years in County 4-H Shows Other honors are Penna 4-H Sheep State winner 1979, Outstanding County Livestoi k Member, Penn sylvania Outstanding 4-H lavestock Producer, Vice- President lot County Council, Member ol The County Uimb and Wool Gi owers Boai d ot Direcloi s. and 1980 Pa State Com modity Mai keting Winner Dailene is a senior at Punxsutawney Area Senior High School, Punxsutawney The McConaughey family was the Commonwealths first farm family to be honoi ed by a Pennsylvania s Goveinor Kichard Thorn burgh as The Farm Show Family ot The Year ot 1980 Over 14,000 farmers have called upon DOEBLER’S 40 year experience for their seed corn needs. In the tutuie, Darlene will University where she wil attend Penna State major in Horticulture EBLER ds HYBRIDS, INC i 171 ft LBS /SitTV, « Jp PERFORMANCE —This year DOEBLER’S customers have reported outstanding yields. Tests from Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia and Ohio have proven the quality of DOEBLER’S hybrids. PRICE —DOEBLER’S have again priced their hybrids at a realistic level. Our hybrids start at $34.80 for double crosses and for the top of the line (single cross flats and rounds) $51.80 per 56 lb. bushel. WE WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM AND WOULD LIKE YOU TO JOIN US FOR THE 1981 GROWING SEASON SEE US AT THE PENNSYLVANIA FARM SHOW DOEBLER'S PENNA. HYBRIDS, INC. R D I. Box 424 Jersey Shore Penna 17740 Phone 717-753 3210 Darlene McConaughey grmn THE EAS BOOTHS 554 & 577
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